Nagpur University M.B.A. course Scheme of Examination
Tukdoji Maharaj
Nagpur University
(Two Year Degree Course)
Scheme of Examination
The duration of M.B.A. course shall be of Two years consisting Semester-I & II in first year and
Semester-III & IV in second year.
Subject to compliance with the provisions of this direction and of other ordinances in force
from time to time, an applicant for admission to this course shall have passed degree
examination of Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University or any other recognized
University equivalent thereto with 45% aggregate marks for open category and 40% marks
aggregate for Backward Class candidates or as notified by the state Government from time to
time. Provided that Students admitted through Central Entrance Test (CAP) conducted by
Directorate or any other entrance examination conducted by competent authority approved by
the directorate of technical education and fulfilling the eligibility conditions prescribed by the
Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur University shall only be admitted to this Course.
a. The Examinations for Semester II and IV shall be held twice a year at such places and on such
dates as may be fixed by the University.
b. The examinations for semester I and III shall be conducted by the respective Institute /
Department and the dates of examination will be announced by the Director of the Institute /
The fees for examination shall be as prescribed by the Rashtrasant Tukdoji Maharaj Nagpur
University from time to time.
Applicant for the examination prosecuting a regular course of study leading to the Master
Degree in Business Administration shall not be permitted to join any other course in this
University or any other University simultaneously.
The ATKT Rules shall be as under (Theory and Sessional shall be considered as separate
passing heads)
Admission to Semester
Candidate should have passed in
all t he subjects of following
examinations of Nagpur
Candidates should have passed in
all subjects except in four or less
numbers of passing heads of the
following examination
First Year MBA
Semester- I
Degree examination
First Year MBA
Semester- II
Ist Semester
Second Year MBA
Semester- III
Ist semester
IInd semester
Second Year MBA
IInd semester
IIIrd semester (*)
NOTE: (*) The candidate admitted to the fourth semester (final) shall prosecute his / her studies;
however, he/she shall not be eligible to fill in the examination form for the final semester examination
unless he/she clears all the lower examinations.
(a) The examinee of Semester-I (M.B.A) examination shall be examined in the following
subjects by the respective Institutes / Department namely:
Principles of Business Management
Foundation course in Marketing Management
Foundation course in Human Resource Management
Foundation course in Information Technology Management
Foundation course in Accounting
Quantitative Decision Making
Business Legislation
Financial Management
b) The candidate of MBA Semester II shall be offered Four Compulsory papers and Two Specialisation
Subjects. Each Specialisation Subject shall have TWO papers of 100 marks each as given below.
Semester-II (M.B.A) examination shall be conducted by the University in the following subjects namely:
Organisation Behavior & Development
Managerial Economics
Environment Management
Business Research
Specialisation – I: Paper- I
Specialisation – I: Paper- II
Specialisation – II: Paper -I
Specialisation –II: Paper- II
c) The candidate of MBA Semester III shall be offered Six Compulsory papers and Two Specialisation
Subjects. Each Specialisation Subject shall have ONE paper of 100 marks each as given below. The
examination will be internal and would be conducted by the respective Institutes / Departments namely:
Applied Operations Research
Entrepreneurial Development
Strategic Management
Business Ethics & Corporate Governance
Public System Management
Project Management and Quality Management
Specialisation – I: Paper- III
Specialisation – II: Paper- III
d) The candidate of MBA Semester IV Examination shall offer Three Papers each from Two
Specialisation Subjects, which he/she has opted. Each paper will be of 100 marks and the Project
Work of 200 marks. The examination and Project evaluation will be conducted by the University.
Specialisation – I: Paper- IV
Specialisation – I: Paper- V
Specialisation – I: Paper- VI
Specialisation –II: Paper- IV
Specialisation – II: Paper- V
Specialisation – II: Paper- VI
Project Report ( from any one of the Specialisation subjects opted )
Each paper of Semester I, II, III & IV (M.B.A) examination shall carry 100 marks and shall be
distributed as under:
1] Written examination
2] Internal assessment
Internal assessment marks shall be awarded by the Head of the Department in consultation with the
faculty members subject to moderation by H.O.D./Director and shall be based on:
1) Participation in seminars, case discussions & group work activities
5 marks
2) Class tests, quizzes, individual and group oral presentations
5 marks
3) Submission of written assignments, term papers and viva-voce
5 marks
4) Class-room participation and attendance
5 marks
Total Marks :
20 marks
The weightage given to each of these factors shall be decided and announced at the beginning of the
semester by individual faculty members responsible for the paper.
Project Work will be compulsory for each student appearing at the semester- IV (M.B.A)
Project shall carry 200 marks as follows-
Project work (Evaluation by External Examiner)
Seminar and open defense evaluation (by External
And Internal Examiner)
Viva-voce by External & Internal Examiner
Two copies of Project work (Printed or Type Written) shall be submitted to the University
through the supervisor of the candidate and the Principal/ Director / Head of the Institute/
Department, at least two month prior to the date of commencement of Semester-IV Examination
and one copy will be retained by the college/Department for internal evaluation purpose.
A Candidate shall submit with his/her project work, a certificate from the Supervisor to the effect-
(a) That the candidate has satisfactorily completed the Project work for not less than one session and
(b) That the Project work is the result of the candidates own work and is of sufficiently high standard
to warrant its presentation for examination.
Candidate shall submit his declaration that the Project is the result of his own research work and
the same has not been previously submitted to any examination of this University or any other
University. The Project shall be liable to be rejected and /or cancelled if found otherwise.
The Project work shall be evaluated through seminar and open defense and Viva-voce at the
College/ Department by internal and external examiners appointed by university before
Semester-IV Examination.
A student appearing for MBA Semester IV Examination will have to pay additional fees as prescribed
by the University from time to time.
The scope of the subject, percentage of passing in theory and project will be governed as per
following rules:
In order to pass at the Semester I, II, III & IV examinations and examinee shall obtain not less
than 50% marks or B grade in each head of passing of every paper, that is to say separately in the
university examination , internal evaluation and in three heads of passing of project work.
An examinee who is unsuccessful at the examination shall be eligible for admission to the
subsequent examinations on payment of a fresh fee prescribed for the examination together with
the conditions of the ordinance in force from time to time.
An examinee who has failed at the sessional examination only; shall be required to register
himself/herself afresh for doing the sessional work again in the Department / College in the
subject/subjects/project work in which he/she has failed on payment of fresh sessional fees as
prescribed by the University from time to time. Such students shall complete their Sessional work
in the next semester. The Director shall on being satisfied about the completion of sessional work
of such a candidate send the fresh sessional marks to the university and these fresh sessional
marks shall be taken into consideration for computing his/her results at the examination.
There shall be no classification of successful examinees at the Semester I, II & III examinations.
Successful examinees obtaining 60% or more marks in the aggregate of Semester II and & IV
examinations taken together i.e. out of 1600 marks shall be placed in the First Division and those
obtaining less than 60% but not less than 50% in the Second Division.
The grades awarded by the respective Institute / Department for Semester I shall be mentioned in
Semester II mark sheet & III Semester Examination grades shall be mentioned in the Mark-Sheet
of IV (Final) Semester Examination issued by the University
Provision of Direction No.44 of 2001 governing the award of grace marks for passing an
examination, securing higher division /class and for securing distinction in the subjects shall
apply to the examination.
No person shall be admitted to this examination, if he has already passed the same examination
or an examination of any other statutory University (which has been recognized as equivalent to
that examination.)
Examinee successful at the Semester I, II, III and IV examinations shall, on payment of the
prescribed fee, receive a Degree in the prescribed form signed by the Vice-Chancellor.
Norms of Theory Paper / Project Work:
For all Theory Papers there shall be at least THREE Periods Per week per Subject of One Hour
The affiliated Management Institutes / Colleges/ Department shall declare the Specialisation it is
offering before the commencement of admission process of Semester -I in their Information Brochure
and web-site and communicate the same to the University well in advance. The Institute will offer
the Specialisation proposed only if minimum FIVE students opt for the same.
For Project work/Research work a batch of TEN students per guide /supervisor has to be allotted by
the Institute. THREE periods per week of one hour duration shall be the work load allotted for
project guidance for ten students.
Guidelines for Conduct of Semester I & III Examination & Award of Grades by Institute /
A. Guidelines for Conduct of Examination
o The question paper should be set in such a manner so as to cover the complete syllabus as prescribed
by the University.
o The pattern of conduct of examination i.e. Duration, Max. Marks etc shall be as per the University
Examination pattern.
o The evaluation should be conducted at Institute / Department by the respective subject teacher.
o The result for these examinations should be declared within time limit as per University norms and
communicated to the University within stipulated time.
The record of conduct of such examination, evaluation and results should be maintained for a period
of at least THREE years by the respective Institute / Department for the verification by the competent
B. Guideline for Award of Grades
The Grades will be assigned in each Internal Assessment Paper on the following basis:
Marks Obtained
ABOVE 75 %
61 % - 75 %
56% - 60%
50 % – 55%
BELOW 50 %

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