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Syllabus for Entrance Test for M.Tech

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Syllabus for Entrance Test for M.Tech.
Academic Session 2010-2011
The written test shall consist of two papers, Paper-I and Paper-II.
Total Marks : 100 marks = Written Test : 70 marks + Interview : 30 marks
(Candidates securing less than 40 out of 100 marks indicated above shall not be eligible for admission)
Short questions and Multiple Choices
Syllabus for Paper – I (Common for all Courses) 30 Marks
Paper-I shall be General Under-Graduate Syllabus for B.Tech. (Chemical Engineering) /
B.Tech. (Chemical Technology) with proportional weightage to different subjects as
follows :
20% each Chemistry, Chemical Engineering & Chemical Technology
10% each Physics, Mathematics, General Engineering & Compter Application.
Syllabus for Paper – II (Respective Courses) 4o Marks
Chemical Engineering Course
Unit Topic
Heat Transfer: Conduction (Fourier Law) and Multilayer resistance, convection,
Dittus Bolter and Sider Tate Equation and anologies, Boiling,
Mass Transfer: Diffusion, Absorption and Distillation Drying etc.
Thermodynamics: Refrigeration and Chemical Equilibria,
Reaction Engineering: Basic derivation of Batch, Plug flow and CSTR,
Heterogeneous reactors,
Process Control: First order and Second order systems,
Fluid Mechanics: Bernoulli’s equation and pumps,
Mechanical Separation: Mechanically agitated vessel, contractor’s and mixing
Transport Phenomenon: Equation of continuity, equation of motion, boundary
layers theories of mass transfer etc.
Food Technology Course
Unit Topic
Introduction to food constituents-Chemistry and properties of food
constituents such as Carbohydrates, Lipids and protein; Energy value of Foods
and estimation of energy value from proximate composition.
Introduction to biocatalyst – Enzymes and microorganisms as biocatalysts.
enzymes in food system, structure, classification, kinetics, control of activity,
purification, immobilization and industrial application.
Classification of Microorganisms. Positive and negative role of microorganisms
in processed foods; Growth pattern of microorganisms; Concept of
generation time
Principles of food preservation-spoilage of food by microorganisms and the
effect of external parameters. Unit operation in food processing-evaporation,
drying, crystallization, freezing, membrane filtration; Material and energy
balance in food systems. Method of sterilization, disinfection, sanitation,
Fermentation Technology-Industrial fermentation for production of alcohol,
fruit wines, beer, acetic acid, antibiotics and fermented foods such as cheese,
pickles, bread, curd ; Principles of batch, continuous, fed batch fermentation;
Monod equation, specific growth rate, dilution rate. Basics of flow sheet,
upstream, downstream, scale up and safety issues.
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Paint Technology Course
Unit Topic
Classification of paints, Raw material for paints. Fundamentals of film
formation, Concept of functionality, Additive, condensation, autooxidative
polymerization, Degree of polymerization, polymerization of drying oils,
Powder coatings, Paint film defects and their remedies
Resins and resinous state, Natural resins like Rosin, Shellac, Congo copal and
Damar, Synthetic resins like phenolic, alkyd, amino, polyester and polyamide
resins, Water thinnable coatings,
Elementary methods for analysis of paints;
Classification of pigments and extenders, Composition of pigments,
pigmentary properties, manufacture of titanium dioxide and other white
pigments, colored inorganic pigments, organic pigments and dyes
Formulation of paint, Paint manufacturing techniques like mixing, grinding and
tinting, Paint machinery like attritor, Ball mill and triple roll mill, Formulation of
decorative and industrial paints, marine paints, acrylic paints and speciality
Oil Technology Course
Unit Topic
Fatty acid composition and classification of oil and fats, sources, types,
nomenclature, structures,Non-glycerides constituents and their importance,
toxic constituents and detoxification.chemical reactions of fats and fatty acids
like dehydration, sulphation & sulphonation, esterification, interesterification,
hydrolysis and hydrogenation, Isomerisation and polymerization, Nutritional
significance of oils and fats. waxes, Oxidation, Autoxidation, Rancidity,
Antioxidants, etc.
Elementary analysis of oils ,fats and waxes, melting point, titre, refractive
index, smoke, fire and flash point, acid value, iodine value, sap. value,
thiocyanogen value, acetyl and hydroxyl values, peroxide value, Reichert
Meissel,Polenske and Kirschner values etc. Thin layer, column and Gas liquid
chromatography; BIS. standards for oils and oil cakes, detection of adulteration
in oils and fats.
Mechanical and solvent extractions of oils, Degumming, Refining, Bleaching,
Deodorization of oil and fats, hydrogenation and Vanaspati, cooking and
salad oils Confectionary fats, Animal Fats,Oleochemicals: Production and
Separation of fatty acids, Glycerol –recovery and uses, Bio- diesel etc.
Manufacture and analysis of butter, Margarine,vanaspati and other fat blends,
Analysis of soaps and detergents,BIS standards for soaps and detergents,
Classification of surfactants, Raw materials for soaps and detergents,
Manufacture of soaps and detergents. Liquid Detergents, Industrial
applications of surfactants .
Petro-Chemical Technology Course
Unit Topic
Composition of petroleum, major petroleum fractions and products (refinery
gases gasoline, naphtha, kerosene, diesel, fuel oil, lubricating oil),
hydrocarbons and non-hydrocarbons present (type, name, structure, role),
Classification of crude, evaluation of crude and petroleum fractions.
Specification of petroleum products, test methods and their significance.
Petroleum refinery distillation, Petroleum processing, thermal and catalytic
processes practiced in petroleum refinery, cracking, reforming, alkylation,
isomerization, hydro-cracking, hydro-treating, lube processing and finishing
Manufacture of major building blocks for petrochemical manufacture
ethylene, propylene, butadiene etc. chemicals from BTX fractions, separation
of aromatics from BTX fractions, steam cracking of hydrocarbons,
manufacture of important petrochemicals like styrene, DMT, caprolactum etc.
Engineering plastics, poly propylene, poly butadiene, PTFE, PET, poly carbonate
Nylon, poly styrene, Synthetic rubbers, SBR, ABS, synthetic detergents. Steam
reforming of hydrocarbons, synthesis gas, chemicals from synthesis gas

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