The department came into existence in 1963. Presently it has independent building in Mahatma Jyotiba Phuley
Educational Campus of Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj, Nagpur University,
Built up area: 571.74 sq. m.
M. A. (Psychology)
Two years degree course (M. A. I & M. A. II) -
Ph. D. (Psychology)
Research degree.
Consists of course contents for each academic year course i. e.,
M.A.I & M. A. II separately.
*M.A. I :? There are, in all, Five papers -- four (4) theory papers and One (1) practical. Four theory papers (core-courses) carry seventy five (75) marks each and the 5th one - practical carries hundred (100) marks.
The papers details include –
1. Core Course – I : Advanced General Psychology
2. Core Course – II : Research Methodology and Psychological Testing
3. Core Course – III : Personality Development.
4. Core Course –IV: Intervention and the Challenges of Societal
5. Practicals - : Consists of five (5) experiments, five (5) testings, seminar
presentation, and test evaluation and presentation.
*M.A. II :?
There are, in all Five papers -- four (4) theory papers of seventy five (75) marks each and one (1) practicum of hundred (100) marks in each optional area chosen by the student(s).
Students can choose any one of the following ‘three’ areas known as:
1. Stream A: Clinical Psychology
2. Stream B: Organizational, Personnel and Business Psychology
3. Stream C: Counselling Psychology.
Paper details for each specialization separately:
Clinical Psychology | Organizational, Personnel | Counselling Psychology. |
Paper I: Psychopathology | Paper I: Management of Personnel and Human Resources | Paper I: Career Guidance And Counselling |
Paper II: Psychodiagnosis | Paper II: Organizational Behaviour | Paper II: Special Areas of Counselling |
Paper III: Counseling and Psychotherapeutics | Paper III: Consumer Behaviour | Paper III: Assessment in Counselling and Guidance |
Paper IV: Health Psychology, Community Mental Health and Medical Psychology | Paper IV: Organization Development | Paper IV: Counselling and Psychotherapy. |
Paper V: Clinical Psychology Practicum | Paper V: Industrial Psychology Practicum | Paper V: Counselling Psychology Practicum |
B. A. (With Psychology as one of the optional subjects),
B. Sc. (Science Faculty),
Additional B. A. in Psychology
Dr. R. V. Khubalkar
Reader (CAS) & Head
M.A.( Ind.Psy.); M.A.II (Addl. Clin.Psy.); Ph.D. (Psy.): A.D.P.C.(Psy. Couns.)
Residence / Mailing address
Lokmanya flats, Tilaknagar, Nagpur – 440010. (M.S.), India.
e-mail :-;
Telephone No. :- (0712)-541108,527685 (R) & 500084(O)
Academic Qualifications
B.A with Psychology in (Higher) II Division, Nagpur University, 1975.
M. A. (Guid & Couns., & Ind. Psy., & Personality, & Psychological Testing) in I Division,
Nagpur University, 1977.
M. A. II (Addl.) in Clinical Psychology in I Division, Nagpur University, 1984.
ADPC (Adv, Dip. In Psyl. Couns.) in I Division, IHCA (Institute of Health Care & Adm.,
Chennai), 2000.
Ph. D. Psycho-Social Factors & Hypertension,* Nagpur University, 1992.
Other Specialized Courses/Diplomas/Certificates
• “ One Star” Merit Certificate in the National Physical Efficiency Tests (Juniors).
1966 by Government of India, Ministry of Education.
• A short-term course in computer programming for scientists and engineers on
numerical analysis and fortran programming, VRCE (Visewsarrayya
Regional College of Engineering), Nagpur, 1988.
• A short term course in Application of PC-Module I at Inter-Institutional Computer
Center, Nagpur University, Nagpur.
• Certificate course in photography, Hobby work shop, Nagpur University, Nagpur,
• Certificate course, Aasan Prashikshan, Aasan Pravesh Janardanswami Yogabhyasi
Mandal, Nagpur , 1993.
• Adventure Youth Camp, Nainital-Sri Aurobindo Education Society, SAA-Delhi
Branch- 2000.
Teaching Experience
Post Graduate Level: since nineteen eighty six - Department of Psychology, RTMNU.
Teaching Positions
Lecturer in Psychology: Department of Psychology, RTMNU 1986-1992
Senior Grade Lecturer: Department of Psychology, RTMNU 1992-1998
Reader (CAS): Department of Psychology, RTMNU 1998-2004
Reader (CAS) & Head: Department of Psychology, RTMNU 2004-
Work In RTMNU as a Member
Board Of Studies in Psychology
Faculty of Social Science
Research Guidance:
Guided so far more than hundred small research projects at M. A. Level
A few titles of the research projects completed during last three years?
• Comparative Study of Vippassana Meditators and non-meditators on higher conscious experiences, anxiety, personality and modes of reactions to frustration –2004-2005
• Progressive Relaxation and its effect on anxiety, depression, and the level of consciousness 2004-2005.
• Jyoti Dhyan and higher level experiences, anxiety, and frustration. 2004-2005.
• Study of occupational stress general neuroticism among short-term employees of Mahindra and Mahindra, Nagpur. 2006
• Study of occupational job satisfaction and anxiety among short-term employees of Mahindra and Mahindra, Nagpur. 2006
• A comparative study of Intelligence, Interest areas and aptitudes between successful and unsuccessful students of S. S. C. 2006
• A study of Intelligence and personality factors of successful and unsuccessful students of S. S. C. 2006
• A comparative study of Adjustment, Interest, and Anxiety among the students of corporation school and private school. 2006
• A Comparative study of General Intelligence and Problem areas between corporation and private school. 2006
• A Study of Anxiety and Job Satisfaction among Engineers working in MSEC Ltd. And Irrigation department. 2006
• Study of Job Satisfaction, Emotional Maturity among Engineers working in MSEC Ltd. And Irrigation department. 2006
Ph. D. Supervisor, Nagpur University, Nagpur.
A few Titles of the topics
• Intelligence, Academic Performance, Co-morbidity and Impact of Child-Rearing Practices in Hyperkinetic children.
• Psychological Morbidity, Personality Dynamics, & Familial Aspects of Mild Mental Retardation
• Psycho-Social Dimensions of Beta-Thalassaemia
• Psychodynamics of Ragging.
• Bio –Types and Diabetes Mellitus.
• A Psycho-Social Dimension of Sexually Transmitted Diseases
• Rheumatic arthritis and bio-types
Professional Training and Clinical Experience
Dealt with around 10,000 Psychiatric cases. Department of Psychiatry (Medicine), Kasturba
Hospital, M.G.I.M.S. (Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences), Sevagram. -
Consultant Psychologist: Centre for Behavioural Research and Consultancy Services (CBRCS), Department of Psychology, Nagpur University, Nagpur.
Consultant Psychologist, ‘Hitguj’ Family Counselling Centre, Bharatiya Stree Shakti.
Since 1995. -
Item writer Test development – government and non-government organization.
Other academic distinction acquired
---- ---- ----
*] Ph.D. thesis has been purchased by ICSSR documentation center, New Delhi.
*] Trend setting/forerunner research related to CA Breast rehabilitation.
Additional Information
Promotion of Psychological Health and Scientific Thinking:
*Editor “Vidnyan Vihar” / foKku fogkj ¼eq[ki= & Science Journal) - 1997 – 2002.
*Secretary, Sri Aurobindo Society (Pondicherry)- Nagpur Centre- MC-25.
*Contributed articles of Public interest related to mental health in News Papers.
*Delivered talks of Public interest related to mental health on AIR (All India Radio, Nagpur) &
T. V. Doordarshan, Nagpur Talk Show: Vedha Bhavishyacha
* Contributed as resource person at various Government and Non-government organizations
Delivered (more than50) lectures On: Stress Management/Tan tanav Yyavasthapan
and Vippasana, Relaxation, Counselling skills, Meditation etc.
(*Rotary Club, Schools, NGOS, *Public Health Institute, Govt. of Maharashtra, Nagpur, *IAS coaching centre, *N.L. Rao Co-Operative Training Centre, Nagpur, *The Maharashtra Rajya Sahakari Sangh, Pune, Zilha Sahakari Board Ltd. Nagpur., *Apang va Niradhar Bahuddeshiya Kalyankari Sanstha, Nagpur *Study Circle, Dharampeth college, Nagpur, Dhananjayrao Gadgil Sahakari Prabandhan Sansthan, Navin Nandanvan, Nagpur, *Marathi Vidnyan Parishad, Nagpur, *Bharatiya Stree Shakti, Prahar, Academic Staff College, Nagpur University, Nagpur, Veterinary University, Nagpur etc.)
Innovations and Contributions
*Developed Psychological Tool for research and clinical use) (SSRQ/{SRQN}-Self Reporting Questionnaire
of Neuroticism, MEC, IDMR etc.
*Developed meditation technique: IM on Peace (Integral Meditation on Peace)
LIFE MEMBER: Psycho-Linguistic Association of India.
Indian Science Congress
IACP (Indian Association of Clinical Psychology)
IPA (Indian Psychological Association )
EkjkBh ekul’kkL= ifj"kn
Medico- Psychological Research Society – The Mind
Sri Aurobindo Society, Pondicherry, Nagpur Centre –MC-25, Nagpur. -
EkjkBh foKku ifj"kn
Under Own Name
Khubalkar, R. An approach to hysterical aphonia: a case report. Indian Journal of
Clinical Psychology, 10, 113-114, 1983. -
Khubalkar, R. Study of Psycho Social factors in relation to non-compliance behaviour
in accepting surgical sterilization from rural Vidarbha: some observations. Journal
of Psychological Researches, 35 (2), 125-132. 1991. -
Khubalkar, R. Brief therapeutic approach to hysteria: for rural patients. The Mind,
XIX (2 & 3), 1-19, 1993. -
Khubalkar, R . Dhat Syndrome, some observations from rural Vidarbha. Journal of
Personality and Clinical studies, 14 (1-2), 75-79, 1998. -
Khubalkar, R. SSRQ (Simple Self-Reporting Questionnaire) Published in Third
Handbook of Psychological and Social Instruments, 11A(11): P-49. -
-- on internet during 2002 – 2004. http// )
** Currently Paper Summary available: -
Khubalkar, R. and Gupta, O.P. Psychodynamics of koro. Indian Journal of
Psychiatry, 26 (2), 180-181, 1984. -
Chabra, S., Jajoo, U., Wagh, R., Khubalkar, R. Gupta, O.P., and Jain, A.P. Attitude
towards sterilization. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 16, (4), 127-130, 1985. -
Khubalkar, R., Gupta, O.P., Deshmukh, V., and Joel, P.K. A case of stereotyped
repititive movement movements. Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 29, (3), 287-289,
1987. -
Khubalkar, R. & Khubalkar, M. Mastectomized Indian Women, Psychological
Sequalae and Dynamics of underutilization of Prosthesis, Indian Journal of Cancer,
Vol. 36, June, 120 – 126,1999.
Papers Presented and Conferences/ Seminars Attended/ Organized
An observatory study of dhat symdrome. Accepted, XVI Annual Conference of Indian
Association of Clinical Psychologists and National Seminar on youth and Mental
Health (UGC), 1986. -
Brief therapeutic approach to hysteria: for rural patients. National seminar on
Intervention strategies for Human Resource Development, Bombay, 1990. -
Neuroticism in wives of ex-alcoholics and non-alcoholics. National Seminar on Drug
De-addiction and Rehabilitation. Vallabh Vidyanagar, 1991.
Papers Presented and Conferences/ Seminars Attended/ Organized: contd c3) ----- -
Assessment of intelligence in children, speaker, participated in discussion, symposia, N
S I (Nutrition Society of India), Nagpur chapter, L I T (Laxminarayan Institute of
Technology), Nagpur, 1972. -
Attended and participated in organizing seventh session of Marathi Manasshastra
Parishad, Department of Psychology, Nagpur University, Nagpur, 1993. -
Role of life stress events in breast cancer, paper accepted 31st National Conference of
IAAP (Indian Association of Applied Psychology), Jalgaon, 1994. -
Organized and conducted discussion session workshop or ßeqykaP;k orZu leL;kÞ &
ekul’kkL= foHkkx vkf.k ejkBh foKku ifj"kn] ukxiwj & Qsczqokjh] 1996- -
Behaviour problems in children. International conference on current Trends In
Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Family Intervention. NIMHANS, Bangalore, 1997. -
Mantrikanchya Upachar Paddhati aani Vyaktimatwa-ghatak (Therapeutic strategies and
Personality factors of Psuedo therapists), Marathi Vidnyan Sammelan, Nagpur, 1998. -
Personality profile of spouses of women suffering from cancer of cervix, Marathi
Vidnyan Sammelan, Nagpur , 1998. -
Shame as one of the behaviour modification techniques in chronic case of Thumb
Sucking. Paper accepted at Conference of Indian Association of Clinical
Psychologists, Trissure, 1998. -
Personality, neuroticism, and stressful life events in women suffering from cancer of
cervix and their cancer free spouses. 3rd International Seminar on Psycho-social
Oncology, TATA Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, 1998. -
Personality study of mothers of Thumb-sucking children. National Conference on
Understanding Human Behaviour, Dept. of Psychology, Nagpur University,
Nagpur,1999. -
Parents problems of M.R.children: Preliminary observations. R.Khubalkar &
P.Gaharwar. Paper Presented by the latter at National Conference on Research in
Clinical Psychology, New Delhi. 1999. -
Integrated Meditation for women with Breast Cancer. Speaker symposia Alternative
non-conventional therapies of cancer. International Breast Cancer Conference,
ACADEMIC, Breast Cancer in the New Millennium, 2000, Nagpur.
? Organized and Participated ƒ ys ejkBh foKku laEesyu] e-fo-Ik- ukxiwj foHkkx] ukxiwj] ƒ‹‹Š
? Organized and Participated …† os ejkBh foKku laEesyu] e-fo-Ik- ukxiwj foHkkx] ukxiwj] ƒ‹‹‹
? Organized and participated “5th Convention of Sri Aurobindo Society”, Maharashtra State, 11th and 12th November, 2000.
? Organized and Participated, Seminar on Emotional Intelligence and Personal
Successes, ICSSR & Dept. of Psychology, N.U. Nagpur, 27th February, 2002. -
presented at “National Conference on Yoga and Indian Approaches to Psychology”,
Pondicherry, 29 Sept.- 1 October 2002, Paper Summary available at Internet –
http// ) -
MEDITATION AND RELAXATION’ (Where Does the Difference lie?)’ Paper
presented at “National Seminar on Indian Psychology and its Implications on
Various Fields of Life” Dhule, 31 January –1 & 2 February, 2003
Papers Presented and Conferences/ Seminars Attended/ Organized: contd c3) ----- -
National Seminar/Conference On Self and Personality in Yoga and Indian Psychology, Jointly
organized by Institute for Human Science & Service and Institute for Yoga & Consciousness,
Andhra University, Vishakhapatnam, 9 – 10 December, 2003. -
Conducted workshop on Behavior Modification and Counselling Skills: CRE (Continuing
Rehabilitation Education) – as a part contribution to workshop on ‘Recent trends in
Prevention, Intervention & Rehabilitation Children – with specific reference to M.R.) -
Effects of “Integral Meditation on Peace” (IM on Peace) on Anxiety, Higher–level
conscious experiences, Introspective Reports, and Pulse Rate in Young Non-
regular Meditators”. Papers accepted: International Seminar On Integral Yoga
Psychology Pondicherry, India , 26-27 June 2004. -
Spiritual Psychology -Experiential Psychology: A New Force of the New Millennium
(Integral Approach to Education and Life)” ? Papers accepted:International Seminar On
Integral Yoga Psychology, Pondicherry, India, 26-27 June 2004. -
Psycho-physiological effects of Integral Meditation. This is the abstract of a paper presented at the National Conference on Indian Psychology, Yoga and Consciousness, organised by the Indian Council of Philosophical Research at the Sri Aurobindo International Centre for Education, Pondicherry (India), 10-13 December 2004. Paper Summary available at Internet – http// )
“Personality, Modes of frustration and life satisfaction of employed and non-employed women in Ismaili community”. Paper presented at 31st National Conference of Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists at Coimbtore,T.N. Jan 2005 by Tambekar, P. Rana. R. & guide - Khubalkar, R.
Currently Working onCancer
Psychophysiology of Integral Meditation on Peace
Other Publication: Scientific Articles:
Citation Index
Entrez PubMed [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Index Medicus & EMBASE
Bioline International Official Site)
(Int J Epidemiol 32: 978–987. Khubalkar R., Khubalkar M. 1999.
Mastectomized Indian women: Psychological sequelae and dynamics of Underutilization prosthesis.) -
Citation retrieved on Nov. 2005 1.Citation
Rehabilitation of cancer patients. Pandey M, Thomas BC J Postgrad ...
... 64. Khubalkar R, Khubalkar M. Mastectomized Indian women: Psychological sequelae
and dynamics of underutilization prosthesis. Indian J Cancer 1999; 36:120-126. ...; year=2001;volume=47;issue=1;spage=62;epage=5;aulast=Pandey - 68k - Cached - Similar pages PDF] -
QUALITY OF LIFE OF PATIENTS WITH CANCER IN INDIA: CHALLENGES AND ..Int J Epidemiol 32: 978–987. Khubalkar R, Khubalkar M. 1999. Mastectomized Indian
women: Psychological sequelae and dynamics of underutilization prosthesis. ... - Similar pages
1Bioline International Official Site (site up-dated regularly)
... Spinal Cord 1999; 37:737-738. Khubalkar R, Khubalkar M. Mastectomized Indian women:
Psychological sequelae and dynamics of underutilization prosthesis. ... - 36k - Cached - Similar pages.
2. [PDF] The definition and classification of Koro
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
... 2.2.2 Anxiety disorder (Kobler 1948; Chakraborty 1982; Murphy 1982; Khubalkar and
Gupta 1984; Berrios and Morley 1984; Hes and Nassi 1977; Chowdhury 1990a, b ... - Similar pages
3.64. Khubalkar R, Khubalkar M. Mastectomized Indian women: Psychological sequelae
and dynamics of underutilization prosthesis. Indian J Cancer 1999; 36:120-126. ...; year=2001;volume=47;issue=1;spage=62;epage=5;aulast=Pandey - 68k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
4. Mastectomized Indian women: psychological sequelae and dynamics of ...
1999 Jun-Dec;36(2-4):120-6. Mastectomized Indian women: psychological sequelae and
dynamics of underutilization prosthesis. Khubalkar R, Khubalkar M. Dept. ... db=PubMed&list_uids=10921215&dopt=Abstract - Similar pages
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
... Cultural barriers were found to hinder the acceptance of prosthesis by these patients
(Khubalkar and Khubalkar, 1999). ... Khubalkar R, Khubalkar M. 1999. ... - Similar pages
6. Rehabilitation of cancer patients. Pandey M, Thomas BC J Postgrad ...
... 64. Khubalkar R, Khubalkar M. Mastectomized Indian women: Psychological sequelae
and dynamics of underutilization prosthesis. Indian J Cancer 1999; 36:120-126. ...; year=2001;volume=47;issue=1;spage=62;epage=5;aulast=Pandey - 68k - Cached - Similar pages
7 Entrez PubMed
... of Medicine's search service that provides access to over 11 million citations
in MEDLINE, PreMEDLINE, ... PMID: 10921231 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] ... cmd=Search&term=%220019-509X%22%5BJour%5D+AND+19... - Similar pages
8. Rehabilitation of cancer patients. Pandey M, Thomas BC J Postgrad Med
Open access journal indexed with Index Medicus & EMBASE ... Khubalkar R, Khubalkar
M. Mastectomized Indian women: Psychological sequelae and dynamics of ...; year=2001;volume=47;issue=1;spage=62;epage=5;aulast=Pandey - 68k - Cached - Similar pages
Additional original paper summaries at different sites?
Rupashree Khubalkar Post Graduate Department of Psychology Nagpur University.
Present investigation was carried out on a sample of 10 young individuals (8 ... YAIAP/YAIAP-SUM/RVKhubalkar-sum.htm - 8k - 11 Jun 2005 - Cached - Similar pages
10. IPYC Conference Abstracts
Rupashree Khubalkar — Nagpur University, Nagpur. ... MEC (Meditational Experiences
Checklist by Khubalkar), and DSI (Daily Stress inventory by Brantley) ... IPYC-abstracts/RupashreeKhubalkar.html - 7k - 11 Jun 2005 - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from ]
11. Retrieved on 19th Jan. 2006
Cross-Cultural Topics in Psychology: 2nd Edition
edited by Leonore Loeb Adler, Uwe P Gielen - Sample pages displayed by agreement with Praeger/Greenwood
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12. Retrieved on 22 Jan. 2006
Psycho-dynamics of koro: A case report.
Authors:, KHUBALKAR, R.; GUPTA, OP. Source:, Indian Journal of Psychiatry, 1984
April, 26(2): 180-81. Subjects:, Sex disorders; Psychoanalytic therapy ... name=websis&file=imsear&from=imsear1&show=21532 - 28k - Cache
00 Research papers’ summaries currently available on Internet: websites
• http//;
i) MEDITATION AND RELAXATION (Where does the difference lie?)
iii) Mastectomized Indian women: psychological sequelae and dynamics of underutilization prosthesis.
iv) Effects of “Integral Meditation on Peace” (IM on Peace) on Anxiety, Higher–level conscious experiences, Introspective Reports, and Pulse Rate in Young Non- regular Meditators”.
Clinical Psychology
Organizational, Personnel, Business Psychology
Counselling Psychology.

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