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Affiliated Colleges Wardha

.No. College Name Principal Courses Intake
1 Swavalambi Shikshan Mahavidyalaya, Wardha Shri. S.L. lohakare B. Ed. :- Education in emerging Indian Saociety,Educational Psycology, Methods of Instruction And Evaluation Procedures, Teaching School Management And Modern trends in Indian Education, Special Methods as mentioned in the Syllabus 100

M. Ed. 50
2 Yashwant Mahavidyalay, Wardha NA B.Sc.:- Chemestry, Biochemestry, Human Devlopment, Food & Nutrition, Physics, English, Ecology, Family Walefare 120
B.A. :- History, Economics, Home Economics, Political Sci., Sociology, Marathi, English, Phsycology (Manasshastra) 120
M.A. :- History, Economics, Home Economics, Political Sci., Sociology, English, Marathi, 80

L.L.B. (3 & 5 Years) 100,100

B.Sc. :- Home Science 120

M. Sc. Home Science 120
3 Jankidevi Bajaj Mahavidyalay, Wardha Shri C.D. Jawewar B. Sc. :- Compulsary English, Compulsary, Marathi, Hindi, Maths, Sup. English, Physics, Chemestry, Botany, Zoology, Electronics, Microbiology, Computer Sci., 120
4 G.S. College Wardha Shri V. J. Lotiya B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment 120

M. Com. 80

M.B.A. 60

D.B.M. 60

M.C.A. 60
5 Jawaharlal Neharu Medical College, Sawangi (Meghe) Wardha Shri S.J. Patel M.B.B.S. 150

M.D. 10

M.S. 10
6 Ranibai Agnihotri College of Physical Education, Ramnagar, Wardha NA B.P.E. 100

B.P. Ed. 100

M.P. Ed. 20
7 Chintamani College of Physical Education, Selu Kate, Wardha Shri Manoj H. Mudhada B.P.E. 100

B.P. Ed. 80

M.P. Ed. 20
8 Lok Mahavidyalay Wardha Dr. Mrs. Pushpa Tayde B.A. :- English, Marathi, Economics, political Sci., Sociology, History, Marathi Litt., English Litt., Hindi litt., 120
Bachelor of Fine arts:-
B.Com. Computer application:-
M.A.-English,History,Home economics,Geography,Pol.Sci., psychology,
B.COM :- Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principal of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment,Financial Accounts, Basic Computer & Stastical Techniques, Cost & Management Accounts,Indian Economics. 120
M.A. :- Marathi, Economics, Sociology, 80
9 Mahatma Gandhi Medical College, Sewagram , Wardha Mrs. P. Narang M.B.B.S. 150

M.D. 2

M.S. 2
10 Bapurao Deshmmukh Egineering College, Sevagram, Wardha Dr. S. Kurnal B.E. :- Civil Engineering , Mechanical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication, IT, Mechanical Engineering, Electronic, Production,Power Electronics & Electronics & power Engineering.









11 Institute of Pharmacutical Education & Research, Borgoan Meghe, Wardha. Shri P.G. Yeole B.Pharm 60

M. Pharm :- Pharmacology 8
12 Priyadarshani Mahila mahavidyalay, Wardha Dr. B.G. Bais B.A. :- English Compulsory , Compulsory Marathi, Sociology, History, Home Economics, Economics, Political Sci., Marathi Litt., English Litt., 120

M.A. :- Marathi 80
13 Shiv Vaibhav Shikshan Mahavidyalay, Wardha Dr. Mukund K. Pawar B.Ed. 100
14 Shri Krishandas Jajoo Grameen Seva mahavidyalaya, pipri Shri R.B. Ghate B.A. :- English, Marathi, Community Devleopment & Extension, General Education Group, Co-oprative Group, Economics, Sociology. 120
15 Samarth Kala and Vanijya Mahavidyalay, Ashti, Wardha Dr. M.G. Umathe B.A. :- Compulsory English,Compulsory Marathi, History, Economics, Political Sci., Marathi Litt., sociology 120
B.COM:- Compulsory English, Compulsory Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Economics, Business Procedure and Practice, Business Mathematics & Statistics, M.Law, Office Management and Administration, Management of Human Resourses, Financial Accounts - I, Cost Accounting, Taxation Accounting, M.A./C,Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment 120
16 Shri Krishanarao Zoting Patil Mahavidyalay, Samudrapur NA B.A. :- English, Marathi, Political Sci., Economics, History, Marathi Litt., 120
17 Shri Krishana College of Physical, Wardha Shri Ashokkumar Singh B.P.E. 100

B.P. Ed. 50
18 Kumbhalkar College of Social Work, Wardha. Shri Yogesh Kumbhalkar C.S.W. 60

B.S.W. 60

M.S.W. 60
19 Agnihotri College of Laibrary & Information Science, Ramnagar, Wardha Shr Gopal Helonde B. Lib 40

C. Lib 60

M. Lib 40

B.M.C. 50
20 Ambedkar College of Social Work, Wardha Shri Milind Sawai B.S.W. 60

M.S.W. 60

C.S.W. 60
21 Hutatma Rashtriya Arts & Science College Ashthi,Wardha Dr. S.S. Nimgare B.A. :- English, Marathi, Economics, Political Sci., Geography, Home Economics, English Litt., Marathi Litt. 120
B.Sc. :- Engish, Marathi, Chemestry, Physics, Botany, Zoology, Mathamectics, Computer Sci., 120
22 R.S. Bidkar Arts Commerce & Science College, Hinganghat Shri M.D. Zoting B.A. :- English, Marathi, Hindi, Political Sci., Sociology, History, Economics, Home Economics, Marathi Litt., Hindi Litt., English Litt., 120
M.A. :- Marathi Litt., English Litt., Political Sci., Sociology 80
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment 120
B.Sc. :- English, marathi, Hindi, Chemestry, Physics, Maths, Zoology, Computer Sci., 120
23 Model Atrs Commerce & Science College, Karanja (Ghadge) Wardha Shri M.R. Amale B.A. :- Compulsary English, Compulsary Marathi, Sociology, History, Political Sci., Marathi Litt., English Litt., Home Economics, 120
M.A. :- Marathi, History, Sociology, Home Economics, 80
B.COM :- Compulsory English, Compulsary Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment, Mercantile Law, Cost Account, Taxation Account, Management Account, Management of Human Resourses. 120

M.Com 80
B.Sc. :- English, Marathi, Hindi, Chemestry, Physics, Maths, Zoology, Botany 120
24 Vidya Vikas Mahavidyalay, Samudrapur Shri R.R. Bobhate B.A. :- Marathi, English, Sociology, History, Economics, Political Sci., Marathi Litt., Engish Litt., Home Economics, 120
M.A. :- Marathi, History, Sociology, Home Economics, 80
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment 120

M. Com. 80
B.Sc. :- English, Marathi, Hindi, Chemestry, Physics, Maths, Zoology, Botany, 120
25 Arts Commerce & Science College, Arvi Shri D.M. Chavhan B.Sc. :- Maths, Physics, Chemestry, Zoology, Botany, Computer Sci., English, Marathi, 120

M.Sc. :- Chemestry, 80
B.A. :- English, Marathi, Hindi, Political Sci., History, Economics, Marathi Litt., Home Economics, Hindi litt. 120
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment 120

M. Com. 80
26 S.S. N. J. Mahavidyalay, Deoli Dr. S.R. Upadhyay B.A. :- English,English Litt.,Faghion Design,Communicative English, Marathi, Hindi, History, Sociology, Marathi Litt., Economics, Political Sci., Home Economics,(Optional Subject.) 120
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment 120

27 Sharad Pawar Dental College, Sawangi (Meghe), Wardha Shri Ashok J. Pakhan B.D.S. 100

M.D.S. 40
28 Yashwant Mahavidyalay, Seloo, Wardha Dr. P.R. Aher B.A. :- Compulsory English, Compulsory Marathi, Marathi litt., Political Sci., Economics, History, Home Economics, 120

B.A. :- English Litt, Sociology 120
29 Subhedar Ramaji Ambedkar College of Physical Education, Hinganghat Shri R.S. Bansod B.P.E. 100

B.P. Ed. 50
30 Chintamani Academy Management Science College, Selu kate, Wardha Shri Manoj H. Mudhada M.B.A. 30

B.M.C. 50
31 Late. Vasantraoji Kolhatkar Atrs & Commerce College, Rohana Shri prakash Takale B.A. :- English, Marathi, History, Political Sci., Economics, Sociology, Marathi Litt., 120
32 Ranibai Agnihotri Institute of Computer Information Technology, Ramnagar, wardha Shri Riyaz Sheikh M.C.A. 60

M.C.M. 60

P.G.D.C.C.A. 40

P.G.D.C.S. & A. 80

B.C.S. 80

B.C.A. 120

B.Sc. (Computer Sci.) 120
33 Vidya Niketan Arts & Commerce College, Hinganghat Mrs. Shalinitai Wanjari B.A. :- English, Marathi, Marathi Litt., English Litt., Sociology, Political Sci., Economics., History, Geography, Psycology, Home Economics 120
34 Sai Baba Lokprabodhan Atrs & Commerce College, Wadner Shri. V.M. Munde B.A. :- English, marathi, Sociology, Political Sci., History, Home Economics, Economics, Marathi Litt., English Litt. 120
35 Chintamani College of Mass Communication, Selu Kate, Wardha Shri Manoj H. Mudhada B.M.C. 60
36 Chintamani College Of Management Studies, Selu kate, Wardha Shri Manoj H. Mudhada B.C.A. 60

P.G.D.C.C.A. 80
37 Anitek College of Social Work, Ramnagar, Wardha Shri Baba Shambharkar B.S.W. 60

M.S.W. 60
38 Shri Vidya Institute of Education, Paloti, Wardha Shri D.G. Taori B.Ed. 100
39 Sant Gajanan Maharaj Arts & Commerce College, Girad Mrs. Indutai Mondhe B.A. :- English, marathi, Economics, Political Sci., Sociology, History, 120
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment 120
40 Pramodbabu Shende Atrs & Commerce College, Shindi Railway, Wardha NA B.A. :- English, Marathi, Economics, Political Sci., Sociology, Marati Lit., 120

M.A. :- Marathi, Sociology 80
41 Suvalal Patani Arts & Commerce College, Pulgoan NA B.A. :- English, Marati, Hindi, Economics, Political Sci., History, Sociology, 120
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment 120
42 New Arts Commerce & Science College, Wardha NA B.A. :- English Compulsory, Marathi Compulsory, Hindi, English Litt., Marathi litt., Economics, Political Sci., History, Home Economics, Geography, Psycology, Sociology, 120
M.A. :- English, Marathi, Economics. Political Sci., Sociology, Geography, Home Economics, Mrathi litt. 80

B.M.C. 60

M.M.C. 60

C. Lib 40

B. Lib 40

M. Lib 40
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment 120
B.Sc. :- English, Marathi, Hindi, Urdu, Sup. English, Chemestry, Physics, Maths, Zoology, Botany, Computer Sci., 120

B. Tech (Applied Electronics) 60
43 Ranibai Agnihotri College of Pharmacy, Ramnagar, Wardha Mrs. Pranita Kshyab B. Pharm 60

M. Pharm 60
44 Ranibai Agnihotri Chitrakala mahavidyalay, Ramnagar, Wardha NA B.F.A. 100
45 Ravi Nayar Physiotheropi College, Sawangi (Meghe), Wardha Dr. T.G. Ramteke M.P.T.H. 10
46 Agnihotri College of Law, Ramnagar, Wardha NA L.L.B. (3 & 5 Years) 80,80

L.L.M. 80
47 Sharad Kale Atrs & Comerce College, Talegoan, Wardha NA B.A. :- English, Marathi, History, Political Sci., Sociology, 120
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment 120
48 Late Bapuraoji Deshmukh College Architechture, Sewagram, Wardha NA B.E. (Vastushastra) 40
49 Kasturba College Of Education, Borgoan (Meghe), Wardha NA B.Ed. 100
50 Gandhi Gram Bachlor of Fashion Desinger, Wardha NA B.F.D.
51 Sharad Kale Smruti B.Ed. College, Talegoan Shri Shisha D. Hinge B.Ed. 100
52 College of Education Wardha NA B.Ed. 100
53 Sau Indutai Wankhede College of Education, Sevagram, Wardha, Shri Krishankumar Makode B.Ed. 100
54 Kinkar College of Education, Selu Shri Janardan Deotale B.Ed. 100
55 Sant Gadgebaba Hindi mahavidyalay, Bhushawal, Jalgaon Shri Jagdishprasad Suchek B.A. :- English, Hindi, Economics, Politcal Sci. History 120
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment 120
56 Agnijotri College of Education, Ramnagar, Wardha Shri. Shankarlal Agnihotri B.Ed. 100
57 Shri Shankarprasad Agnihotri College of Engineering, Ramnagar, Wardha Shri. Shankarlal Agnihotri B.E. :- Machanical, Electronics & Telecommunication, Computer Engg., IT,Information Technology,Mechanical Engineering,Computer science &Engg. 60
58 Chetana Shikshan Mahavidyalay, Mahatma Phule Colony, Wardha NA B.Ed. 100
59 Shri Ghanshyamdas Bhoyar College of Education, Nachangoan, Wardha B.Ed. 100
60 Shri Shankarrao Patil Bhoyar College of Education,Wardha B.Ed. 100
61 Talmale College of Science, Hinganghat B.Sc. 120

B.Sc. Home Science

Bachelor of Fashion Design.
62 Babasaheb Gharphalkar College of Physical Education, Pulgoan Shri Naresh Bhoyar B.P.E. 100

B.P.Ed. 50
63 Arts & Science College Pulgoan NA B.A. :- Compulsory English, Marathi Compulsory , Hindi Compulsory,English Litt., Marathi Litt., Urdu Litt., Economics, Political Sci., Sociology, History, Home Economics, Geography, Music 120

M.A. :- Marathi, Sociology, 80

C. Lib 30

M. Lib 30

B.M.C. 30

M.M.C. 30

M.C.M. 30

P.G.D.C.C.A. 30

M.L.S. 30
64 Smt. Savitarani Narayandas Javandghiya College,Deoli.
65 Late Ghyanshyamdas Bhoyar College of Education,Nachangaon
66 Chetana Shikshan M.V. Deoli Road Wardha.
67 J.B. Science College, Wardha.
68 Gandhigram M.V, Wardha


69 Agnihotri College of Education,Wardha. (Jai mahakali Shikshan Sanstha,Wardha.)

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