NAGPUR: Minor accidents marred Diwali celebrations where in many, mostly children, sustained injuries due to firecrackers through out the city. Fortunately, there was no loss of life and most of the injuries sustained will heal over a few weeks.
Doctors said that most of these accidents could have been prevented. Many sustained eye injuries but the number of those who sustained burns from firecrackers was more. Injuries around the face, ear and of the limbs were the common casualties for the day. Most of the doctors had at least four patients with Diwali-related injuries coming to them in the past two days. They say that the number is sure to rise in the next couple of days as the celebrations will continue till schools reopen.
Paediatric surgeon, Dr Dinesh Sarda had four patients. "We get children with muscular injuries during Diwali. This year, too, one came in with severe burns caused when hot oil spilled on him. The kids who came in for treatment were aged between four and five. Every year, we treat superficial injuries mostly those on the hands and face," he said.
"What is most unfortunate is that all these injuries could have been prevented if the adults had supervised the kids while they were bursting crackers. In most of the case the parents were not around when the children got injured," he said.
At Government Medical College and Hospital's eye department, four such injuries were treated on Wednesday. "Out of the four patients, two had sustained minor injuries and were sent home after first aid while the other two were more severely wounded. One, a thirty-year-old man got injured when a stone, which had got displaced by a bursting cracker, struck his eyes. He sustained internal bleeding and has got a clot in his eyes. The other, a 26-year-old, sustained eye injury when gunpowder got stuck in his eye. The gun powder couldn't be removed even after washing the eye with medication several times," said head of the department, Dr Ashok Madan.
Indira Gandhi Government Medical College's Dr Sudhir Pendke said that there six people who sustained injuries due to firecrackers were treated at his OPD. "Out of these, two were major. A 11-year-old boy got injured when a sutli bomb burst before his face and as a result some particles entered his eyes. The other boy got injured when an anar went off close by," he said.
Ophthalmologist, Dr Krishna Bhojwani treated three patients. "An eight-year-old's cornea had got burned while two people aged 30 and 14 were treated for burned eyelashes, eyebrows and other minor injuries," he said.
Paediatrician Dr Jayant Upadhye also treated four patients. "A child came in with burns on one side of his face. Another sustained injury to his hand when a cracker burst in his hand. Another's clothes caught fire when a shell of a burned rocket fell on him. They were all aged between 8 and 14," he said.
Doctors said that most of these accidents could have been prevented. Many sustained eye injuries but the number of those who sustained burns from firecrackers was more. Injuries around the face, ear and of the limbs were the common casualties for the day. Most of the doctors had at least four patients with Diwali-related injuries coming to them in the past two days. They say that the number is sure to rise in the next couple of days as the celebrations will continue till schools reopen.
Paediatric surgeon, Dr Dinesh Sarda had four patients. "We get children with muscular injuries during Diwali. This year, too, one came in with severe burns caused when hot oil spilled on him. The kids who came in for treatment were aged between four and five. Every year, we treat superficial injuries mostly those on the hands and face," he said.
"What is most unfortunate is that all these injuries could have been prevented if the adults had supervised the kids while they were bursting crackers. In most of the case the parents were not around when the children got injured," he said.
At Government Medical College and Hospital's eye department, four such injuries were treated on Wednesday. "Out of the four patients, two had sustained minor injuries and were sent home after first aid while the other two were more severely wounded. One, a thirty-year-old man got injured when a stone, which had got displaced by a bursting cracker, struck his eyes. He sustained internal bleeding and has got a clot in his eyes. The other, a 26-year-old, sustained eye injury when gunpowder got stuck in his eye. The gun powder couldn't be removed even after washing the eye with medication several times," said head of the department, Dr Ashok Madan.
Indira Gandhi Government Medical College's Dr Sudhir Pendke said that there six people who sustained injuries due to firecrackers were treated at his OPD. "Out of these, two were major. A 11-year-old boy got injured when a sutli bomb burst before his face and as a result some particles entered his eyes. The other boy got injured when an anar went off close by," he said.
Ophthalmologist, Dr Krishna Bhojwani treated three patients. "An eight-year-old's cornea had got burned while two people aged 30 and 14 were treated for burned eyelashes, eyebrows and other minor injuries," he said.
Paediatrician Dr Jayant Upadhye also treated four patients. "A child came in with burns on one side of his face. Another sustained injury to his hand when a cracker burst in his hand. Another's clothes caught fire when a shell of a burned rocket fell on him. They were all aged between 8 and 14," he said.

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