One arrested for copyright violation
Circulating duplicate notes of MHCET landed one in police net on Saturday. Crime branch sleuths picked up 58-year-old Liyaquat Ali for
allegedly violating copyrights of a Gujarat-based firm which publishes notes.
Crime branch started probing the matter after they were approached by editor and publisher Ravi Joshi. Police had recently received complaints of illegal circulation of physics and mathematics notes meant for students preparing for MHCET. Joshi pointed out that a substandard duplication of his original publications have been damaging his reputation in the market.
Following the complaint, sub-inspector Valmik Tidke and his squad raided Ali's Mominpura-based godown where 262 printed material worth Rs 1.15 lakh was seized.
"He (Ali) claimed to have purchased the material around a year ago from hawkers whom he does not remember," said Tidke who added that Ali's potential customers were roadside book vendors.

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