NU gets Rs 16cr UGC grants
Here is some good news for Nagpur University that is grappling with a funds crunch and lacklustre attitude of top bosses. The UniversityGrants Commission (UGC) has sanctioned Rs 16.35 crore of the Rs 41 crore demanded under university’s eleventh five-year plan. The apex body for higher education had delayed the release of funds by two years.
The UGC has also approved three posts each of professors and readers and 35 posts of lecturers.
The posts will get salary grants from UGC for the first five years and then from the state government. According
to vice-chancellor SN Pathan, the funds received under eleventh plan are four times higher than in tenth five-year plan. Of the total, Rs 11.60 crore have been sanctioned as general funds and another Rs 4.81 crore for merged schemes. The tenth plan gave only Rs 4.42 crore.
Under the merged schemes, Rs 46.50 lakh will be given for improvement of university’s health centre which is in a pathetic condition. Now, the UGC has also allotted a doctor and two nurses for the centre. Another Rs 30 lakh were received for constructing a full-fledged Buddhist study centre, Rs 20 lakh for faculty rest house, Rs 45 lakh for girls' hostel, Rs 35 lakh for a boys' hostel and Rs 10 lakh for computer training centre.
The master of education (MEd) and physical departments have received combined grants of Rs 1.10 crore along with
posts of one reader and three lecturers.
The UGC has sanctioned Rs 3.50 lakh for establishing a separate department for commerce faculty. Posts of a reader and two lecturers were also granted for the department.
The university received apex body's nod for setting up department of biology and molecular engineering at a cost of Rs 70 lakh along with one reader and two lecturers' posts. Another Rs 10 lakh were sanctioned for nanotechnology that will be combined with physics department. Moreover, Rs 30 lakh were given for a swimming pool and Rs 5 lakh for conference hall in humanities department.
The UGC has also provided Rs 50 lakh as first instalment for construction of the university's new administrative
in the campus on Amravati road at a total cost of almost Rs 20 crore.

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