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| Where the mind is without fear, and head is held high; Where the knowledge is free; Where the world is not broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls;… Where the clear stream of thought has not lost its way into dreary desert sand of dead habits;… Into that world of heaven, my father , let my country awake ----- Rabindranath Tagore. |
Department of English, was established in 1958. It is mainly devoted to teaching. We have an excellent staff of teachers, assisted by the contributory teachers from the affiliated colleges. We offer a Post Graduate Course in English. The focus of teaching is on British Literature spread over six papers. The remaining optional papers accommodate American Literature, Indian Literature in English, commonwealth Literature, Comparative Literature and Post Colonial Literature. While keeping within the parameters enjoined by the UGC, we have ingeniously dated and modified the courses to suit the requirement of the competitive examinations following the Master Degree. The new pattern encourages the students to read more and gives a wider scope to them to choose the areas in which they are interested. The new Question Paper pattern has also been thoroughly revised to suit the purpose. The Language Laboratory has also been installed to enable the students master the correct pronunciation.
- Course - M.A. English
- Specialisations -
- Intake Capacity - 60
Teaching Faculty
Regular Faculity
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Visiting Faculty
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B.A. with English Literature or additional B.A. in English Literature is essential qualification to seek admission in the Post Graduate Studies in English. However, the admissions are finalized on the basis of the standard merit list.
International Academic Honours
- Dr. Shende was a Visiting Research Scholar at the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
- He was Full Bright Scholar in the Northern Illinois University to Participate in the cultural and academic activities in Chicago, Colorado, and New York. -
- Does Santiago Reflect Sidhartha? appeared in fourth volume of Odyssey( An International Journal for Literature and Philosophy.)
- Multi-Dimensional Steinbeck: A New Millennium Perspective” appeared in Re-Makings.
- Budhist Influence on Modern Western Fiction” appeared in NUETO
- Transcending the Barriers of Caste” appeared in South Asian Review published by University of Pittsburge at Johnstown, Pennsylvania, USA.
- Retold Truth: Burning Bright in the Light of Buddhist Ideology included in Steinbeck Review being edited by the New Steinbeck Society of America.
- Politics of Oppression: A Study of Some of the Cultural Issues in the Autobiographical Writings of African American and Dalit Literature” to be included in the seminar’s proceedings of First International Conference on American Literature organized by National University of Modern Languges at Islamabad, Pakistan in Sept. 2006
The members of the staff individually guide Ph.D. dissertations. Over the years the faculty has guided about 45 Ph.D. level research dissertations which forms 40% of the total output of the University since its inception . Similarly the faculty has guided 86 M.Phil. dissertations. We are looking forward to introduce our own courses, leading to M.Phil. /Ph. D. degrees.RESEARCH IN PROGRESS:
Mrs. Leena Chandani is engaged in her research on “Cultural Interface in the Fiction of Kamla Das and Manju Kapoor Ms. Geetanjali Divekar is engaged in her research on “Colonized Psyche: A Journey Towards Liberation in the Texts of Paule Marshall” Mr. Amol Padwad is engaged in his research on the development of Marxist Ideology
About Faculty
Name: Dharamads M. Shende
Date of Birth: October 24, 1963
Designation: Reader and Head- Dept. of English
RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur-440033 (India)
Education: MA., Ph. D. (Amravati University, India)
Area of Research: Modern American Fiction,
Commonwealth Literature, Postcolonial Studies, Dalit Lit.
E-mail: dmshende@sify.com or dmshende@yahoo.co.in
Shende, D.M. “Does Santiago Reflect Siddhartha?, ” Odyssey: International Journal
for Literature and Philosophy, IV, (2000), 85-93.
_____. “Buddhist Influence on Modern Western Fiction”, Journal of Nagpur University
English Teachers’ Organization, I, 1 (March 2000), 62 – 75.
_____. “Politics of Oppression: A Study of Some of the Cultural Issues in African
American and Dalit Autobiographical Writings,” National University of Modern
Languages (Islamabad, Pakistan, 2006), pp. 85-108.
_____ . “(Agri)Culture in Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath and Sadanand Deshmukha’s
Baromas : Beyond Postcolonialism,” ICFAI: Journal of English Studies, III, 2 (June
2007), 67-87.
_____ . “ The Retold Truth : Burning Bright in the Light of the Buddha’s Teachings,”
John Steinbeck’s Global Dimensions ( Lanham, Maryland : Scarecrow Press Inc.,
2008), pp. 153-65.
_____, “Redefining Transcendentalism in the Light of Ambedkarvad: A Study of
Kirvant & Rutes and Escape Routes”, Re-Markings, VII, 2 (September 2008),
_____, “Hegelian Paradigm Revisited: Understanding Hinduism and Buddhism through Dalits’
Consciousness” (Submitted to the current issue of South Asian Review-March 2009)
OVERSEASE VISITS (Research/Academic):
Name: Dharamads M. Shende
Date of Birth: October 24, 1963
Designation: Reader and Head- Dept. of English
RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur-440033 (India)
Education: MA., Ph. D. (Amravati University, India)
Area of Research: Modern American Fiction,
Commonwealth Literature, Postcolonial Studies, Dalit Lit.
E-mail: dmshende@sify.com or dmshende@yahoo.co.in
Shende, D.M. “Does Santiago Reflect Siddhartha?, ” Odyssey: International Journal
for Literature and Philosophy, IV, (2000), 85-93.
_____. “Buddhist Influence on Modern Western Fiction”, Journal of Nagpur University
English Teachers’ Organization, I, 1 (March 2000), 62 – 75.
_____. “Politics of Oppression: A Study of Some of the Cultural Issues in African
American and Dalit Autobiographical Writings,” National University of Modern
Languages (Islamabad, Pakistan, 2006), pp. 85-108.
_____ . “(Agri)Culture in Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath and Sadanand Deshmukha’s
Baromas : Beyond Postcolonialism,” ICFAI: Journal of English Studies, III, 2 (June
2007), 67-87.
_____ . “ The Retold Truth : Burning Bright in the Light of the Buddha’s Teachings,”
John Steinbeck’s Global Dimensions ( Lanham, Maryland : Scarecrow Press Inc.,
2008), pp. 153-65.
_____, “Redefining Transcendentalism in the Light of Ambedkarvad: A Study of
Kirvant & Rutes and Escape Routes”, Re-Markings, VII, 2 (September 2008),
_____, “Hegelian Paradigm Revisited: Understanding Hinduism and Buddhism through Dalits’
Consciousness” (Submitted to the current issue of South Asian Review-March 2009)
OVERSEASE VISITS (Research/Academic):
a)Visiting Research Scholar, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, Summer, 1994
b)Fulbright Scholar, Northern Illinois University, IL, USA, Summer 2004
c)Sixth International Steinbeck Congress, Japan, June 2005
d)First International Conference on American Literature, NUML, Islamabad, Pakistan, September 2005
b)Fulbright Scholar, Northern Illinois University, IL, USA, Summer 2004
c)Sixth International Steinbeck Congress, Japan, June 2005
d)First International Conference on American Literature, NUML, Islamabad, Pakistan, September 2005
a)Text in the Context
b)Understanding Multiculturalism: New Approaches to Indian Writings in English
c)Colonial and Postcolonial Discourse
d)Interdisciplinarity: Understanding Culture and Literature
e)Literature and Discourse of Marginalized
f)Comparative Literature
a)A One-day National Seminar on “Multi-Dimensional Steinbeck: A New Millennium Perspective,” (February 27, 2003)
b)A Three-day National Seminar on “Understanding Multiculturalism: Translation, Culture and Literature” in collaboration with CIIL, Mysore, (5-7 February 2008)
c)A One-day workshop on “Deconstruction: Sites and Insights (January 15, 2007)
RESOURCE PERSON (Seminar/Conference/Refresher Course/M.Phil. Course):
a)International Conference on “Politics, Ideology and Literature: Trends and Tendencies in Contemporary Writing” organized by the Department of English, University of Mumbai on 20 – 22 February 2004
b)“John Steinbeck & the West : Comparative and Postcolonial Perspectives,” a one-day National Seminar organized by the Department of English, Pondicherry University on February 27, 2006
c)“Ambedkar and the Nation,” a two-day National Seminar organized by the the Centre for Ambedkar Studies, Rani Durgavati University, Jabalpur on 28-29 March 2007
d)National Conference on “Emerging Literary Theories” organized by the Department of Comparative Languages and Literature, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon on 4-5 March 2008
e)Lectures on “Modern American Fiction” in the Refresher Course, Department of Englsih, R.D.University, Jabalpur in August 2003
f)Lectures on “Postcolonial Theory” in the Refresher course, Department of English, Dr. B.A.Marathwada University, Aurangabad in December 2005
g)Lectures on Modern American Fiction in M.Phil. course, Sant Gadage Baba Amravati University in May 2007
a)Osmania University, Hyderabad
b)Rani Durbavati University, Jabalpur
c)Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra
d)Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar University, Aurangabd
e)North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon
f)Swami Ramanad Teerth Marathwada University. Nanded
g)Sant GadageBaba Amravati University, Amravati
a)“Cultural Interface in the Fiction of Kamla Das and Manju Kapoor” by Leena Chandanani. January 2004 (Ph. D.)
b)“Colonized Psyche: Journey Towards Liberation in the Texts of Paule Marshall” by Geetanjali Diweakar, July 2004 (Ph. D.)
c)“Understanding Her Postcolonial Ethos in the Postmodern Fiction : A Cross Cultural Perspective ” by Meera Pardesi , January 2008 (Ph.D.)
d)Walt Whitman and ST Coleridge: Buddhist Humanism, December 2006 (M.Phil.)
e)Jack Kerouac: A Writer with Buddhist Mission, December 2007 (M. Phil.)
1)Indo-American Centre for International Studies, (Formerly ASRC) Hyderabad.
2)Dhvanyaloka: Centre for Indigenous Cultural Studies , Mysore.
3)Steinbeck Friends, San Jose State University, CA, USA.
4)President of Nagpur University English Teachers’ Organization (Since 2007).
b)Understanding Multiculturalism: New Approaches to Indian Writings in English
c)Colonial and Postcolonial Discourse
d)Interdisciplinarity: Understanding Culture and Literature
e)Literature and Discourse of Marginalized
f)Comparative Literature
a)A One-day National Seminar on “Multi-Dimensional Steinbeck: A New Millennium Perspective,” (February 27, 2003)
b)A Three-day National Seminar on “Understanding Multiculturalism: Translation, Culture and Literature” in collaboration with CIIL, Mysore, (5-7 February 2008)
c)A One-day workshop on “Deconstruction: Sites and Insights (January 15, 2007)
RESOURCE PERSON (Seminar/Conference/Refresher Course/M.Phil. Course):
a)International Conference on “Politics, Ideology and Literature: Trends and Tendencies in Contemporary Writing” organized by the Department of English, University of Mumbai on 20 – 22 February 2004
b)“John Steinbeck & the West : Comparative and Postcolonial Perspectives,” a one-day National Seminar organized by the Department of English, Pondicherry University on February 27, 2006
c)“Ambedkar and the Nation,” a two-day National Seminar organized by the the Centre for Ambedkar Studies, Rani Durgavati University, Jabalpur on 28-29 March 2007
d)National Conference on “Emerging Literary Theories” organized by the Department of Comparative Languages and Literature, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon on 4-5 March 2008
e)Lectures on “Modern American Fiction” in the Refresher Course, Department of Englsih, R.D.University, Jabalpur in August 2003
f)Lectures on “Postcolonial Theory” in the Refresher course, Department of English, Dr. B.A.Marathwada University, Aurangabad in December 2005
g)Lectures on Modern American Fiction in M.Phil. course, Sant Gadage Baba Amravati University in May 2007
a)Osmania University, Hyderabad
b)Rani Durbavati University, Jabalpur
c)Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra
d)Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar University, Aurangabd
e)North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon
f)Swami Ramanad Teerth Marathwada University. Nanded
g)Sant GadageBaba Amravati University, Amravati
a)“Cultural Interface in the Fiction of Kamla Das and Manju Kapoor” by Leena Chandanani. January 2004 (Ph. D.)
b)“Colonized Psyche: Journey Towards Liberation in the Texts of Paule Marshall” by Geetanjali Diweakar, July 2004 (Ph. D.)
c)“Understanding Her Postcolonial Ethos in the Postmodern Fiction : A Cross Cultural Perspective ” by Meera Pardesi , January 2008 (Ph.D.)
d)Walt Whitman and ST Coleridge: Buddhist Humanism, December 2006 (M.Phil.)
e)Jack Kerouac: A Writer with Buddhist Mission, December 2007 (M. Phil.)
1)Indo-American Centre for International Studies, (Formerly ASRC) Hyderabad.
2)Dhvanyaloka: Centre for Indigenous Cultural Studies , Mysore.
3)Steinbeck Friends, San Jose State University, CA, USA.
4)President of Nagpur University English Teachers’ Organization (Since 2007).
Dr. S.D.Palwekar, Ph.D.,M.A.,M.Phil,SET.
Email: sp@rediff.com
Tel: 91-9822765894
After completion of my post-graduate studies, I pursued my research on Indian writings in English. I submitted my Ph.D. thesis on “The Crisis of consciousness in the Novels of Arun Joshi” to Nagpur University. The area of my interest is English Romantic poetry, and the writers I particularly focus upon are Keats Wordsworth and Shelley. Presently I have been working on African and Indian Dalit Literature. Modern Critical Theory is also fascinating to me.
Contact Us
Dr.D.M. Shende
Reader & Head of the Department
Tel: 91-712-2548617

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