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Botany Department

About us

The Department has came into existence in 1963 along with other Science Departments for imparting post-graduate education and for promoting research. Its building, with built up area 1695.27 Sq. m., is situated in the Mahatma Jyotiba Phuley Campus, Amravati Road, Nagpur.


Courses run by Department

  • M.Sc. Programme- Two years

  • M.Phil. Programme One Year

  • Ph. D. Programme

Phycology and Hydrobiology,
Applied Mycology
Molecular Biology and Plant Biotechnology
Reproductive Biology of Angiosperms

Services available

Advance Phycology and Hydrobiology

· Zinc, Copper and Cadmium tolerant strains of cayanobacteria and bacterial biofertilizer

· Water and soil analysis for physico-chemical parameters for pollution index.

· Identification of Algae

· Strains of Mycorrhizae and other biofertilizers.


· Root trainer

· Cultivation of biofertilizers and their application.

· Analysis of Physico chemical Parameters.

Applied Mycology and Plant Pathology

· Identified strains of Trichoderma for biocontrol of plant pathogens.

· Identification of fungal organisms.

· Method for biodegradation of agricultural wastes and preparation of composts.

Plant genetics, breeding and biotechnology

· Analytical services

1. Organic compounds and phytochemicals through HPLC

2. Spectrophotometry

· Training

1. Tissue Culture

2. Recombinant DNA Technology

3. Phytochemical Analysis

Angiosperm Taxonomy and Reproductive biology

· Pollen and seed viability tests

· Permanent slides – Embryology

· Identification and authentification of Angiosperms.

· Environment Impact Assessment.

· Preliminary phytochemical analysis

· Nursery Techniques and plant multiplication.

Plant Physiology

· Technique to prepare bio-diesel from lipids, oil etc.

· Estimation of lipids from plant extract

· Technique for essential oil production

Teachers Honoured with National Awards

· Prof V. R. Dnyansagar – Prof. Puri Medal by Indian Botanical Society in 1980.

· Prof V. R. Dnyansagar – Gold Medal of Institute of Science of Nagpur as Past Student in 1984.

· Prof. P. K. Deshpande – Prof. Panchanan Maheshwari Medal by Indian Botanical Society in 1996.

· Dr. A. S. Khalatkar – Young Scientist Award by Indian Science Congress Association in 1975.

· Prof. K. H. Makde- Prof. Y. D. Tyagi Medal by Indian Association of Angiosperm Taxonomy in 2001.

Contribution of the Department

· Study on influence of biofertilizer on medicinal plants.

· Root trainer technology and their influence on growth of medicinal plants.

· Non destructive method for selection of disease resistant

· Developed high yielding and resistant lines [to Cercospora] in Vigna radiata.

· In Groundnut TAG-24 and TAG 26 lines resistant to Cercospora arachidicola and C. personatum developed.

· Mutant with early maturity in cultivar TAG-24 of Groundnut were developed.

· Low linolic acid mutant in Linum have been isolated.

· Method of cultivation and extraction of dye from Indigofera tinctoria is established.

· Preparation of food and feed grade LPC [Leaf protein concentrate] from green biomass

· Utilization of deprotenized leaf juice for alcohol and antibiotic production

· Developed Doubled Zero, and White Rust Resistant Varieties of B. juncea. & B. napus

· Received One American Patent for Double Zero Variety in B. napus.

· Several Lines registered to NBPGR as Single as well as Double Zero.


Projects under various Schemes

Till date faculty members of the department have received research grants from University Grants Commission, Department of Science and Technology, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research. Department of Atomic Energy, Indian Council of Agricultural Research. Department of Environment and Forest, Indian National Science Academy and Dhara Oil And Foods Company Ltd. Anand, Gujarat and Government of Maharashtra. In all research activities and research programmes carried out by the Department there is substantial contribution by the teachers and students that leads to award medal for their contribution. Several students obtained their Ph.D. degrees in these research areas.

Research contribution of Department

1 Advance Phycology and Hydrobiology:

The work on Phycology has been initiated since 1981. The researches in Phycology deal with the identification, isolation and preparations of mutants from different cyanobacteria and green algae of different environmental conditions. Till date several cyanobacteria and algae growing in polluted environment have been isolated and selected their strains in removing the toxic contents such as cyanide released from Industrial areas of the city. Toxic waters from the industrial area have been identified and attempted to use of laboratory strains in removing the toxic contents. Some heavy metal tolerant strains have also been isolated and grown in algal laboratory to study their influence in aquatic bodies. Strains are available to find its consequences on flora and fauna. Biofertilizers Bacteria, Mycorrhizae and Cyanobacteria have been isolated and selected to use in trials of various places of Vidarbha region for the productivity of crop plants.



2. Mycology and Plant Pathology

Department is actively engaged in research in the field of Mycology and Plant pathology. Work is more concentrated around mycoflora associated with seeds of vegetables and legume crops of Vidarbha, ecology of thermophilic fungi, biodegradation of agricultural wastes and fungal diseases of Citrus and their control measures. In this area Department has demonstrated the thermophilic fungi which can be exploited for fast degradation of agricultural waste to produce F. Y. M. The Department has also isolated several fungal species which can be exploited for rapid composting of agricultural waste. This section of the department is also working on Kolshi disease of oranges of Vidarbha region, the role of is being studied on the oranges. Moreover, the department has also developed a method for seed treatment which can control the soil borne fungal attack.

3. Molecular Biology and Plant Biotechnology:

In this area of plant research, department is engaged in the improvement of economically important crop and other plants. These plants include members of the family Apiaceae, Liliaceae, Solanace, Apocynaceae, Cruciferae, Linaceae, Compositae and Leguminosae. The department has significant contribution in this field. Mutations in many plants have been used to develop new varieties on Mutant line. A mutant with high Sennoside has been produced from Cassia angustifolia. Four Mutant varieties with ornamental values for their flower colour have been evolved from Gerbera

The Department is also engaged in quality improvement of oil seed crops. In Brassica juncea a variety with Zero Erucic Acid and Low Glucosinolate has been developed for the first time which is being field tested all over India. Similarly, a new crops B. napus has been designed with zero erusic acid and low Glucosinolate is being tested all over the country. This contribution is a major breakthrough in the development of quality rapeseed.

In Linum the mutant line with low level of Linolenic acid was isolated and further refined for exploitation. The Department also holds the promise of evolving new cultivars of cauliflower through hybridization. Financial help for these projects, department has received huge grants from D.S.T. and DOFCO.

4. Reproductive Biology of Angiosperms:

Since inception of this specialization members of the department are engaged in embryological investigations on plants belonging to the families Fabaceae, Malvaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Convolvulaceae, Apiaceae Apocynaceae, Solanaceae, Liliaceae, Asteraceae, Poaceae Cyperaceae, Combretaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Acanthaceae. In these investigations gametophyte developments, fertilization, endosperm and embryo development, seed coat and fruit wall development have been investigated and suggested new taxonomic criteria. Members have contributed many aspects of Palynology in several plants specially worked out the causes of sterility.

The research information obtained in this area has the potential for exploitation in applied research.

5. Taxonomy and Ethnobotany

The department is actively participating in All India Coordinated Research project on Ethnobiology. This coordinated research project is funded by Ministry of Environment and Forests. Government of India, New Delhi. In this project the department has explored the flora of Chandrapur and Gadchiroli districts - the tribal districts and also collected 170 more plant species of medicinal value. In the later part of the project almost all tribal districts of Maharashtra would be explored and several species having medicinal potential to be reported in XI Plan. Phytochemical analysis on several of them is in progress. Some of the species are very useful even in birth control.

The outcome of this research project has significant importance for economic exploitation and conservation of these plant species.

6. Tissue Culture:

The department is also making attempts to exploit tissue culture technique for Micropropagation, isolation of secondary metabolites from the plants of medicinal importance and commercial value, and also engaged in developing a methodology for selection of certain desirable traits in crop plants, such as, disease resistance.

The department has developed a reproducible protocol for Microprogation of Bamboos and some endangered species of medicinal value which occur in this region. Using Tissue culture technique on use of some plant species having antibacterial properties is in progress and a few plants have been isolated and characterized. These species have the potentials for medicinal value. This technique is being used in selecting for disease resistance.


Organogenesis in Canscora decurrense



Name of Equipment

Area of use

Orbital Shaker

For continuous agitation of suspension cultures

Deep Freezer

For storage of different costly chemicals and samples


For liquid nitrogen storage

Tissue culture incubation room

For keeping different cultured tissues in appropriate conditions of light and temperature


Gel Documentation system

For analysis of SDS and Agarose gels

UV-VIS Spectrophotometer

For estimation and quantification of different chemical and biological compounds

High Performance liquid Chromatography

For identification and quantification of microcompounds in sample


For amplification of DNA

Ultra centrifuge

For isolation of different cell components and nucleic acids



Refresher Courses in Life Sciences sponsored by UGC from:

July -August, 2004

October- November 2004

November-December 2005


Conference: XV Annual conference of IAAT and National Seminar on Recent advances in Taxonomy19-21 October, 2005.


April, 2006, Workshop on Biodiversity


1.) Dr. P. B. Nandkar

Professor & Head

Phone: +91-0712-22500088 (O)

+91-0712-2547610 (R)

Mobile: +91-9423634819

E-mail: pbnandkar@rediffmail.com


1. Professor, Department of Botany,

RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur.

2. Member of Standing Committee for SC/ST University Grants Commission, New Delhi.


1. Algal taxonomy 2. Soil and Water analysis

3. Nitrogen Fixation 4. Algal Ecology.

5. Phyco-aerospora 6. Algal morphology and physiology.

7. Algal cultures 8. Anti-viral compounds from Blue green algae.

9. Water chemistry of heavy metals 10. Biochemical studies on Blue-green algae.

11. Biofertilizers. 12. Crop management.


  1. Member of Botany Examination Board, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur

  2. Secretary, Nagpur University, Member of Ordinance Committee, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur. 2001-2005.

  3. Member of Board of Studies in Botany, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur. 1997 to 2005.

  4. Member of faculty of Science, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur. .

  5. Member of Moderation Committee RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur.

  6. Member of Board of Biotechnology. 2001-2004

  7. Member of Selection Committee in the Appointment of Principals of various colleges under RTM, Nagpur University, Nagpur.

  8. Subject Expert as Member of Selection Committee in CSIR Institute.

  9. Member of Vigilance Squad at various times for smooth conduct of University examination 1997-99., 2005-2006.

  10. Life member of Marathi Vigyan Parishad.

  11. Life member of Indian Science Congress.

  12. Member of British Phycological Society.

  13. Member Indian Phycological Society.

  14. Appointed as an Examiner for Net and Set Examination 2005-2006.

  15. Appointed as a member of Review Committee to review the programs under Remedial coaching Schemes of U.G.C. for the state Gujarat, Goa and Maharashtra in 2006, Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Kerala Pondicherry and Andhra Pradesh 2007.

  16. Appointed as a member of Expert Committee to assess the proposals of Research projects and seminars, conferences and workshops in various disciplines for the states of Goa, Gujarat and Maharashtra, 2006.

  17. Appointed as a member of Review Committee to review the work done in 2004- 2006 by the college for its Potential for Excellence, 2006


1. To Regional Biofertilizers Centre, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India, Regional office, Nagpur, 1997 onwards.

2. To the Farmers of Vidarbha region: How to use Biofertilizers in agriculture.

3. To the Agriculture officers in Vidarbha region and Central Zone of India.


  1. Gold Medal was awarded for the best presentation of a research paper on
    “Observations on sewage soil algae” in 2nd All India Symposiums on Life Science, 1980.

  2. Recipient of National Overseas Scholarships of 1983-84 from Govt. of India for Post Doctoral Research work in United Kingdom. 1985-1987.

  3. Recipient of U.G.C. Fellowship for Ph. D. works 1974-76.

  4. Started a new specialization “Phycology” in 1997 and then “Advanced Phycology and Hydrobiology” in 2005 in P.G. Department of Botany, Nagpur University, Nagpur.

  5. Chaired the 2nd session in a workshop on “Nag-Pili River Environmental System management Adaphic Ecosystem Approach” sponsored by NEERI, Nagpur on 13th Oct 2002.

  6. Chaired the 5th session in National Conference on “Recent Trends in Botany” in Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Chandrapur on 20th Dec 2004.

  7. Chaired the 1st session “Enthreatened Ecosystem” in the International Conference on “Modern Trends in Plant Sciences with special reference to the role of biodiversity and conservation.” In the Department of Botany, Amravati University, Amravati, on 17th Feb 2005.

  8. Chaired the 5th session in National Conference on “Recent Advances in Biology” in S.N. Mor Arts, Comm. and Smt.G.D. Saraf Science College, Tumsar on 3rd Feb.2007.


  1. Worked with Dr B.A. Whitton, Professor of Botany, University of Durham, England (UK) from June 1985-May 1986.

  2. Worked with W.D.P. Stewart, Sr. professor of Biological Sciences and Pro-Vice-Chancellor. The University of Dundee, Dundee, Scotland (U.K.) from June 1986– May, 1987.


1. Delivered number of lectures to farmers and Agriculture Officers of Vidarbha region and Andhra Pradesh under the training programs me in regional office of Biofertilizers, Govt. of India, Nagpur since 1990.

2. Invited Expert:

a) To deliver lectures in the refresher and orientation courses of the Dept. of Zoology, Nagpur University, Nagpur.

b) To deliver lectures in the refresher and orientation programmes in Botany, for senior teachers of colleges under Nagpur Dr. B.A.M. University, Aurangabad and Amravati Universities, since 1990,2002,2004.

3. Participation in the interdisciplinary activities of University, since 1990 (Joint Scheme with Zoology)

4. To deliver lectures in private colleges, J.M..Patel College, Bhandara, 2000,2003 and J.B. Science College, Wardha, Jan 2005.

5. To deliver lectures on Biofertilizers in the training course for Agriculture Officers of in PKV in the Department of Horticulture, PKV, Nagpur 2004.

6. Delivered Radio talk on “Merits & Demerits of poisonous plants” under the scheme of mass awareness about science.

H) UNIVERSITY EXAMINATION : State and Central Universities.


1. Dr. Miss Shirish Pradhan

Phytoplankton studies in aquatic ecosystem 1991

2. Dr .Miss Farah Shaeen

Physiological studies on accumulation of heavy metals by Cyanobacteria 1996

3. Dr.Miss. Rashmi Yemde

Biofertilizer and metal biotechnology 2002

4. Dr. Sunil D. Shankhadarwar

Eco-Physiological studies of toxic waste water algae 2003

5. Dr. L. P. Dalal

Biofertilizer – macronutrient and micronutrient 2004

6. Dr. Rajkumar Khapekar

Eco-physiological studies on algae of thermal power station. 2006

Number of Students Working for Ph. D: Ten


  1. One major scheme from U.G.C. : Completed 1997

  2. One minor Scheme from U.G.C. : Completed 1996

  3. One minor Scheme from University U.G.C. : Completed 1998

  4. Two research schemes : Ready for Submission to U.G.C. and DST.


2. )Dr. R. P. Thakre, (FPSI, FMASc)


(Mycology & Plant Pathology)

Field of Interest: -



Seed Pathology

Biological Control of diseases.

Research projects: ­

Two research projects completed Sanctioned by CSIR and UGC and since 1997 coordinator of major research project on the improvement of oil seed Brassicas sanctioned by the National Dairy Development Board Anand and Dhara Vegetable oil and foods company Anand (Gujarat).

Research Publications: ­

About 60-research papers published in reputed journals and proceedings, and attended the National and International conferences / seminars.

Eleven students have been awarded Ph. D. Degree.


1. Dr. M. N. Bhajbhuje

Investigations of the Seed Mycoflora Associated with Vegetable Seeds from Vidarbha Region.1990

2. Dr. (Miss) Priti Joshi

Studies on Decomposition of Organic Materials with Special Reference to the Role of Thermophilic Fungi.1993

3. Dr. V. K. Shrivastava

Studies on Leaf Surface Fungi of Nagpur Mandarin Orange (Citrus reticulata) With Special Reference to Sooty Mould.1996

4. Dr. Y. Y. Barve

Studies on Storage Fungi Associated with Seeds of Some Leguminous Crops.1996

5. Dr. S. C. Chabra

Survey and Investigation of Mycoflora Associated With some Oil Seeds with Reference to Mycotoxins& their Effect on Biological Systems of Plants and Animals.1998

6. Dr. S. P. Landge

Mutational Studies in B. napus cultivar Westar.2001

7. Dr. R. V. Swami

Qualitative and Quantitative Impovements in Brassica juncea (Linn.) Czern”. 2001

8. Dr.(Mrs) A. A. Sinha

Study of Practical Utilization of Trichoderma viride for the Management of Rhizome Rot of Ginger.2002

9. Dr. A. A. Fulzele

Studies on Biodegradation of Agricultural waste. 2003

10. Dr. S. I. Ghugal

Investigations on Storage Fungi Associated With the Seeds of Some Oil Seed Brassicas. 2004.

11. Dr. G. B. Hedawoo

Mutagenic studies in Brassica oleracea var. botrytis Linn. subvar. cymosa Lam. 2004.

Number of Students Working for Ph. D: Four

Other Academic affiliations:

Coordinator of Indira Gandhi National Open University, Nagpur Study Centre.

Convener of Indian Science Congress Association - Nagpur Chapter.

Fellow of the Maharashtra Academy of Science.

Fellow of the Indian Phytopatholgical Society.


3.) Dr. A.D. Choudhary (FMASc)


Director, BCUD, RTM Nagpur University.

Molecular Biology and Plant Biotechnology

Phone number: 09923087052 (M), 07122520334 (Landline)

Field of Interest: -

  • Plant Genetics and Breeding

  • Defense Gene expression

  • Tissue Culture

  • Biotechnology

Membership of Academic Bodies/ Societies :

i) Life Member, Indian Science Congress Association.

ii) Life Member, Society of Cytologists and Geneticists of India.

iii) Life Member, Marathi Vidhynan Parishad

Awards (National/ International) :

i) Fellow of Maharashtra Academy of Sciences

ii) Awarded National Overseas fellowship by Govt. of India for Post Doctoral Research in

Molecular Biology at Noble Foundation, ARDMORE, OKLAHOMA, USA during 1988-1989.

iii) Awarded visiting fellowship by Noble Foundation USA during 1989-90 to work at their research laboratory.

Research projects: ­

  • In vitro selection of disease resistance in Arachis hypogaea 1993 - 1997 DST, Govt. of India

  • Investigations on defence gene expressions in Vigna radiata and its exploitation for selection of resistance in vitro and in vivo. 1999 – 2002, DAE, Mumbai.

  • Development of Appropriate nursery techniques for vegetative propagation of some highly valued and ornamental and cash crops. 2000-2003, DST, Govt. of India.

  • Investigations on cultivation & industrial exploitation of novel medicinal plants. 2001-2004, Science & Technology Cell, Govt. of Maharashtra.

  • Investigations on growth stimulant and immunostimulant activities of chitosan and alginate and its exploitation in agriculture. 2005 – 2008 DAE, Mumbai.


1. Dr. Kanaklata Singh

Mutational studies in Cyamopsis tetragonaloba (L.) TAUB. 1996

2. Dr. R.R. Karpate

Mutational studies in Linum usitatissimum L. 1996

3. Dr. V.S. Dongre

Cytogenetical studies in Gerbera jamesonii., H.BOLUS, . 1998

4. Dr. M.C. Kale

Studies on induced defense response in Arachis hypogaea L. 1998

5. Dr. S.D. Girhe

Mutational studies in Lathyrus sativus L. 2001

6. Dr. A.B. Kulkarni

In vitro and in vivo analysis of Azadirachtin content in Azadirachta indica with special reference to coal mine spoil dumps. 2001

7. Dr. R.S. Badere

Investigations on induced mutations in var. NL-97 & RLC-6 of Linum usitatissimum (L) for quantitative and qualitative improvement. 2003

8. Dr. P.N. Nasare

Mutational studies in Ocimum sanctum Linn. 2003

9. Dr. D.K. Koche

Investigations on Plant defense gene expression in Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek. 2004

10. Dr. M.C. Kottayi

Defense gene expression in Arachis hypogea and it’s exploitation for selection of resistance to leaf spot disease. 2007

11. Dr. A. A. Kshirsagar

Studies on induced defense response in Cicer arietinum (L.) 2007

12 Dr. Mahesh Kawale

Investigations on cultivation and in vitro multiplication of few medicinal plants. 2007

Number of Students Working for Ph. D: Six




Reproductive Biology of Angiosperm

Area of Interest:

  • Biodiversity

  • Ecology

  • Phytochemistry

  • Reproductive Biology

Other Academic affiliations

Fellow of Indian Association of Taxonomists.

Elected Member, Nagpur University Senate: 2000-2005,2005-2010

Elected Member, Nagpur University Management Council (ex)2000-2005

Member of more than 15 committees of Nagpur University.

Major achievements:

Trained for PARK MANAGEMENT at University of Indiana, Bloomington, USA, 2002

Coordinator: Four Refresher Courses sponsored by UGC.

Organising Secretary: XV Annual conference of IAAT and National Seminar on Recent advances in Taxonomy.


  • Indo-American [Indiana University] Collaborative Pilot Project on Institutional Arrangements of two Successful Self-initiated Attempts in Forest Management in Maharashtra, India. (Inter disciplinary)

  • Institutional Structure And Successful Collective Action, Funded By South-Asian Network For Development Of Environmental Economics (SANDEE]

  • The Effect Of Fly Ash On Plant Growth And Yield Of Brassica juncea Cv Pusa Bold (With UGC)

  • Evaluation Of Biodiversity [Plant Wealth] And ethenobotanical studies In Protected Areas Of Pench National Park Maharashtra [With Ministry of Environment & Forests)

  • A revisit to the Dolan ridge community and analysis of change in the Dolan ridge community twin oaks forest International forestry resources and institution [IFRI],Indiana University, USA

  • Economics of protected area: a case study of Pench National Park, Maharashtra IGDAR Mumbai through World Bank

  • Impact on relocation on forest dependence subsistence and livelihood needs of people International Forestry Resources and Institution (IFRI), Indiana University, Bloomington , USA

Collaborative Work

Working on collaborative projects with Forest Department of Maharashtra.

Collaborative work with Department of Bio-chemistry and Economics

Associated with Nutrition Society of India.


Consultancy with Forest Survey of India (Government of India) as Consultant,

[MOU between University & FSI, signed], WCL

Founder member of NGO ‘SHODH’


1. Dr. G. PhaniKumar

A Contribution to the Phytochemical Investigation of Some Novel Plants of Euphorbiaceae Having Medicinal Potential.2005

2. Dr. Mrs Sumita Mukherjee

Autecological and Phytochemical Studies in Few Medicinal and Dye Yielding Plants. 2005

3. Dr. Ms. Amruta Jain

Contribution to Phytochemical and In Vitro Studies in Some Members of Lamiaceae having Medicinal Potential. 2007

Number of Students Working for Ph. D: Ten

Five students are working for M.Phil. dissertation.


5.) Dr. D.P. Gogle


Phone No. 0712-2500088 (O)

Mobile: 9423103819


Plant physiology,



1. Physiological studies on green foliages.

2. Physiological studies on leaf extracts.

Number of Students Working for Ph. D: Six




E-mail : dmnitin26@rediffmail.com


  • Ethnobotany,

  • Taxonomy,

  • Biodiversity Conservation.

  • Molecular Embryology

Currently working on Orchids of Vidarbha.

Research Projects:

Completed one Minor Research Project on Biodiversity.

Project sanctioned for Garden Infrastructure Development by Ministry of Environment and Forests, New Delhi.

Number of Students Working for Ph. D: Ten


Dr. P. B. Nandkar

Professor & Head

Phone: +91-0712-22500088 (O)

+91-0712-2547610 (R)

Mobile: +91-9423634819E-mail: pbnandkar@rediffmail.com


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