Semester –I
1. Principles of Business Management
2. Foundation course in Marketing Management
3. Foundation course in Human Resource Management
4. Foundation course in Information Technology Management
5. Foundation course in Accounting
6. Quantitative Decision Making
7. Business Legislation
8. Financial Management
Semester –II
1. Organisation Behavior & Development
2. Managerial Economics
3. Environment Management
4. Business Research
5. Specialisation – I: Paper- I
6. Specialisation – I: Paper- II
7. Specialisation – II: Paper -I
8. Specialisation –II: Paper- II
Semester –III
1. Applied Operations Research
2. Entrepreneurial Development
3. Strategic Management
4. Business Ethics & Corporate Governance
5. Public System Management
6. Project Management and Quality Management
7. Specialisation – I: Paper- III
8. Specialisation – II: Paper- III
Semester –IV
1. Specialisation – I: Paper- IV
2. Specialisation – I: Paper- V
3. Specialisation – I: Paper- VI
4. Specialisation –II: Paper- IV
5. Specialisation – II: Paper- V
6. Specialisation – II: Paper- VI
7. Project Report ( from any one of the Specialisation subjects opted

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