Establishment : 1977
D. Laxmi Narayan Campus, Law College Square, Amravati Road, Nagpur- 440001
Phone No.: (0712) 2531668 Fax No.: ………………………
Web Site : E-Mail : ……………………….
Vice Chancellor : Hon’ble Dr. S. N. Pathan
Pro-Vice Chancellor : Hon’ble Prof. Dr. G. S. Parasher
Admeasuring area of the Building : 855.8559. mtr.
The Post Graduate Department of Education has came into existence in 1977. This is one of the Departments of
Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur which was established in 1923. The courses run by the department are M. Ed. and M. Phil. in Education.
2. Mission of the Department :
To prepare professional personnel i.e. Teacher Educators required for Colleges of Education,
To prepare professional administrators and supervisors for the position of responsibilities in educational institutions; such as the Departments of Education, Educational planning and supervisory educational services.
To prepare persons for various psychological services such as psychological testing, personal; educational and vocational guidance, statistical services with an educational orientation.
To prepare persons for participation in programmes of examination reforms and educational evaluation.
To prepare persons for organizing curriculum, development and preparation of instructional materials.
To prepare persons through systematic study and research that will contribute for the development of educational literature and growth of education discipline.
Courses run in the Department :
Degree Duration Intake Capacity Eligibility
M. Ed. One year 30 Students B. Ed. (Home Uni.)
M. Phil.(Edn.) One year 11 Students M. Ed. (Home Uni.)
(one seat reserved for other university)
Ph. D.(Edn.) Eligibility : M. Ed. or M. Phil. in Education
Dr. (Mrs.) S. G. Wanjari (Reader & HOD M.Sc.(Bio.Chem),M.A.(Eng.),M. Ed.,SET(Edn).,Ph.D.(Edn) Member of Board of Studies Vice Chairman of Nagpur Nagrik Sahakari Bank Ltd. Nagpur (Multi state Scheduled Bank)
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Teaching Subjects :
Advance Educational Psychology &
Environmental Education for M.Ed.
Current Trends in India & Other Developed Countries &
Research Methodology in Education for M. Phil.
Research Area :
Ø Value Education
Ø Science Education
Ø Tribal Education
Ø Environmental Education
Dr. Bhimrao E. Gote (Reader)
B.Lib.Sc. M.A.(Eco. & Edn.Commn.) M.Ed. Ph.D.(Edn.)
Coordinator for M.Ed. degree course of Y. C. M. O. University, Nasik
Visiting Faculty for M. Phil. (Post Graduate Deptt. of R.T.M. Nagpur University)
Visiting Faculty for M. A. (P. G. Deptt. Dr. Ambedkar Thought, R. T. M. Nagpur University)
Research Guide, Supervisor & Counsellor for M. Ed. M. Phil. & Ph.D. of R.T.M. Nagpur and Y. C. M. O. University, Nasik University.
Teaching Subjects :
Research Methodology in Education &
Educational Technology for M.Ed.
Current Trends in India & Other Developed Countries ,
Research Methodology in Education for M. Phil.
Research Area :
Ø Population Education
Ø Education Technology
Ø Curriculum & Text books
Ø Education of Deprived
Ø Educational Philosophy
Ø Examination Reformation
Ø Interdisciplinary Research
Prof. Dr. G. S. Parasher (Pro-Vice Chancellor)
M.Sc. M. Ed., Ph. D. (Edn.), Ph.D. (Life Sc.)
Teaching Subjects :
Educational Philosophy for M. Ed.
Policy, planning and Management in Education for M. Phil.
Research Area :
Ø Financing of Education
Ø Environmental Education
Ø Educational Philosophy
Ø Interdisciplinary Research
Ø Examination Reformation
5. Visiting Faculties : (For M. Ed.)
5.1 Dr. Vandana Diwakar Manapure
M.Sc. (Maths) M.Ed. Ph.D. (Edn)
Bar. S. K. Wankhede University College of Education
R. T. M. Nagpur University, Nagpur
5.2 Dr. (Mrs.) Vidya Shrikrishna Bharame
M.A. (Soc., Hist.), M.Ed., M. Phil., Ph.D. (Edn.)
Bar. S. K. Wankhede University College of Education
5.3 Dr. Nurul Haque Abdul Haque Kazi
M.A. (Hindi, Socio, Hist.) M. Ed. Ph. D. (Edn)
Bar. S. K. Wankhede University College of Education
5.4 Dr. Sushma D. Sharma
M.A. M.Ed. Ph. D. (Edn)
Bar. S. K. Wankhede University College of Education
R. T. M. Nagpur University, Nagpur
5.5 Mrs. J. D. Pandharpurkar
M.A. M. Ed. Ph. D. (Edn)
Bar. S. K. Wankhede University College of Education
R. T. M. Nagpur University, Nagpur
5.6 Shri. Kishor Manikrao Wath
M. Sc. (Botany) M. Ed., M.A. D. B. M., NET (Education)
Bar. S. K. Wankhede University College of Education
R. T. M. Nagpur University, Nagpur
5.7 Dr. Pravin S. Mohete
M.Sc.(Statistics) M. Ed. Ph. D. (Edn)
Shikshan Mahavidyalaya, Katol
6. Visiting Faculties (For M. Phil.) :
6.1 Prof. Dr. G. S. Parasher (Pro-Vice Chancellor)
6.2 Dr. V. D. Manapure (Principal)
6.3 Dr. Suhas R. Patil (M.Com., M.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D., SET in Edn. Com.)
6.4 Dr. Rajashri Vaishnav (M.Sc. M. Ed. Ph. D. NET & SET in Edn.)
7. Research Activities & Specialization :
Interdisciplinary researches
Curriculum and Test Books
Management & Administration of Education
Educational Technology
Environmental Education
Philosophy of Education
Psychology of Education
Population Education
Teaching Methodology (Pedagogy) Education
Education of Deprived
Other Information
8.1 A Study Centre for M.Ed. Degree course of Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik
8.2 Guidance & Counseling Centre for Careear Planning, NET / SET
8.3 Guidance & Counseling Centre for Placement, Research , etc.
8.4 Seminars on Various Topics related to interdisciplinary faculties
8.5 Research activities for M. Ed. & M. Phil. Students of Home university and Y. C. M. O. U. Nasik.
9. The Strength of Faculties approved by the University :
v Professor : One
v Reader : Four
v Lecturer : Two
v Total : Seven
Proposed Programmes :
10.1 Centre for Advanced Study
10.2 Studio for A. V. Aids & Educational Technology
10.3 Additional 30 intake for M.Ed. From next academic year i.e. 2008-09.
Curriculum for the Degree of Master of Education: -
Paper No. Subjects Sess.Marks Theory Marks Passing
(A) Compulsory Subjects :
(1) Philosophy of Education 20 80 40
(2) Advanced Educational Psychology 20 80 40
(3) Elements of Educational Research 20 80 40
(4) Dissertation with viva-voce 100 50
(B) Optional Subjects (Any two):
(5) History of Education in India 20 80 40
(6) Educational Organization &
Administration in India 20 80 40
(7) Comparative study of Educational
Systems in U.K., U.S.A. & U.S.S.R. 20 80 40
(8) Educational Sociology 20 80 40
(9) Advanced Statistics in Education 20 80 40
(10) Guidance and Counselling 20 80 40
(11) Educational Technology 20 80 40
(12) Teacher Education 20 80 40
(13) Environmental Education 20 80 40
Aggregate Marks 100 500 250
Aggregate Minimum pass Marks --- --- 288
Syllabus for M. Phil Course in Education :
A. Compulsory Subjects (Two) Max. Marks Pass. Marks
A.1 Research Methodology in Education 100 50
A.2 Policy, planning and Management in Education 100 50
B. Optional Subjects (Any one) 100 50
B.1 Information and Communication Technology
B.2 Current Trends in India and other developed Countries.
C. Dissertation Grade A, B, C
C.1 Research Report Grade A, B, C
C.2 Viva Voce Grade A, B, C
D) Seminars (Thirty )

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