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GMC training workers on sexually transmitted diseases

A training program for developing skill among medical workers and technicians dealing with those suffering from Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) from five states is being organised at the Government Medical College and Hospital (GMCH), Nagpur.

The Regional Center for Sexually Transmitted Infections, Prevention and Control Plan, floated by NACO and run by the department of microbiology, GMCH, will be training health workers from Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Goa and Mumbai.

Associate professor Dr Vijay Shegaokar said that STIs are making a comeback, the most common being herpes. More prevalent among the high risk population, the STIs come to fore at a much later stage as public embarrassment stops people from getting themselves treated even if they catch an infection of this kind. Also, people are not aware that a small lesion can prove to be fatal.

Two important concerns while dealing with STIs is to ensure that people come for treatment at the earliest and then providing them the proper medical care. Dr Shegaokar informed that these infections are completely curable, when they are rightly handled.

Most importantly, if STIs can be controlled, up to 30% incidence of AIDS can be prevented. It is especially advisable that the high-risk group individuals go in for regular check ups for STIs. Treading carefully is the only way to bring down the high prevalence of this dreaded virus.

The medical fraternity too needs to ensure a few changes in order to make people drop their inhibitions of coming in for treatment for STIs and related diseases. For starters, they have to ensure that they maintain privacy and confidentiality of their patients' intimate details. The other important action would be availability of the best possible treatment at minimum charges.

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