growth of this region in the right earnest while retaining the distinct fervour of the vibrant population of this region.
Chhattisgarh has proved how a small state can prosper. It is only after the successful carving out of the state from Madhya Pradesh that the dream of a separate Vidarbha got new inspiration. Big developments in smaller states are also feasible.
What is happening now is the monopoly of the western Maharashtra in the state who are viewed with awe and while we are seen as minnows. This can be attributed to weak leadership. The creation of Vidarbha would relieve us from dominance of the western Maharashtra who are a privileged lot at present with their stranglehold on the state politics. Since they have an overwhelming influence in deciding economic polices and planning, the Vidarbha region gets only what is being left over or just as a consolation reward to a smaller brother by the elder one. This would go with the creation of Vidarbha state.
But I remain skeptical about political leaderships. The opinion makers need to give this movement a proper momentum. Not for personal gain but for the sake of this region, one needs to get ready for the leadership of the masses for a bigger goal. It is unfortunate that there never was a steady movement under a strong tenacious leader for Vidarbha.
The law and order situation in the new state shall improve with the home minister stationed in the region itself. At present, the home minister sits far away from the region and is not accessible by the people here. The availability of the secretariat in the city would be a boon for the citizen. We need to follow the issue up diligently over a prolonged period and not lose the momentum generated.

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