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Competitive Exams

Competitive examinations for jobs in India are held for recruiting the suitable candidates in most of the public sector organizations. However merit is not the sole criteria employed in the selection process. The policy of affirmative action or the reservation policy of India seeks to bring in people from every section of the society.

Competitive Exams Reservation Seats

Thus, in most of the competitive examination for jobs in India 7.5% seats are reserved for ST (Scheduled Tribes) candidates, 15% for SC (Scheduled Caste) Candidates and 27 % seats are reserved for OBC (Other Backward classes) candidates. The Supreme Court of India has ruled that the number of reserved seats for all India competitive examinations should not exceed 50% of the total seats.These competitive examinations for jobs in India are actually functioning not only as a process of recruitment but also as effective measures of uplifting social justice.

In the all India competitive examinations, candidates from all over the country can compete for the available seats and stand a chance of getting selected. Thus, by bringing together people from different parts of the country, the competitive examinations in India play a very important role in national integration. Therefore, the constitution of India has vested the Rajya Sabha the right to create All India services.

Competitive Exams for jobs in India

In order to get a job in Indian Navy, Indian Army, Indian Air force, civil services and various other organizations, one would have to clear the relevant competitive examinations.These competitive examinations can be held at various stages and at different time of the year. The eligibility criteria for the competitive examinations also differ. Therefore,on this page we have tried to provide accurate and updated details of various completive examinations held in India. We hope that the details of these competitive examinations for jobs in India would help the candidates in taking the right decision and preparing well for them.

Following are the details of various competitive examinations for jobs in India-


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