C S Lewis once said "Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival."
In 1935, the United States Congress proclaimed the first Sunday of August as the National Friendship Day to honour this companionship that we all take for granted.
In the subsequent decades, Friendship Day spread world wide and has become a commercially endorsed holiday. Friends exchange friendship bands as a sign of an unbreakable bond but the people of Bangalore have walked the extra mile to honour their friends.
This year accessories, cards and pairs of best-friend stuffed animals are all the rage in the city. At gift stores such as Archies, customers are willing to spend anywhere from Rs 20 to Rs 800 on items ranging from the traditional friendship bands to friendship packages of stuffed animals, mugs and cards. Archisha Shankar has a more unique idea. "This is my last year at college. So I wanted to do something extra special for my friends. I am having all our initials engraved on to simple rings, and words `Friends since 2006 till forever' engraved within them. This is definitely one gift that all of us will remember each other by, no matter where we end up next year."
And recession has had its effect too. Gift shops have witnessed a drop in sales as youngsters have found alternative means to show their friends they care. Facebook bumper stickers and e-cards are some of the quirky substitutes to traditional cards and gifts that have less of an impact on the wallet, but warm the heart, nonetheless.

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