As many as 149 colleges, including nine from Vidarbha and 27 from Maharashtra, have been bestowed with college with potential for excellence (CPE) status by the University Grants Commission (UGC) under its eleventh five-year plan. These colleges will get Rs 1 crore each for development and research activities.
Five colleges of Nagpur University and four from Amravati University were conferred with the award. The colleges of NU who got the status are: Institute of Science, Dr Ambedkar College, Dhanwate National College (all from Nagpur), JB Science College, Wardha, and JM Patel College, Bhandara. From Amravati University, Shri Shivaji College, Akola, College of Physical Education, Amravati, Shivaji Science College, Amravati and Jijamata College, Buldhana, too got the coveted status.
The CPE status has been awarded after a thorough evaluation from the UGC. Last year, Shivaji Science College had been awarded CPE. The CPE scheme was introduced by the apex education body in the country to encourage those colleges which have been performing very well and had got high standard of teaching, research and extension activities. The grant is aimed to further improve their quality.
The UGC started this scheme during its tenth fiveyear plan to encourage the colleges for achieving academic excellence and making them self-sufficient so that they could seek autonomy.
The CPE status is awarded every two years and only once to a college. The apex body invites pro forma in the prescribed format from the colleges interested in getting CPE where they have to provide minute detail of their activities.
The details include laboratories, equipment, training programme for students and teachers, seminars and symposiums, extension activities like National Social Service (NSS) and National Cadet Corps (NCC) and community programmes.
"Institute of Science received the CPE status last month. We've been awarded Rs 1 crore of which first instalment
of Rs 50 lakh was received. According to UGC guidelines, the funds have to be spent on recurring and nonrecurring expenditure in 40:60 ratio. We will be improving quality of laboratories and purchase new equipment to boost research activities," director of IOS Mohan Gadegone said.
DNC principal Baban Taywade said that he had received a cheque of Rs 50 lakh from UGC and the college will use the money to improve infrastructure, especially in sports sector and other areas like library and laboratories.
"The funds have to be spent as per UGC guidelines. Later a team will come to the college to inspect whether the fund had been spent as per their guideline or not," he said.
Five colleges of Nagpur University and four from Amravati University were conferred with the award. The colleges of NU who got the status are: Institute of Science, Dr Ambedkar College, Dhanwate National College (all from Nagpur), JB Science College, Wardha, and JM Patel College, Bhandara. From Amravati University, Shri Shivaji College, Akola, College of Physical Education, Amravati, Shivaji Science College, Amravati and Jijamata College, Buldhana, too got the coveted status.
The CPE status has been awarded after a thorough evaluation from the UGC. Last year, Shivaji Science College had been awarded CPE. The CPE scheme was introduced by the apex education body in the country to encourage those colleges which have been performing very well and had got high standard of teaching, research and extension activities. The grant is aimed to further improve their quality.
The UGC started this scheme during its tenth fiveyear plan to encourage the colleges for achieving academic excellence and making them self-sufficient so that they could seek autonomy.
The CPE status is awarded every two years and only once to a college. The apex body invites pro forma in the prescribed format from the colleges interested in getting CPE where they have to provide minute detail of their activities.
The details include laboratories, equipment, training programme for students and teachers, seminars and symposiums, extension activities like National Social Service (NSS) and National Cadet Corps (NCC) and community programmes.
"Institute of Science received the CPE status last month. We've been awarded Rs 1 crore of which first instalment
of Rs 50 lakh was received. According to UGC guidelines, the funds have to be spent on recurring and nonrecurring expenditure in 40:60 ratio. We will be improving quality of laboratories and purchase new equipment to boost research activities," director of IOS Mohan Gadegone said.
DNC principal Baban Taywade said that he had received a cheque of Rs 50 lakh from UGC and the college will use the money to improve infrastructure, especially in sports sector and other areas like library and laboratories.
"The funds have to be spent as per UGC guidelines. Later a team will come to the college to inspect whether the fund had been spent as per their guideline or not," he said.

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