Paper IV: Rural Marketing
Unit I: Introduction to Rural Marketing - Meaning, Scope, definition & importance, Rural versus urban
mindsets, Growth of rural markets, Basic differences between rural, semi urban and urban markets.
Unit II: Rural Market Research & Profile of Rural Consumer - Research, Location for Conducting
Research, Classification of Rural Consumer based on economic Status, Profile of Rural Consumer, Rural
Consumer Behaviour.
Unit III: Rural Market Segmentation - Basis of Market Segmentation, Multi-Attribute Segmentation.
Unit IV: Classification of Markets - Regulated Market, Defects/Problems of Regulated Market, Role of
Regulated Markets on Marketing of Agricultural Produce, Significance of Regulated Markets to
Unit V: Rural Communications - Rural Communication, Role of Media in Rural Markets, Conventional
Media, the Main Problems in Rural Communication.
Page 42
Unit VI: Rural Marketing Strategies - Product Strategies, Pricing Strategies, Distribution Strategies,
Production Strategies, Methods of Sale, Hatha System, Private Negotiations, Quotations on Samples,
Dara and Moghum Sale Methods, Open Auction Method.
Unit VII: Sales Force Management For Rural Marketing & Marketing Agencies - Managing the Sales
Force, Sales Force Management in Rural Marketing, Prevalence of Beoparis and Arahatias (Rural
Mandi’s, APMC’s, etc.).
Unit VIII: Role of Government in the Development of Agricultural Marketing - Government
Intervention in Marketing System, Role of agencies like, Council of State Agricultural Marketing Boards,
(COSAMB), State Trading, Cooperative Marketing, Types of Cooperative Marketing Societies,
Cooperative Processing, National Agricultural Co-operative Marketing Federation (NAFED), National
Co-operative Development Corporation (NCDC), Public Distribution system (PDS), Food corporation of
India, Directorate of Marketing and Inspection (DMI), National Institute of Agricultural Marketing
(NIAM), Self help Groups (SHG’s).
Unit IX: Agricultural Credit and Crop Insurance - Agricultural Credit Policy, Institutional Agreements
for Agricultural Credit, Crop Insurance, Agricultural Insurance.
Unit X: Role of IT in Rural Marketing - Infrastructure, Importance & Scope, Modern techniques for rural
distribution. Case Study of ITC’s “e-choupal” Initiative
Suggested Readings
Rural marketing – Rajagopal
New perspectives on rural marketing – Ramkishen Y
Rural Marketing in India – K S Habeeb Rahman (Himalaya Publishing)
Rural Marketing in India by R. V. Bedi, (Himalaya Publishing)
Integrated Rural Development – R. C. Arora (S. Chand & Co.)
Unit I: Introduction to Rural Marketing - Meaning, Scope, definition & importance, Rural versus urban
mindsets, Growth of rural markets, Basic differences between rural, semi urban and urban markets.
Unit II: Rural Market Research & Profile of Rural Consumer - Research, Location for Conducting
Research, Classification of Rural Consumer based on economic Status, Profile of Rural Consumer, Rural
Consumer Behaviour.
Unit III: Rural Market Segmentation - Basis of Market Segmentation, Multi-Attribute Segmentation.
Unit IV: Classification of Markets - Regulated Market, Defects/Problems of Regulated Market, Role of
Regulated Markets on Marketing of Agricultural Produce, Significance of Regulated Markets to
Unit V: Rural Communications - Rural Communication, Role of Media in Rural Markets, Conventional
Media, the Main Problems in Rural Communication.
Page 42
Unit VI: Rural Marketing Strategies - Product Strategies, Pricing Strategies, Distribution Strategies,
Production Strategies, Methods of Sale, Hatha System, Private Negotiations, Quotations on Samples,
Dara and Moghum Sale Methods, Open Auction Method.
Unit VII: Sales Force Management For Rural Marketing & Marketing Agencies - Managing the Sales
Force, Sales Force Management in Rural Marketing, Prevalence of Beoparis and Arahatias (Rural
Mandi’s, APMC’s, etc.).
Unit VIII: Role of Government in the Development of Agricultural Marketing - Government
Intervention in Marketing System, Role of agencies like, Council of State Agricultural Marketing Boards,
(COSAMB), State Trading, Cooperative Marketing, Types of Cooperative Marketing Societies,
Cooperative Processing, National Agricultural Co-operative Marketing Federation (NAFED), National
Co-operative Development Corporation (NCDC), Public Distribution system (PDS), Food corporation of
India, Directorate of Marketing and Inspection (DMI), National Institute of Agricultural Marketing
(NIAM), Self help Groups (SHG’s).
Unit IX: Agricultural Credit and Crop Insurance - Agricultural Credit Policy, Institutional Agreements
for Agricultural Credit, Crop Insurance, Agricultural Insurance.
Unit X: Role of IT in Rural Marketing - Infrastructure, Importance & Scope, Modern techniques for rural
distribution. Case Study of ITC’s “e-choupal” Initiative
Suggested Readings
Rural marketing – Rajagopal
New perspectives on rural marketing – Ramkishen Y
Rural Marketing in India – K S Habeeb Rahman (Himalaya Publishing)
Rural Marketing in India by R. V. Bedi, (Himalaya Publishing)
Integrated Rural Development – R. C. Arora (S. Chand & Co.)

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