The quality of education is continuously going southward in the Nagpur University, thanks to a number of factors. The new administration led by vice-chancellor Vilas Sapkal, however, had raised some hopes by launching an entrance exam for doctor of philosophy (PhD) aspirants based on the tough Pune pattern.
But, after receiving fierce opposition from all quarters, soon it too fell in line with low standards and dropped the tough pattern settling for highly diluted pattern followed by Amravati University (AU), NU insiders informed. Ironically, NU was the only one among all non-agriculture universities in Maharashtra not filtering PhD aspirants through an entrance until recently.
Insiders revealed that the Pune pattern has two papers of 100 marks each - General Aptitude Test and Subject Specific Test. The first paper had 100 multiple choice questions covering logical reasoning, numerical ability and language aptitude while the second one (partly descriptive) was to be conducted by respective NU departments. Under the AU pattern, only aptitude test of 100 questions would be conducted. Just like AU's test, it would be conducted online with the help of Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation Ltd ( MKCL). Pune pattern faced stiff opposition from heads of department and others in university.
But, after receiving fierce opposition from all quarters, soon it too fell in line with low standards and dropped the tough pattern settling for highly diluted pattern followed by Amravati University (AU), NU insiders informed. Ironically, NU was the only one among all non-agriculture universities in Maharashtra not filtering PhD aspirants through an entrance until recently.
Insiders revealed that the Pune pattern has two papers of 100 marks each - General Aptitude Test and Subject Specific Test. The first paper had 100 multiple choice questions covering logical reasoning, numerical ability and language aptitude while the second one (partly descriptive) was to be conducted by respective NU departments. Under the AU pattern, only aptitude test of 100 questions would be conducted. Just like AU's test, it would be conducted online with the help of Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation Ltd ( MKCL). Pune pattern faced stiff opposition from heads of department and others in university.
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