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Ambedkar was most educated economist of India: Narendra Jadhav

Even though Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar is known more for being the architect of the Constitution, but basically, he was the most educated economist of the country, Dr Narendra Jadhav, member of Planning Commission of India, said here today.

Ambedkar's thoughts of economics have made a significant impact on the social movement he led for downtroddens in the country and they were way ahead of his times, Jadhav said.

Jadhav was delivering a lecture as part of 'Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Lecture Series' organised by Sant Gadgebaba Amravati University. Vice chancellor of Sant Gadgebaba Amravati University Dr Kamal Singh presided over the programme.

Dr Jadhav said that Ambedkar was a 'Pradnya Surya' and his intelligence was boundless. "Dr Ambedkar studied many subjects, wrote on them even while running social movement. But he was mainly an economist and this is evident through various economic provisions made in our Constitution. During his study of economics, he wrote dissertations and research papers on subjects like the problem of Indian Rupee, its origin and solutions, gold standards and gold exchange standards and many more," he added.

Ambedkar's book on economic relation between the then provinces and Central government of the country during the British rule is still a reference book for all economists and main inspirational source of finance commissions in the country, Jadhav said. Ambedkar, in 1928, had written about bringing restrictions on moneylenders and ways to do that, said Jadhav.

Jadhav, a former vice chancellor of Pune University, also recalled the debate between Mahatma Gandhi and Ambedkar on the issue of caste system in India. Ambedkar had stressed during that debate that caste system in India has made strong impact on our economic system.

"He (Ambedkar) told that in India, caste system does not mean only the division of labour but also the division of labourers," said Jadhav.

Jadhav asked students to acquire thoughts of Ambedkar like 'learn, unite and struggle,' 'I am an Indian first and will remain Indian forever, be the light of wisdom of yourself and don't accept the slavery of anybody.'

"We all should have a sense of social responsibility and we should develop it purposefully. Intellectuals without such sense, prove to be nothing but 'High IQ Morons'. Students should have big goals, tremendous will power, readiness for hard work, time management, avoid short cuts and identify the importance of parents in time," said Jadhav, author of many books and receiver of many awards.

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