Paper 3: Environment Management
Environment Management
Unit I: Introduction to Environment Management - Definition, Scope & importance, Need for public
awareness- institution in environment, People in environment, Fundamentals– sustainable development,
Unsustainable to sustainable development.
Unit II: Natural resources - Renewable and non renewable resources, and associated problems, Role of
an individual in conservation of natural resources; equitable use of resources for sustainable life cycles;
Preserving resources for future generation, the rights of animals.
Unit III: Ecosystem - Concept of an Ecosystem , understanding ecosystems, ecosystem degradation,
resource utilization; Structure & functions of an ecosystem-producers, consumers and decomposers;
Ecological succession; food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids; Ecosystem types – characteristics
features, structure and functions of forest, grassland, desert and aquatic ecosystems, Industrial Ecology
and Recycling Industry.
Unit IV: Environment legislation - Environmental (protection) Act, The water (prevention and control of
Pollution); The wild life protection Act; Forest conservation Act; Issues involved in enforcement of
environmental legislations; Environment Impact Assessment; Environmental Auditing; Clearance /
Permission for establishing Industry.
Unit V: Human population & environment - Global population growth, variations among nations.
Population explosion, Family welfare Programmes-methods of sterilization; Urbanization, Environment
& human health-climate and human health, infectious diseases, water related diseases, risk due to
chemicals in food, Cancer and environment. Human rights –Equity, Nutrition and health rights,
intellectual property rights (IPRS), Community biodiversity registers (CBRs); Value education –
environmental values, valuing nature, valuing cultures, social justice, human heritage, equitable use of
resources, common property resources, ecological degradation; HIV/AIDS; Women and children Welfare;
Information technology in environment and human health.
Unit VI: Air Pollution:- Definition Air pollution, causes, effects & control, Green house effect, pollution:
Vehicles, Industry households, Global warming, Ozone layer depletion, effects & remedies, Role of
individual and institution in preventions of Air pollution; Soil Pollution:- Definition soil pollution,
causes, effects & control, Surface condition, texture, contents. Forest, Afforestation, Plantations, pollution
due agricultural patterns, chemical fertilizers & Pesticides; Run-off, grazing desertification; Waste land
Management: - causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial waste; Role of individual
and institution in preventions of Soil pollution.
Unit VII: Water and marine Pollution - Definition water pollution, causes, effects & control;
Management of water: Hard & Soft water, contaminants, Acid Rains; Pollution by sewerage, industry
runoff degradation due to biological changes; Sea water pollution & degradation of Marine; Role of
individual and institution in preventions of water & marine pollution.
Unit VII: Noise, Thermal & Nuclear Pollution - Definition of Noise pollution: Sources or Causes effects
and control. Definition of thermal pollution; Causes, effects & control; Definition of nuclear pollution;
Radiation; Causes, effects & control, Nuclear accidents; Role of individual and institution in preventions
of Noise, thermal and nuclear pollution.
Unit IX: Biodiversity - Introduction- biodiversity at genetic, species and ecosystem levels; Bio-geographic
classification of India; Value of diversity– Consumption use value, Productive use value, Social, Ethical,
Moral, aesthetic and optional value if diversity; India as mega-diversity nation, Hotspots of biodiversity;
Threats to bio-diversity–habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, man-wild life conflicts; Common endangered
and endemic plant and animal species of India; Insitu and Exsitu conservation of Biodiversity.
Unit X: Social issues and environment - Construction of dams: problems and concerns of resettlement,
rehabilitation of affected people; Conservation: energy, water, forest, soil, strategies for conservation;
Environmental ethics– issues and possible solutions, resource consumption patterns and need for
equitable utilization; Equity disparity in western and eastern countries; Urban and rural equity issues;
Need for gender equity; Public awareness–Using an environmental calendar of activities, Self initiation.
Students be exposed to at least one local field visit to document on the Ecosystem Structure, Pollution sites,
Decertified areas, Environmental Research Institute such as NEERI etc. The field notebook maintained by the
student would be evaluated as a part of internal assessment at the end of the session.
Suggested Readings
A text book of environmental by K M Agrawal, P K Sikdar, S C Deb”, published by Macmillan
Environment management by N K Uberoi”, published by Excel Books
Environment management by Dr. Swapan Deb”, published by Jaico Publishing House.
Environmental Management by S K Agrawal”, published by A.P.H. publishing Corporation.
Environmental Studies by Rajagopalan- Pub. By Oxford

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