The Post Graduate Department of Geology, situated in the R.B.D. Laxminarayan Campus, Law
College Premises, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur, was established in the year 1946. The magnificent building of the Department has the built up area of 3447.11 Sq. M. Since its inception in 1946, the Department is constantly striving at strengthening the geological input of the country by providing its knowledge bank through its 1500 post graduates and 60 doctoral students in their various capacities.
The Department offers two Post Graduate courses in M. Sc. Pure Geology (2 years) and M. Sc. (Tech.) Applied Geology (3 years). The Department is providing research guidance leading to doctoral degree in various earth science branches ranging from its basic branches of Petrology, Mineralogy to new fields of Environmental Geology, Remote Sensing, Sedimentology, Hydrochemistry, Micropaleontology etc.
The Department is constantly interacting with the user through R& D project sponsored by UGC,
DST, CSIR, World Bank, UNICEF, Science and Technology cell of the Govt. of Maharashtra maintaining its utility to the society through service. This is further illustrated through its close knit ties with various Central and State Governments agencies viz. Geological Survey of India (G.S.I.), Indian Bureau of Mines (I.B.M.), Western Coal Fields Limited (W.C.L.), Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (O.N.G.C.), Manganese Ore India Limited (MOIL), National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI), Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), UNESCO, Central Ground Water Board (CGWB), Directorate of Geology & Mining (DGM), Ground Water Survey and Development Agency (GSDA) etc.
1) M.Sc.-I, II (Geology),
2) M.Sc.Tech. –I, II, III (Applied Geology),
3) M. Phil in Geology,
4) Ph. D. in Geology
Admissions (Rules, Admission lists) :
1) Persons who have passed the B.Sc.Examination of the Rashtrasant
Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University or an examination recognised as equivalent thereto, are eligible for admission to the M.Sc. Part-I Course in a subject offered by them for their examination, provided they have secured an aggregate of not less than 45 % marks at the B.Sc. Examination.
2) For admission to the M.Sc.Part-I Course in Geology and M.Sc.(Tech)
Part-I Applied Geology, the candidate must have passed the B.Sc.
Examination with Geology subject.
Eligibility: B. Sc. with Geology as any one of the subjects during graduation.
Name of the Teacher Dr. A.M. Pophare Designation Reader Highest Qualification Head of the Department M.Sc. Tech., Ph.D Specialization Igneous Petrology & Geochemistry Specialization Micropaleontology & Ichnology Name of the Teacher Dr. K.R. Randive Designation Lecturer Highest Qualification M.Sc., Ph.D. Specialization Igneous Petrology, Geochemistry, Mineralogy Name of the Teacher Dr. S.K. Humane Designation Lecturer Highest Qualification M.Sc., Ph.D. Specialization Environmental Microbiology, Metabolism. Name of the Teacher Dr. H. S. Kale Designation Lecturer Highest Qualification M.Sc., M.Sc. Tech., Ph.D Specialization Exploration Geochemistry & Ore Geology Name of the Teacher Shri A. M.Varade Designation Lecturer Highest Qualification M.Sc., M. Tech. Specialization Sedimentology, Coal geology,& Petroleum Exploration Name of the Teacher Ravidra G. Marbate Designation Lecturer Highest Qualification M. Sc.( Pure Geology) Name of the Teacher Dr. P.P. Kundal Highest Qualification M. Sc., Ph.D. 1) Hydrochemistry and Fluorosis Studies.
2) Palaeontology (Ichnology).
3) Micropaleontology (Calcareous AlgaeE.
4) Geochemistry.
5) Igneous Petrology and Mineralogy.
Ph.D. Topics
Name of the Researcher
Name of the Guide
Geology of Banded Iron Formations of Dewalgaon Area, Gadchiroli District, Maharashtra central India
Mr. H.M. Khandare
Dr. D.B. Malpe
Study of Bortalao Sadimentary Rock of Khairagarh basin and Co Terminous Areas Based on Photogeology and Remote Sensing Data Analysis with particular reference to Uranium Mineralization In parts of Bhandara District. Maharashtra and Balaghat and Rajnandgaon Districts, Madhya Pradesh India
Mr. V. Rajgopalan
Dr. D.B. Malpe
Sedimentalogical and Paleoalgalogical studies of Quaternary sediments of Diu Area, Saurashtra Gujarat.
Ku. Alka K. Nagle
Dr. P.P. Kundal
Geological And Biosttigraphic studies of kurnool Group, Guddapah Basin, Kurnool District, Andhra Pradesh With special, Reference to Precambrian life.
Mr. R.H. Chavhan
Dr. P.P. Kundal
Ore Mineralogy and Geochamistry of Banded Iron Formation of Surjagarh and Adjoining Area with special Emphasis on Genesis, District Gadchiroli, Maharashtra
Mr. K.B. Ingle
Dr. H.S. Kale
Petrogenesis of Granite And Rhyolite of Dongargarh Super group, Central India : Implications for Crustal Evolution.
Ku. D.M. Kanojkar
Dr. A.M. Pophare
Hydrochemistry of Ground water in And Around Ghatanji Area, Yavatmal District Maharashtra; with special reference to Fluoride Occurrences.
Ku. K.G. Borade
Dr. A.M. Pophare
Integrated Geological Investigations for Groundwater Potential and water Resource Management of Satti Matershed of Garhchiroli District, Maharashtra Using Remote Semaing and Geographic Information system.
Mr. R.G. Marbate
Dr. P.P. Kundal
Fossils Calcareous Algae from Quarternary and Holocene rock of south Andaman, India and their palaeoenvironmental limplications.”
Mr. M.M. Maraskole
Dr. P.P. Kundal
Sadkimentological and Palecoigalogical studies of Canoscic Sedements of Bikaner Nagpur Basin rajasthan.
Ku. Savita Chaurpagar
Dr. S. Humane
Study of algal facies from Late Cretaceous (Manstrichtlan) Marine squnce of Duddukuru Pangadi area, Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradsh : with special reference to resolution of cretaccus Tertiary Boundry problem.
Mr. P.D. Shahare
Dr. S. Humane
Th development of Algal facies patterns in Eocene shallow water crbonates around Kalka Dharampur section of Himachal Pradesh.
Mr. A.S. Zade
Dr. S. Humane
Petrogenesis of Lamproities from the North Eastern Margin of Tghe Guddapah Basin, Andhra Pradesh Southern India.
Mr. G.D. Kamde
Dr. H.S. Kale
Hydrochemistry of Ground Watr In High Fluoride Agifers of Bhadravati tahsil, Cghandrapur Dist. Maharashtra
Ku. R.D. Gajbhiye
Dr. A.M. Pophare
Sdimentological studies of Quaternery And Gondwand Sediments In And Around Pench Kanhan valley coalfields, Central India.
Mr. A.M. Varade
Dr. A.M. Pophare
Minaralogy and Geochemistry of Mafic Ultramafic Books from Sukinda area of Orisaa with special reference to the concentration of Platinum Group of elements.
Mr. G.G. Wadpalliwar
Dr. H.S. Kale
Geology, Geochemistry and Genesis of Banded Iron Formations (BIF) of Wadhona Area, Chandrapur District, Western Baster craton, Central India
Mr. C.P. Dorlikar
Dr. D.B. Malpe
A Sedimentological Apprisal of the Kenhan Valley sediments Central India
Mr. C.P. Ramteke
Dr. A.M. Pophare
Growth Potential, Demand Pattern And Assessment of Infrastructure Requirements of Mineral and Mineral Based Dore Industris by 2020 with Socio Economic Implications.
Mr. R.N. Meshram
Dr. P.P. Kundal
Study of Medical Geology In some Villages of eastern And South Eastern Part of Rajura Tahsil, District Chandrapur, Maharashtra: With special Reference to fluoride contamination In Ground water.
Ku. S.M. Dewalkar
Dr. A.M. Pophare
Impact Assessment of Roof Top Rain Water Harverting Structure For Artificial Recharge Into Groundwater, A Case Study from Basaltic Terrain of Wari Village And Adjoining Area, Nagpur District, Maharashtra
Ku. M.G. Lokhande
Dr. Anil M. Pophare
Geological Mineralogical And Geochemical Study of Karlapat Bauxite Deposit, Kalshandi Dist. (Orissa, India).
Mr. P.R. Sahani
Dr. L.G. Gwlani
Geology Geomorphology And Genesis of East Coast Bauxite with special Emphasis on Karlapat Area of Orissa.
Mr. V.M. Mantri
Dr. L.G. Gwalani
Geochemical Assessment of Groundwater Containation of Meregaon Mardi Area. Yavatmal District, Maharashtra With special Emphasis on Fluoride Concentration
Mr. Sandeep A. Meshram
Dr. D.B. Malpe
Contact Address :
Post-Graduate Department of Geology R.T.M. Nagpur University,
Rao Bahadur D. Laxminarayan Campus, Law College Square, Amravati Road, Nagpur-440001(India)
Office Phone: (0712) 2532411, 2546637
Fax No. (0712) 2546637, 2532841
Current Events (Seminars/Workshops/Conference/Other Activities) :
a) Organized a Diamond Jubilee Celebration during 26-28 Dec. 2006 in
the Department
b) Organized a National Symposium on “Role of Geology in the
Development of Cenral India: A Retrospective and Potential” during
27-28 Dec. 2006 on the occasion of Diamond Jubilee Celebration.

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