RASHTRASANT TUKADOJI MAHARAJ NAGPUR UNIVERSITY FOURTH SEMESTER Examination For the Degree of Bachelor of Architecture of Winter 2008
RASHTRASANT TUKADOJI MAHARAJ NAGPUR UNIVERSITY F Date:- 21/11/2008 Result of FOURTH SEMESTER Examination For the Degree of Bachelor of Architecture of Winter 2008 The following Roll Nos are declared successful. The figure in bracket indicate the aggregate marks obtained. B. Arch. Marks Out Of 850 M 64125( 491) 64126( 483) 64127( 499) 64130( 478) 64138( 460) 64139( 467) 64141( 457) 64152( 488) 64153( 431) 64157( 438) 64171( 511) 64185( 480) M 64186( 482) 64187( 505) 64188( 490) 64189( 475) 64200( 460) 64201( 503) List of Roll No's who failed with Exemption Branch- EB. Arch.College- GPriyadarshani College of Engg. & Arch. Nagpur H M64128- 2S,3 64131- 1S,2,4 64132- 2S 64133- 3,4 64135- 1S,2S,3,4,6,7,9 College- GL.A.D. College of Women, Seminary Hills, Nagpur H M64154- 2S,5,6 College- GKavi Kulguru Instt. of Tech. & Science Ramtek H M64170- 3 64172- 5 College- GB.D. College Of Engineering, Sewagram H M64202- 4

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