Paper 2: Foundation Course in Marketing Management
Unit-I: Concepts & Application - Core Concepts of Marketing, Company Orientation towards Market
place, New Concepts – E Business, Relationship Marketing; Database Marketing, Functional areas of Marketing.
Unit-II: Marketing Plan - Steps in the Marketing Process, Nature and contents of a marketing plan, marketing mix. Scanning the Marketing environment; Marketing Research & Demand Forecasting
Unit-III: Analyzing the Market - Segmenting, Targeting, Positioning and Repositioning; Analyzing Buying Behaviour, Analyzing Competition.
Unit-IV: Product Management - Meaning of product, product classification, product levels, product
policies, Product life cycle and new product development, Branding & packaging.
Unit-V: Pricing Strategies - Pricing objectives, methods and pricing policies; adopting the price; Initiating and responding to price changes.
Unit-VI: Marketing Communication - Understanding the communication process, Managing
advertising; Sales promotion, Public relations and direct marketing.
Unit-VII: Distribution Strategy - Channel design and management, Channel dynamics and market logistics, Channels of distribution, Types of channels, Importance of Retailing and wholesaling.
Unit-VIII: Marketing of Services - Nature, Characteristics and Classification of services, Strategies in
service marketing, Importance and future of service marketing.
Unit-IX: Relationship Marketing & E-business - New issues – E-Business, Relationship marketing;
Globalization, Consumerism, Legal issues and ethics.
Unit-X: Monitoring and Controlling Marketing Efforts - Evaluating results of marketing strategies
implementation and plans, Need and importance of Marketing control, Types of controlling- Operating
control, Strategic control, Marketing audit.
Suggested Readings
Marketing Management – Planning, Implementation and Control – V. S. Ramaswamy and S. Namakumari - McMillan
Marketing Management - P. Kotler - Prentice Hall Inc
Marketing Management – Rajan Saxena - Tata McGraw-Hill
Introduction to Marketing Management by Adrian Palmer – Oxford University Press.
Basic Marketing 15th
edition by William D Perreault R, - Tata McGraw-Hill

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