The Agriculture Research Service (ARS) examination, the biggest competitive examination in agriculture organised by Agriculture Selection Recruitment Board (ASRB), will become on-line from next year. The process to make the examination on-line has already begun.
Maharashtra will have two examination centres for the entire state, one at Mumbai and other at Nagpur. It will be the first time that an examination of the level of UPSC will be going on-line.
Speaking to TOI, ASRB chairman CD Mayee, who was in the city for a visit to National Research Centre for Citrus ( NRCC) and Central Institute for Cotton Research (CICR), said that the process for conducting the examination on-line from next year has already started. ASRB has identified 25 centres across the country for examining over 25,000 candidates in one go. ASRB has made a provision of Rs 32 crore for the exam. The exam will be held at only two centres in the state, one at Fisheries Institute in Mumbai and other at CICR in city. CICR is already building a separate examination hall with 50 computers.
The ARS examination is held in three stages. The first stage, termed as prelim-ARS national entrance exam or prelim-ARS/NET, is a common test for recruitment of lecturers and assistant professors in the state agriculture universities (SAUs) and agricultural scientists.
In the second stage, the passed candidates to be recruited in 97 institutes of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) are selected through a 'main subject' exam which is held for 50 different subjects in agriculture and animal sciences.
After clearing this examination the candidates are called for a viva following which they are finally selected for the scientist's post in ICAR institutes.
Mayee said that except for the centralised examination control hub, which has been outsourced, all other processes will be dealt with by ASRB. The main subject examination will be held after a gap of 15 days. Examination in three subjects will be held on a single day. To minimise failure in the system ASRB will be holding a mock examination one month before in August 2011.
The ARS exam, like all other competitive exams, will have multiple choices. Questions will be auto-generated and will appear frame by frame. The results will be declared the same day. "It's a difficult exam with just 15-25% result," said Mayee. He regretted that very few candidates take the national agriculture research system ( NARS) exam from the state.
This is the first year when the prelim pattern has been introduced by ASRB. The exam scheduled for September 19 is being held at 32 centres in the country.
Talking of other priorities of ICAR, Mayee said that the council had begun to give more importance to basic research as well for improving innovations in science. 30-35% weightage is given to basic and 70% to applied research. 'Allele mining' which involves selecting allelic variations for relevant traits within genetic resources and developing varieties to suit climate change, like heat resistant varieties, were among priorities. The government has allocated Rs 250 crore for climate change research.
Maharashtra will have two examination centres for the entire state, one at Mumbai and other at Nagpur. It will be the first time that an examination of the level of UPSC will be going on-line.
Speaking to TOI, ASRB chairman CD Mayee, who was in the city for a visit to National Research Centre for Citrus ( NRCC) and Central Institute for Cotton Research (CICR), said that the process for conducting the examination on-line from next year has already started. ASRB has identified 25 centres across the country for examining over 25,000 candidates in one go. ASRB has made a provision of Rs 32 crore for the exam. The exam will be held at only two centres in the state, one at Fisheries Institute in Mumbai and other at CICR in city. CICR is already building a separate examination hall with 50 computers.
The ARS examination is held in three stages. The first stage, termed as prelim-ARS national entrance exam or prelim-ARS/NET, is a common test for recruitment of lecturers and assistant professors in the state agriculture universities (SAUs) and agricultural scientists.
In the second stage, the passed candidates to be recruited in 97 institutes of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) are selected through a 'main subject' exam which is held for 50 different subjects in agriculture and animal sciences.
After clearing this examination the candidates are called for a viva following which they are finally selected for the scientist's post in ICAR institutes.
Mayee said that except for the centralised examination control hub, which has been outsourced, all other processes will be dealt with by ASRB. The main subject examination will be held after a gap of 15 days. Examination in three subjects will be held on a single day. To minimise failure in the system ASRB will be holding a mock examination one month before in August 2011.
The ARS exam, like all other competitive exams, will have multiple choices. Questions will be auto-generated and will appear frame by frame. The results will be declared the same day. "It's a difficult exam with just 15-25% result," said Mayee. He regretted that very few candidates take the national agriculture research system ( NARS) exam from the state.
This is the first year when the prelim pattern has been introduced by ASRB. The exam scheduled for September 19 is being held at 32 centres in the country.
Talking of other priorities of ICAR, Mayee said that the council had begun to give more importance to basic research as well for improving innovations in science. 30-35% weightage is given to basic and 70% to applied research. 'Allele mining' which involves selecting allelic variations for relevant traits within genetic resources and developing varieties to suit climate change, like heat resistant varieties, were among priorities. The government has allocated Rs 250 crore for climate change research.

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