Semester –2 Paper 2: Managerial Economics
Semester –II
Managerial Economics
Unit I: Nature and fundamental concepts and basis techniques of managerial economics - Analysis of
Demand, Significance, estimation of demand; Elasticity of Demand, Techniques and Importance of
Demand forecasting; Basic Mathematical Problems related to demand estimation and elasticity of
Unit II: Production & Cost Analysis - Production & Production Function: Concept, Forms of production
function, Law of variable Proportions, Returns to scale. Cost concept, Short term and long term cost
output relationship, Cost curves, Economies of scale.
Unit III: Objectives & Equilibrium of the Firm - Market Structures- Perfect Competition, Monopoly,
Monopolistic Competition & Oligopoly - kinked demand curve and cartels, Mathematical Problems on
profit maximization and Price & Output determination under various market structures.
Unit IV: Pricing in practice - Cost plus pricing, incremental pricing, transfer pricing and price
Unit V: Market failure - Concept, Symptoms and Reasons, Concept of Asymmetric Information; Market
intervention by Government-Rationale for Intervention.
Unit VI: National Income Accounting - Concept & measurement; Determination of Income &
Employment; Concept of multiplier; Inflation and Deflation, types, causes and control of inflation.
Unit VII: Macro economic policy - Monetary and fiscal- objectives and Instruments; Effectiveness of
Monetary & Fiscal Policy with respect to Indian Economy.
Unit VIII: Business cycles - Concept, Causes & Impact, Measures to control Business cycles.
Unit IX: External Sector Dynamics - Justification for International Trade, Foreign Capital flows & Balance
of Payment-Methods top correct Disequilibria; Exchange Rate: Fixed & Flexible; Convertibility of Rupee
(Current & Capital Account).
Unit X: Economic Environment of Business - Factors determining Economic environment of Business,
Present scenario of Indian Economy.
Suggested Readings:
Managerial Economics, P. L. Mehta, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi
Managerial Economics, Dwidevi, TMH
Managerial economics in a Global economy, Dominick Salvatore, 2006, Thomson learning Press
Managerial Economics, Suma Damodran, 2006, Oxford University Press, New Delhi
Indian Economy, Mishra & Puri, 2007, Himalaya Publishing Hous

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