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Affiliated Colleges Gondia

S.No. College Name Principal Courses Intake
1 Natwarlal Maniklal Dalal Arts & Commerce College, Gondia Shri Y. M. Nasre B.A. :- Marathi, English, Hindi, Political Sci., Economics, Geography, History, Philosophy, English Litt., Hindi Litt., Sociology 120
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment 120
M.A. :- Political Sci., Economics, Geography, History, English 60
M.Com. 60
L.L.B. (3 Years) 60
2 Dr. Mrs. I.D. Patekar M.A :- Home Economics, 60
B.F.D.A. (Home Sci.) 60
B.A. :- Marathi, English, Hindi, Political Sci., Economics, Geography, History, Philosophy, English Litt., Hindi Litt., Sociology 120
3 Dhote Bandhu Science College, Gondia Dr P.A.S. Naidu B.Sc. :- Englis, Hindi, Marathi, Physics, Chemestry, Microbilogy,Computer Sci., Electronics, Maths, Zoology, Botany, Biology, ComputerMaintainance & Environmental Science.
M. Sc. :- Computer Sci., Chemestry, Microbiology, Botany, Physics
B.Sc. 1,2,3,(Additional Section Each)
4 Shivprasad Sadanand Jaiswal Arts & Commerce College, Arjuni Morgoan, Dr. K.V. Prasannam B.A. :- Marathi, English, Economics, English Litt., Marathi Litt., Political Sci., Sociology, Geography, Home Eco., 120
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment 120
5 Manoharbhai patel Arts Commerce College, Salekasa, Gondia Dr. H.B. Chuarasiya B.A :- English, Marathi, Hindi, Geography, History, Marathi Litt., Political Sci., Hindi Litt., Economics 120
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment 120
6 Rajiv Gandhi College, Sadak Arjuni, Gondia Mrs. V.V. Karanjekar B.A. :- English, marathi, political Sci., Sociology, History, Economics, Geography, Home Economics, English Litt., Marathi Litt., Hindi litt.,Psy. 120
7 Rajiv Gandhi Shikshan Mahavidyalay, Sadak Arjuni, Gondia Mrs. V.V. Karanjekar B.Ed 100
8 Rajiv Gandhi College of social Work, Kudwa Road, Gondia Shri A.V. Joshi B.S.W. 60
M.S.W. 60
Dava ji bhau Budhe(D.V.M) Phical education Gondia NA B.P.E.
B.P. Ed 50
M.P.Ed 20
10 Jagat Arts Comm. And Indira ben Harihar bhai Patalm Scince College Goregaon Gondia NA B.A-English,marathi, marathi let.economic,polotical science,history,geographi 120
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment 120
B.Sc. :- Englis, Hindi, Marathi, Physics, Chemestry, Maths, Zoology, Botany, Biology 120
M.A. :-Marathi, 60
M.Sc. Chemestry 60
11 Manohar bhai Patel Institute of B.Pharmacy Gondia Manisha u Mishra B.Phram NA
12 Pooja Phical Education Colleg Halbitola(Khamari)Gondia R.M Agrawal B.P.Ed 50
B.P.E 80
13 Laxman Rao Mankar College of Education Aamgeao NA B.Ed 100
14 Saket College of physical Edu.Gondia NA B.P.E 80
B.P.Ed 50
15 Bhabhuti College Amagaon S.M.Bhuskute B.A. :- Marathi, English, Economics, Hindi,English Litt., Marathi Litt., Political Sci., Sociology, Geography, Home Eco.,Histoory 120
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment 120
B.Sc. :- Englis, Hindi, Marathi, Physics, Chemestry, Maths, Zoology, Botany, Computer Sc. 120
M.A. Economic 80
16 Yashvant Rao Arts College Mahagao NA B.A. :- Marathi, English, Economics, Hindi,English Litt., Marathi Litt., Political Sci., Sociology, Geography, Home Eco.,Histoory 120
17 Manoharbhai Patel Institute of Engin.And Technology I.C.Mahta BE/B Arch :-
Comp.Tech 60
Production Engg 30
Information Technology 60
Machinacal Engg 90
Electronic And Communication Tech. 120
Civil Engg 30
Machinacal Envormantal Engg 18
18 Mahadeorao Shivankar Ayurvedic College Gondia NA D.M.L.T :- MicroBiology,Histropathology,ClinicPathology,Camicalpatholpgy,GenralPhatology 30
19 Gondia Homopathic College Gondia NA BHMS NA
20 Jagat Haribhai patel College of physical Education, Gondia NA B.P.E. 80
B.P. Ed. 50
21 C.J. Patel Arts & Commerce College, Tiroda Shri Y. M. Nasare B.A. :- Compulsory English, Compulsory Marathi, Hindi Compulsory, Economics, Politiccal Sci., History, Geography 120
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Accounts And Statistics, Commerce, Business Management, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment 120
22 Manoharbhai Patel Arts & Commerce College, Deoli, Gondia NA B.A. :- English, Marathi, Hindi, Economics, Political Sci., History, Geography, Marathi Litt., 120
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment 120
23 Punjabai Patel Shikshan Mahavidyalay, Gondia Dr. K.M. Bhandarkar B.Ed 100
M. Ed 40
24 Shri Shankarlal Agrawal College of Technology, Gondia
25 Shri Shankarlal Agrawal College of Education, Gondia B.Ed. 100
26 Sushilatai Womens College, Opp. Grain Market, Gondia road Goregoan NA (Home Sci.)B.F.D. 30
27 B.G.Patle College Of Education,Gumdhawadha Tirora.(Mahila jagruti Shikshan sanstha,Tirora.) B.Ed.
28 Adilok mahila B.Ed.College.Goregaon.(Shri gurudeo Adivasi Shikshan Prasarak Mandal,Goregaon. B.Ed.
29 Late Nirdhan patil Wagheye Arts&Science College,Chopa Mohadi B.A. :- English, Marathi, Hindi, Economics, Political Sci., History, Geography, Marathi Litt.,Sociology,English Litt.Marathi Litt.

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