RTMNU Commerce Time Table Exam Summer 2020 (BCom, BBA, MCA, MBA, BCCA, MCM,PGDCCA,MCom) RTMNU Commerce Time Table Exam Summer 2020 (BCom, BBA, MCA, MBA, BCCA, MCM,PGDCCA,MCom)
Nagpur University (RTMNU), has announced the post graduate and undergraduate three year / four year semester examination time table for the session Summer2020. University is all set to conduct all semesters examination from march april may 2019. Visit links Below to download the time table. University conducts BA BSc B.Com MBA BBA examination from march 2020.
Note: Time table is in P.D.F Format You can View or download timetable for your convenience.
Nagpur University (RTMNU), has announced the post graduate and undergraduate three year / four year semester examination time table for the session Summer2020. University is all set to conduct all semesters examination from march april may 2019. Visit links Below to download the time table. University conducts BA BSc B.Com MBA BBA examination from march 2020.
Note: Time table is in P.D.F Format You can View or download timetable for your convenience.
Faculty of Commerce
- Notification Regarding Change in Examination Timetable of 10-April-2019, 11-April-2019 & 12-April-2019 due to Forthcoming Lok Sabha Election and also Change in M.Sc. Forensic Science IIIrd Semester Timetable
- D.I.R.P.M. Ist Sem (CBS), D.B.M. Ist Sem (CBS), D.I.R.P.M. 2nd Sem (CBS), M.I.R.P.M. Ist sem (CBCS), M.I.R.P.M. 2nd Sem (CBCS), M.I.R.P.M. 3rd Sem (CBS), M.I.R.P.M. 2nd Sem (CBS), M.I.R.P.M. 3rd Sem (CBCS), D.B.M. 2nd Sem (CBS), M.I.R.P.M. 4th Sem (CBS), M.I.R.P.M. 4th Sem (CBCS)
- B.Com (Computer Application) Semester-IV
- B.Com (Computer Application) Semester-II
- B.Com (Computer Application) Semester-VI
- B.Com Second Semester
- B.Com Fourth Semester
- B.Com Sixth Semester
- B.B.A. Second Semester (C.B.S.) and Fourth Semester (C.B.S.)
- M.B.A. (C.B.C.S.) 1st Sem, 2nd Sem, 3rd Sem, 4th Sem & M.B.A. (C.B.S.) 4th Sem
- B.VOC 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Semester
- M.Com. (Prof.) 2nd Semester (C.B.C.S.)
- M.Com. (Prof.) 4th Semester (C.B.C.S.) and 4th Semester (C.B.S.)
- M.Com. Semester-II (C.B.C.S.)
- M.Com 4th Semester (C.B.C.S.) & 4th Semester (C.B.S.)
- M.Phil. Arts
- M.Phil. of pali and prakrit
- M.Phil. (Commerce)
- M.Phil. (Education and Physical Education)
- M.Phil. (Social Science and Social Work)
- M.C.M. Second Semester (C.B.C.S. & C.B.S.)
- M.C.M. Fourth Semester (C.B.C.S. & C.B.S.)
- P.G.D.C.C.A SUMMER 2019
- M.Com. 3rd Semester (CBS & CBCS), Summer 2019
- M.Com. 1st Semester(CBCS), Summer 2019
- M.Com. (Prof.) 1ST SEM.(CBCS) Summer 2019
- M.Com. (Prof.) 3rd SEM(CBCS & CBS) SUMMER 2019
- D.F.M. & M.A.M Summer 2019
- D. Tax. Summer 2019
- B.B.A. Sem Summer 2019
- Final Year B.B.A.(New) SUMMER 2019
- B.Com. V Sem, Summer 2019
- B.Com. 3rd Sem, Summer 2019
- B.Com. 1 St Sem, Summer 2019
- B.Com. Final (AS & NEW) Summer 2019
- B.Com.( Comp. Appl.) Sem-V SUMMER, 2019
- B.Com.( Comp. Appl.) Sem-III SUMMER, 2019
- B.Com.( Comp. Appl.) Sem-I SUMMER, 2019
- B.Com.( Comp. Appl.) Part-III SUMMER, 2019
- P.G. Diploma in Taxation, P.G. Diploma in Marketing Management and P.G. Diploma in Office Management

when b.com 3rd sem exam time table declared?
Next week me aayega
Bcca 1 year time table
Bcca 1 sem 1 time table plz
Dear sir
BBA 2nd(OLD)Ka time kab aayenga?
BCOM 1sem back ka timetable kb aayega?
M.a. 3 sem english cbcs for external students result ?? Or exams will be conducted ??
M.a.3 sem cbcs english for external students exam will be conducted or result will come ??
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