: With academic institutions across the state being headed and run by contributory staff due to shortage of qualified faculty and principals, Nagpur University is no different. There was some hope when vice chancellor Vilas Sapkal took over the reins and promised to revamp the dismal situation.
However, his efforts seem to have fallen short, as hundreds of vacancies are not likely to be filled up before January next year, sources said. The shortage of regular faculty is severely hampering work at all NU departments, and may be leading to poor quality education.
This means that a majority of NU departments would continue to run with contributory lectures in the new academic year as well. Ironically, NU's two new postgraduate departments - molecular biology and genetic engineering, and commerce - which start admitting students this year, will also have only contributory lecturers.
However, his efforts seem to have fallen short, as hundreds of vacancies are not likely to be filled up before January next year, sources said. The shortage of regular faculty is severely hampering work at all NU departments, and may be leading to poor quality education.
This means that a majority of NU departments would continue to run with contributory lectures in the new academic year as well. Ironically, NU's two new postgraduate departments - molecular biology and genetic engineering, and commerce - which start admitting students this year, will also have only contributory lecturers.

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