Procedure for CET, GD, PI and Centralized Admission Process (CAP)
Procedure for CET, GD, PI and Centralized Admission Process (CAP)
This Annexure explains the various stages and procedure adopted for the CET and CAP. Candidates seeking admission to MBA/MMS courses and PGDBM course at SIMSREE are required to appear for CET-2010 and the GD & PI conducted by the Competent Authority. However, for admission to PGDBM/PGDM courses at other institutes, candidate is required to appear for CET-2010 conducted by the Competent Authority and the GD & PI conducted by the respective institutes. Such candidates are eligible to attend admission round carried out by the institutes (except at SIMSREE) conducting PGDBM/PGDM courses.
The various stages of MAH-MBA/MMS-CET 2010, GD & PI and Centralized Admission Process (CAP) are as follows:
This Annexure explains the various stages and procedure adopted for the CET and CAP. Candidates seeking admission to MBA/MMS courses and PGDBM course at SIMSREE are required to appear for CET-2010 and the GD & PI conducted by the Competent Authority. However, for admission to PGDBM/PGDM courses at other institutes, candidate is required to appear for CET-2010 conducted by the Competent Authority and the GD & PI conducted by the respective institutes. Such candidates are eligible to attend admission round carried out by the institutes (except at SIMSREE) conducting PGDBM/PGDM courses.
The various stages of MAH-MBA/MMS-CET 2010, GD & PI and Centralized Admission Process (CAP) are as follows:
- Information Brochure along with “MAH-MBA/MMS-CET 2010 Kit” for the aspiring candidates will be available at the identified post offices in selected cities in India as mentioned in the Notification and website, against the payment of the application processing fees.
- It is mandatory for the candidates to procure the information brochure along with “MAH-MBA/MMS-CET 2010 Kit” from the identified post offices.
- The application form processing fees is Rs. 1150/- for Maharashtra State (General Category) candidates, All India and J&K Migrant candidates whereas Rs. 950/- for reserved category candidates belonging to Maharashtra State (i.e. Candidates having relevant backward class Caste Certificate and other applicable certificates issued by Maharashtra State authorities). This fee is to be paid in cash at the identified post offices during the contact hours of the respective post offices. This fee is non refundable and non transferable under any circumstances.
- Maharashtra and J & K Migrant candidates aspiring to apply for All India seats are not required to pay extra fee. Such candidates are required to submit only one application form as Maharashtra and J&K Migrant Candidate and will be required to select the choice as interested to apply for All India seat.
- All India candidates who have appeared for CAT 2009 and wish to appear only for the GD & PI conducted by Competent Authority are also required to procure the Information Brochure.
- Candidates will receive Receipt of Payment of fees from Post Office titled as “candidate’s copy”. Candidates are required to produce the receipt of the payment of fees at the time of confirmation of submission of CAP application form for admission (during stage-VIII) at the ARC and therefore the candidates are instructed to carefully preserve the receipts of the payment for further use.
- All the information printed in the brochure will also be available on the website for browsing, downloading and printing.
- MAH-MBA/MMS-CET 2010 Kit contains the Application ID, Password, important instructions for the submission of online application form. Candidates are advised to read the instructions carefully before submitting the application form.
- The Maharashtra State and J&K Migrant candidates can apply for all India Seats on the same Application ID, if he/she has appeared for CAT 2009 examination. Maharashtra candidates will be given only one allotment which will be highest choice either through All India Seats or Maharashtra State Seats.
- The candidate is required to read the information brochure carefully.
- Aspiring candidates are required to register their name online on the website for "MAH-MBA/MMS-CET 2010" for which the Application ID and password supplied in the Kit shall be required.
- The instructions to the candidates are provided in the Kit.
- The candidate is required to submit online application through Internet at home, cybercafé or at the designated facilitation center.
- Candidates are required to pay Rs.50/- in cash separately as facilitation charges at the facilitation center if the facilities are used.
- Candidates will have to fill up the personal details, qualification details and options for CET Centers.
- The candidate is required to paste the recent Photo and put signature on the space provided on the sheet. This sheet is provided in the kit. The sheet is to be scanned and uploaded on the website as per given guidelines.
- The candidate has to verify the correctness of the information filled. In case of any correction, the candidate can do it online before confirmation.
- The candidate has to confirm the Registration as per guidelines given in Kit.
- Candidate will not be able to change the information after the confirmation of registration.
- The Online system shall generate the Hall Ticket for CET bearing Name of candidate, the Photo and Signature of the Candidate, CET Center & Venue and such other details.
- All India candidates who wish to apply for admission through CAP only on the basis of score of CAT 2009 against All India seats will have to compulsorily register for CET. However the Hall Ticket for CET shall not be issued to such candidates. Such candidates can take a printout of the submitted application form for future reference.
Late registration facility is provided to those aspiring candidates who could not register for CET within schedule time. This facility is for:
- The candidates, who have already procured Information brochure along with MAH-MBA-CET 2010 Kit and failed to register– such candidates can submit online application form by paying additional late fees of Rs. 1000/- in cash at SIMSREE, Churchgate, Mumbai.
- The candidates, who have not so far procured Information brochure and MAH-MBA-CET 2010 Kit– such candidates need to procure Information Brochure (Rs. 1150/Rs.950) and pay additional late fees of Rs. 1000/- in cash at SIMSREE, Churchgate, Mumbai on the dates declared in the Notification.
- Such Candidates will be allotted a CET center situated only in Mumbai.
- Candidates are also required to read the instructions given in the Hall Ticket carefully.
- Candidates will appear for MAH-MBA/MMS -CET 2010 written examination at the designated venue as mentioned in the Hall Ticket.
Stage- IV: Declaration of CET 2010 results.
- The provisional results of CET will be declared on website of DTE.
- The eligible candidate should register for the GD & PI through candidate's login.
- The candidate has to select the available dates for GD & PI through candidate’s login as per schedule.
- The candidate will be allotted venue and date for GD & PI based on the availability and as per the address of the candidate. The choice to select the city of GD & PI will not be made available to the candidates.
- OMS candidates will be able to appear for GD & PI at Mumbai, Nagpur and Pune only based on their nearest travel.
- The date and venue once allotted will not be changed under any circumstances.
- The system shall generate "GD & PI Call Letter". The candidate has to take the printout and appear for the GD & PI as per the schedule and venue mentioned in call letter.
- Candidates are required to pay Rs.50/- in cash separately as facilitation charges at the facilitation center if the facilities are used.
- Candidates should appear for both GD & PI at the designated venue, date & time as mentioned in the Call Letter.
- The candidate remaining absent for GD or PI or both shall be disqualified and such candidates will not be eligible to participate in CAP and score card to such candidates will not be issued.
- The candidate should strictly send proforma-G given in the brochure in Original along with following documents (Attested Xerox Copies) for getting the work experience marks.
1. Experience Certificate(s)
2. Appointment Order(s)
3. Joining Report(s)
4. Marklist of qualifying examination
5. Relieving letter(s)( if applicable) - The proforma-G and above mentioned documents should be sent through Registered Post only as per schedule at the following address by clearly mentioning on the envelope the Application ID of the candidate and write “WE certificates for MAHMBA/MMS-CET 2010”
The Director
Sydenham Institute of Management Studies & Research and Entrepreneurship Education,
B-Road, Churchgate,Mumbai-400 020 - If the Candidate fails to submit proforma-G or fails to submit proforma-G in required format or fails to submit supporting documents or fails to submit within scheduled time then Work Experience marks will not be given to such candidates.
- The delay due to post office will not be considered in any case. It will be the responsibility of the candidate to see that the proforma-G and supporting documents of work experience are submitted within scheduled time.
- The acknowledgement of the receipt of the certificates and the Marks allotted for Work Experience will be available to the candidate through candidate’s login.
Stage VIII –Confirmation of "Application Form for Admission" at ARC
IMPORTANT: Failure to confirm the online application form at the ARCs will make candidate’s claim for the admission through CAP to MBA/MMS/PGDBA/PGDBM courses as NULL & VOID and candidate’s name will not appear in the Merit List(s).
- All the eligible candidates are required to update the information submitted at the time of submission of Application form for CET through candidate login.
- Candidates will be able to modify the submitted application except name of the candidate, date of birth, permanent address, email.
- All the eligible Candidates aspiring for All India seats are required to submit their All India Entrance exam score through candidates login.
- Candidate is required to take a printout of the updated Online Application Form.
- The Printout of the online application form will list the required documents for verification.
- The candidate will have to confirm the online application form at ARC in-person.
- The candidate will have to confirm the online application form only at the assigned ARC. The Candidate will not be able to confirm the application form at other ARC.
- Candidate is required to produce all Original documents for verification and should submit attested copies of documents (As per the list of the documents mentioned on the printout of the application form) along with proforma-I in original at the ARC. Candidate is also required to produce Receipt of Payment of fees issued by the Post Office.
- If the candidate fails to substantiate the claim(s), then the application form will not be confirmed.
- Backward Class Category candidates who fail to produce the valid caste and/or Non Creamy layer certificates will be converted to General Category and are required to pay Rs. 200/- as difference in fees in cash at ARC.
- If Maharashtra Candidates of Type-B, C and D fails to produce supporting documents then such candidates will be converted to OMS candidates.
- In any case, certificates will not be accepted once the application form is confirmed.
- The candidate should collect the copy of online generated “Receipt-cum-Acknowledgement” duly signed by ARC Officer and bearing seal of the ARC.
- After confirmation of Application form, requests for change in Type of Candidature, Change of Category/Reservation Claims, Change of Home University etc. will not be accepted.
- The Provisional Merit Lists viz. Maharashtra State Candidates, All India Candidates and J & K Migrant Candidates will be displayed on website.
- For discrepancy in the provisional merit list, if any, get the corrections done by lodging the grievance in-person at ARCs within the period specified in the schedule.
- The Final merit list will be displayed on the website as per the schedule.
- The score card will be dispatched to the permanent address of the candidate mentioned in the application form by ordinary post.
- The duplicate score card will be issued on payment of fee Rs. 200/- (Rs. 500/- after 30th September 2010) through Institute where the candidate has taken the admission.
General Instructions:
- In order to participate in the Centralized Admission Process (subject to fulfillment of the eligibility criterion of respective CAP round), it is MANDATORY to fill the Online Option Form for respective CAP Round.
- Candidates will be able to fill in the Online option form through their login on website.
- It is mandatory for all candidates to confirm the online option form by himself/ herself.
- The candidate will not be able to change the Options once it is confirmed.
- IMPORTANT: Candidates should not disclose their Application ID & Password to others to avoid impersonation. Competent Authority shall not be responsible for submissions done by the others on behalf of the candidate. Hence candidates are instructed to keep changing the password and keep note of it.
- Every institute offering MBA/MMS course and PGDBM course of SIMSREE has been allotted a choice code number which is given in the “Annexure -VII” of the Information Brochure. The updated list of MBA/MMS institutes is available on the website.
- The serial number of block in the option form indicates preference of choice. Thus the code number of the institute filled by the candidate in block No. 1 will be his/her first preference.
- Option form received through online submission alone will be considered valid for further processing.
- Instructions for filling online option form for CAP Round-I:
- Maximum 25 options are made available in the online option form of CAP Round-I.
- The candidate can fill minimum 1 and maximum 25options. The candidate has to fill the institute code against the option number in the online option form.
- Option forms received through online submission alone will be considered valid for further processing.
- Candidate has to confirm the submitted on-line Option Form himself/herself by re-entering Application ID and Password.
- The candidate can take the printout of the confirmed Option form for future reference.
Stage-XI: Display of Allotment, Rules of Reporting to the "Respective Institutes" and confirmation of the admission of CAP ROUND-I
This will be a direct allotment round. At the start of this round, total seats available for allotment will be the CAP seats for the MBA/MMS courses and PGDBM course of SIMSREE. The allotment in this round will be done on the basis of options confirmed by the candidate, inter se merit of the eligible candidate and available seats at that point of time during the allotment stage/process.
This will be a direct allotment round. At the start of this round, total seats available for allotment will be the CAP seats for the MBA/MMS courses and PGDBM course of SIMSREE. The allotment in this round will be done on the basis of options confirmed by the candidate, inter se merit of the eligible candidate and available seats at that point of time during the allotment stage/process.
- The allotment of candidates will be displayed on the website.
- The candidate should to take a printout of the displayed allotment.
- No separate allotment letter will be issued to the candidate.
- The candidate will report to the allotted institute and confirm the admission at the respective Institute along with the necessary original documents as specified in Annexure-II and pay full fees. (Refer Rules of Reporting for CAP Round-I)
- The respective Institute will carry out "Online Update" of the confirmation of the candidate’s admission on website through their Institute login, at the time when the candidate is being admitted at the Institute.
- The system shall automatically generate letter of confirmation of the admission as an acknowledgement.
- The institute is required to take a printout of the acknowledgement and then the status of candidate will change to ‘Reported Candidate’.
- If the candidate (to whom it is Mandatory to report after allotment) fails to report to and confirm the admission at the Institute, on or before the last date of reporting at the Institute then the candidate shall lose claim on the allotted seat (Refer Rules of Reporting for CAP Round-I). Such seats will be treated as vacant seat for subsequent round of CAP.
- The candidates will be able to know the status of reporting, his/her eligibility for next round through login.
Rules of Reporting of CAP Round-I:
- All candidates who have secured an allotment out of First five options will not be eligible for subsequent CAP rounds irrespective of whether the candidate confirms the admission or not. Hence such candidates are advised to confirm the admission at the respective Institute as per the secured allotment in the CAP Round-I since names of such candidates will be automatically deleted from the subsequent lists of eligible candidates for subsequent CAP rounds.
- Candidates (other than those covered in above stated rule no. 1)
- who have secured an allotment which is not out of first five options.
and - who are satisfied with the allotment of CAP Round-I.
and - Who are no more interested in participating in subsequent CAP rounds.
may confirm the admission by reporting at the respective institute. Such candidates will not be eligible to participate in subsequent CAP rounds. Names of such candidates will be automatically deleted from the subsequent lists eligible candidates for subsequent CAP rounds.
- who have secured an allotment which is not out of first five options.
- All such seats, on which the candidates have confirmed the admission on or before the last date of reporting of CAP Round-I, shall not be available for allotment in subsequent CAP rounds.
Stage-XII: Submission and confirmation of online option form for CAP Round-II
- All the candidates whose names have appeared in the merit list of such candidates who are eligible to submit the option form for CAP Round-II.
- Candidate should fill up the options for the Institutes offering MBA/MMS course and PGDBM course of SIMSREE in which seats are available for allotment in CAP Round-II.
- Maximum 35 options are made available in the online option form of CAP Round-II.
- The candidate can fill minimum 1 and maximum 35 options.
- Rest of the procedure for confirmation of option form for CAP Round-II is same as CAP Round-I.
Stage-XIII: Display of Allotment, Rules of Reporting to the "Respective Institutes" and confirmation of the admission of CAP ROUND-II
The allotment in this round will be done on the basis of options submitted, inter se merit of the eligible candidate and available seats at that point of time during the allotment stage/process.
The allotment in this round will be done on the basis of options submitted, inter se merit of the eligible candidate and available seats at that point of time during the allotment stage/process.
- The allotment of candidates will be displayed on the website.
- The candidate should to take a printout of the displayed allotment.
- No separate allotment letter will be issued to the candidate.
- The candidate will report to the allotted institute and confirm the admission at the respective Institute along with the necessary original documents as specified in Annexure-II and pay full fees. (Refer Rules of Reporting for CAP Round-II)
- The respective Institute will carry out "Online Update" of the confirmation of the candidate’s admission on website through their Institute login, at the time when the candidate is being admitted at the Institute.
- The system shall automatically generate letter of confirmation of the admission as an acknowledgement.
- The institute is required to take a printout of the acknowledgement and then the status of candidate will change to 'Reported Candidate'.
- If the candidate (to whom it is Mandatory to report after allotment) fails to report to and confirm the admission at the Institute, on or before the last date of reporting at the Institute then the candidate shall lose claim on the allotted seat (Refer Rules of Reporting for CAP Round-II).
- The candidates will be able to know the status of reporting, his/her eligibility for next round through login.
Rules of Reporting of CAP Round-II:
- All candidates who have secured an allotment out of First ten options will not be eligible for subsequent CAP rounds irrespective of whether the candidate confirms the admission or not. Hence such candidates are advised to confirm the admission at the respective Institute as per the secured allotment in the CAP Round-II since names of such candidates will be automatically deleted from the subsequent lists of eligible candidates for subsequent CAP rounds.
- Candidates (other than those covered in above stated rule no. 1)
- Who have secured an allotment which is not out of first ten options.
and - who are satisfied with the allotment of CAP Round-II
and - who are no more interested in participating in subsequent CAP rounds
may confirm the admission by reporting at the respective institute. Such candidates will not be eligible to participate in subsequent CAP rounds. Names of such candidates will be automatically deleted from the subsequent lists eligible candidates for subsequent CAP rounds.
- Who have secured an allotment which is not out of first ten options.
- All such seats, on which the candidates have confirmed the admission on or before the last date of reporting of CAP Round-II, shall not be available for allotment in subsequent CAP rounds.
Stage-XIV: Submission and Confirmation of online option form for CAP Round-III
- All the candidates whose names have appeared in the merit list of such candidates who are eligible to submit the option form for CAP Round-III.
- Candidate should fill up the options for the Institutes offering MBA/MMS course and PGDBM course of SIMSREE in which seats are available for allotment in CAP Round-III.
- 45 options are made available in the online option form of CAP Round-III.
- The candidate can fill minimum 1 and maximum 45 options.
- Rest of the procedure for submission and confirmation of option form for CAP Round-III are same as CAP Round-I.
Stage-XV: Display of Allotment, Rules of Reporting to the "Respective Institutes" and confirmation of the admission of CAP ROUND-III.
The allotment in this round will be done on the basis of options submitted, inter se merit of the candidate and available seats at that point of time during the allotment stage/process.
The allotment in this round will be done on the basis of options submitted, inter se merit of the candidate and available seats at that point of time during the allotment stage/process.
- The allotment of candidates will be displayed on the website.
- The candidate should to take a printout of the displayed allotment.
- No separate allotment letter will be issued to the candidate.
- The candidate will report to the allotted institute and confirm the admission at the respective Institute along with the necessary original documents as specified in Annexure-II and pay full fees. (Refer Rules of Reporting for CAP Round-III)
- The respective Institute will carry out “Online Update” of the confirmation of the candidate’s admission on website through their Institute login, at the time when the candidate is being admitted at the Institute.
- The system shall automatically generate letter of confirmation of the admission as an acknowledgement.
- The institute is required to take a printout of the acknowledgement and then the status of candidate will change to 'Reported Candidate'.
- If the candidate (to whom it is Mandatory to report after allotment) fails to report to and confirm the admission at the Institute, on or before the last date of reporting at the Institute then the candidate shall lose claim on the allotted seat (Refer Rules of Reporting for CAP Round-III).
- The candidates will be able to know the status of reporting, his/her eligibility for next round through login.
Rules of Reporting of CAP Round-III:
- All candidates who have secured an allotment out of any one of the options will not be eligible for subsequent round of admission by counseling irrespective of whether the candidate confirms admission or not. Hence such candidates are advised to confirm the admission as per the secured allotment in the CAP Round-III.
- Such candidates will not be eligible to participate in subsequent round of Centralized Admission. Names of such candidates will be automatically deleted from the list eligible candidates for subsequent CAP round.
- All such seats, on which the candidates have confirmed the admission on or before the last date of reporting of CAP Round-III, shall not be available for allotment in subsequent CAP round.
- Since All India candidates are not eligible to participate in the CAP round-IV i.e. Admission by Counseling, Merit list of All India candidates will be treated as Null and void after completion of CAP Round-III.
Stage-XVI: CAP Round IV- Counseling round of Admission
Available Seats :-
Available Seats :-
- All MS & All India seats under purview of Competent Authority except the seats, which are filled in Round-I, Round-II and Round-III.
- All vacant All India seats will be merged to MS General seats.
- All vacant seats in respective categories such as Backward, PH, HU, OHU etc. will be considered as State Level General seats.
Eligibility :- All Maharashtra State Candidates, whose names have appeared in the list of eligible candidates for CAP Round-IV, may appear for this Counseling Round of Admission.
Rules of Reporting :-
Rules of Reporting :-
- Eligible candidates must report in-person at the venue of “Center of Admission” in order to secure admission in this round of admission strictly as per the notified schedule. Candidate who reports late will not be allowed to participate in this round.
- Candidate is required to pay processing fees of CAP Round-IV, Rs.100/- in cash at the Center of Admission and obtain a receipt for the same.
- The candidate will report as per schedule at the Center of Admission along with the necessary original documents and carry part payment of non-refundable fees of Rs.15000/- in the form of DD drawn on “The Director, Technical Education” payable at Mumbai.
- Eligible Candidates who report to the Admission Center will be offered admission to available seat as per the inter se merit of candidates.
- Candidates who secure admission in this round must confirm the admission on the spot by paying non-refundable fees of Rs.15000/- (in the form of DD) and on producing necessary documents in original for verification.
- The Center of Admission will update the confirmation of the candidate’s admission on DTE website immediately.
- Candidate will have to report later on to the respective Institute for paying balance fees (i.e. Total fees less Rs. 15,000/-) as per notified schedule. If the candidate fails to report to the Institute and pay the balance fees on or before the last date of reporting at the Institute then the candidate shall lose claim on the allotted seat as well on the Rs.15000/- paid by the candidate at the Center of Admission.

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