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GPS devices to check kerosene black-marketing

In an effort to plug rampant black-marketing of kerosene supplied through public distribution system, district supply office has installed global positioning system (GPS) devices on 44 tankers to keep track of them. This would prevent tankers being diverted from their designated routes to pilfer the commodity.

Assistant district supply officer R A Ambhore told TOI that the GPS devices would be activated in August. The Nagpur collectorate has tied up with Pune University's Science and Technology Park to set up the tracking system.

Ambhore said the district had two kerosene depots at Khapri and Borkhedi. It also had 32 dealers and the demand of kerosene in the entire Nagpur urban and rural was 5,907 kilolitres per month. Many times, these tankers divert the consignment meant for fair price shops and unload it elsewhere. He said GPS device would help to monitor movement of such vehicles from depot to respective fair price shops. "If the driver changes route, the district supply office would receive an SMS about it," he said.

Nagpur district collectorate is also all set to launch group SMS facility to inform beneficiaries about allocation and distribution of foodgrains through public distribution system (PDS). Additional collector and district supply officer Pradeep Dange said that initially SMS would be sent to villagers of seven tehsils alerting them about the foodgrains availability at fair price shops.

At present, the process to collect mobile numbers of villagers is on. Any villager could approach village talathi to register for the SMS facility in Marathi language.

The information of entire district would also be made available on website http://nagpurcollector.org/. The site is in final stage of designing, he informed. Later, website would be enhanced and would also have information about other government schemes, he said.

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