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Same varsity, same course different admission criterion

It is the sign of confusion prevailing in Nagpur University in general. Different physical education colleges are following different criterion for granting admission to the same course. Nagpur University (NU) has the most number of affiliated colleges providing physical education (PE) degrees.

At the undergraduate level there are two types of full time courses offered. First is BPE (a three year degree course done after 10+2) and second is BPEd (a one year degree course done after BPE or graduation from any stream which had PE as an elective). After this, a candidate can enroll for MPEd (Master of Physical Education) degree. It is here where the confusion lies.

The MPEd course is run at NU's own department and 11 affiliated colleges. Some affiliated colleges & NU itself are violating norms when giving admissions to this course. According to the norms laid down by National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE), a person could only be admitted to the MPEd course if he or she has obtained at least 55 per cent marks in the BPEd or BSc in Physical Education, Health Education and Sports.

However, at NU, students with BPE are also allowed to take admissions in MPEd directly. There are quite a few colleges in the city who are taking into MPEd students who do not qualify as per NCTE norms. NU, it seems does not practise what it preaches. On its website, NU states that only students with BPEd degree can get admission to MPEd but in reality that is not the case. A senior academician from the PE field, who did not wish to be named, said, "NU is risking the future of these students. If tomorrow their MPEd degrees are nullified by the government or if someone takes NU to court, ultimately the students will lose out. Students will be forced to study for one more year and that could derail careers of many."

Sources in NU said administrative chaos at NU was at the root of the problem. A senior NU official said, "NCTE has laid down the norms but they are still to be accepted by the NU. The reason being various statutory bodies are still to be constituted. These bodies will pass the ordinance and send it to the chancellor for approval."

It will be a couple of months before all statutory bodies are constituted. "We are looking at another 8-10 months before this issue is sorted out. It is sad since students may be the victims in future," said the official.

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