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Academicians demand judicial probe into Hadke episode

 Senior academicians have slammed Nagpur University's decision not to prosecute lecturer Pradip Hadke, who has been accused of casting a bogus vote during the recent senate polls. Even NU counsel Bhanudas Kulkarni had recommended filing of FIR in the case, since the details clearly showed forgery and impersonation. Demanding a judicial enquiry into the entire episode, academicians have said the incident has brought disgrace to the noble profession.

The Dhanwate National College (DNC) lecturer had cast a bogus vote during NU senate polls by posing as a management representative of Hislop Education Society (HES) after forging documents. After HES secretary Sudipta Singh formally lodged a complaint, NU served a show cause notice to the tainted lecturer. Hadke reportedly admitted to the fraud, but under pressure from some influential quarters, NU officials refused to take action and instead passed the buck on HES to lodge a police complaint.

However, HES too received threats, and withdrew the complaint under political pressure. Ironically, as many as 25 cases of bogus voting were reported in the polls, but they were ignored as no other college officially took an objection. The bogus voters included the wives and drivers of some candidates, all of whom were shown as part of college management, sources said.

Maharashtra Federation of University and College Teachers' Organisation (MFUCTO) general secretary Eknath Kathale slammed the NU administration led by vice chancellor Vilas Sapkal for succumbing to pressure. "Even if they (HES) withdraw the complaint, the fact remains on paper that bogus voting had taken place. NU must file a police complaint or at least constitute an enquiry panel led by a retired high court judge."

He added that action should also be taken against HES for taking back the complaint. "At the first instance, why had they lodged it if they were going to withdraw it later. NU must take action against them for misguiding the institution. If HES claims that they were under pressure and received threats, they must name the persons involved," Kathale said.

Former Amravati University VC Kamal Singh also doubted NU's approach, saying that she would have taken action against the tainted lecturer. "When all the facts are in place and even his vote was declared invalid, how can NU escape responsibility? I would have debarred him immediately if it had happened in my university."

The former NU senate member said that even during her tenure such cases happened but she remained firm and took strong action against the culprits. "What a shame that a lecturer himself had cast bogus vote. He should be immediately handed over to the police. It's disgusting that everything is happening in front of your eyes and still NU is not taking any action. At least an enquiry should be ordered," Singh lamented.

DNC principal Baban Taywade said that NU should first file a police complaint and send the documents to them, only then can their management take any action. "We don't have any proof against Hadke. NU should intimate us. Only then will we initiate some action. Now NU has a good reason to escape, since the complaint itself has been withdrawn," he said.

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