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AIEEE 2018 NEWS :- Nagpur goes online for AIEEE 2018

Students who wish to appear for the All India Engineering Entrance Exam (AIEEE) next year, in the city will not have the pen and paper option at all. Under the new reforms heralded by CBSE, there seems to be a push to move the entire exam online in the years to come.

To start off, the big ticket exam for 2018 will be conducted online in 22 cities across the country. These cities will not host the pen and paper option of the exam at all, but efforts have been made to have such centres in nearby cities.

In Maharashtra, Nagpur and Mumbai are the only two cities which will be conducting the exam online. The nearest offline centre from Nagpur is Amravati.

The online exams will be conducted daily from May 7-25 so that the students can choose any particular day according to their schedule. The papers each day will be of similar difficulty level and spreading the exam over a period of three weeks will also lessen the burden on infrastructure requirements.

The offline exam will be conducted just once on April 29.

To encourage participation in online exam, there are number of incentives being doled out to candidates. There will be discounts given up to Rs 350 in the exam fee, for those opting to take the test online. Also a mock software will be uploaded on the CBSE website in December this year so that students can get the feel of it.

Another change is the way examination forms are to be processed. From 2012, no physical forms will be sold anywhere in the country. The forms will have to be submitted online only and payment can be made through credit/debit card or a demand draft. This will enable students to submit their forms online 24/7 from home or an Internet cafe. The students can also visit a specially designated submission centre in their cities.
While coaching class owners welcome the move, they do feel that the pen and paper option should have been there as well. Abhishek Bansal, who runs a coaching centre in the city, said, "There are many students who are still not comfortable with computers. Some are from rural areas so there is a natural apprehension and even the computer savvy ones fear that technical glitches might harm their chances. So an offline option should have been there."
However, some feel that if implemented properly it should not be a problem.
Chandrakant Satija, regional head of a coaching centre, said, "Since the exams are being conducted daily, students will benefit due to the flexible schedule plus the technical glitches can also be sorted out. Same thing happened with CAT but it all worked out in the end."
CBSE is also designating certain cities as online-only centres so that students go for that option. In the exam held in 2011 less than 1% of the approximately 11 lakh candidates, across the country, took the online test.


For first time ever AIEEE introduces online-only exam centres in 22 cities, including Nagpur

In Nagpur the exam will be conduced only online, Amravati is the nearest offline exam centre

Exam forms can be submitted only online

Online exam will be conducted daily for three weeks, student can choose any one to suit schedule

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