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Affiliated Colleges Chandrapur 2017-2018

S.No. College Name Principal Courses Intake
1 Rajabhau Khobragade Colege of Educaton, Brahmapuri Shri R.B. Wardaiya B.Ed. 100
2 Janta College of Education, Civil Line, Chandrapur NA B.Ed. 100
M.Ed 100
3 Shri Shivaji Arts Commerce & Science College, Rajura Shri D.B. Bhongale B.A. :- Compulsory Marathi, Compulsory English, Economics, Politcal Sci., Sociology, History, Geography, Home Economics, Music, Gandhi & Thought, Ambedkar Thought, Com. Hindi, Com. Urdu, Hindi Litt., Urdu Litt., 120
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment, Operational Accounting :- Cost Accounting, Management Accounting, Taxation Accounting. 120
B.Sc. :- English, Marathi, Hindi, Physics, Chemestry, Botany, Zoology, Maths, Computer Sci., Comp. Hindi, MicroBiology, Biochemestry, Biotechnology, 120
M.A. :- History, Sociology, Political Sci., English Litt., Marathi Litt., Home Economics, 80
4 Gurunanak College of Science, Ballarpur Shri. M.S. Suri B.Sc. :- Compulsory English, Compulsory Marathi, Hindi, Physics, Chemestry, Maths, Zoology, Botany, Geology, Computer Sci., Microbiology, Biochemestry, 120
M.Sc. :- Chemestry 80
5 Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering, Chandrapur Dr. K.R. Dixit B.E. :- Civil, Computer Technology, Electronics, IT, Mechanical, Mining 60
M. Tech. 60
6 Sardar Patel College of Social Work, Chandrapur Shri. S.M. Sakhure B.S.W. 60
M.S.W. 60
7 Mahila Arts & Commerce College, Ballarpur NA B.A. :- English, Marathi, Hindi Litt., Marathi Litt., History, Economics, Sociology, Political Sci., Home Economics, Geography 120
M.A. 80
8 Arts & Commece College, Gondpipari Shri. Deepak Guntewar B.A. :- English, Political Sci., History, Sociology, Economics, Geography, Home Economics, Marathi Litt., 120
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment 120
9 Gondpipari College of Education, Gondpipari Ku. S.A. sharma B.Ed. 100
10 Vivekanan College of Education, Warora Ku. J.B. Sardar B.Ed. 100
11 Vivekanand Arts & Commerce College, Bhadravati Shri N. G. Umathe B.A. :- Compulsary English, Marathi Compulsary, Hindi Compulsary, English Litt, Marathi Litt, Hindi Litt, Economics, History, Sociology, Political Science, Geography, Home-Economics. 120
M.A. :- Marathi, History, Economics, Sociology, 80
B.COM Compulsory English, Compulsory Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I,BUsiness Administration and Management, Income Tax , Audit, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment,Income Tax, Audit, Human Resourse.Computer Application. 120
B.B.A. 60
B.C.A. 60
M.C.M. 60
P.G.D.C.C.A. 60
12 F.E.S. Girls College Chandrapur Shri P.S. Chothave B.A. :- Compulsory English, Compulsory Marathi, Compulsory Hindi, Political Sci., Economics, Sociology, Marathi Litt., Hindi Litt., Home Economics, Psycology, Music 120
B.F.D 40
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment 120
M.A. :- Home Economics, Sociology, Economics, Marathi 80
13 Neelkanthrao Shinde Arts & Science College, Bhadravati Dr. Kheshao Thengane B.A. :- English, Marathi, History, Geography, Marathi Litt., Economics, Political Sci., Sociology, English Litt., Home Economics, 120
M.A. :- Marathi, Geography, Economics, History, Political Sci., Sociology, Englis Litt., Home Economics, 80
B.Sc. :- English, Marathi, Physics, Chemestry, Maths, Botany, Zoology, Computer Sci., MicroBiology, Bio Chemestry, 120
M.Sc. :- Maths, Physics, Botany, Zoology, Micro Biology 22
P.G.D.C.C.A. 22
14 Vithobaji Amale College Of Education, Bramhpuri Shri V.V. Khandate B.Ed. 100
15 Shivaji Arts & Commerce College, Korapna Shri S.E. Diwase B.A. :- Marathi, English, Marathi Litt., English Litt., Economics, History, Political Sci., Sociology, 120
16 Sarvoday Mahavidyalay, Shindewahi Shri D.P. Sonawane B.A. :- English, Marathi, History, Political Sci., Marathi Litt., Economics, 120
B.Sc. :- English, Marathi, Chemestry, Physics, Maths, Zoology, Botany 120
17 Anand Niketan College of Science, Arts & Commerce, Anandwan, Warora Dr. Prushottam Kalbhut B.A. :- Englihs, Marathi, Marathi Liit., Economics, History, Political Sci., English Litt., Sociology, 120
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment 120
B.SC. :- Compulsary English, Marathi Compulsary, Physics, Chemestry, Botany, Zoology, Maths, Electronics 120
18 Mahila Shikshan Mahavidyalay, Chandrapur Shri Prabhakar Wasekar B.Ed. 100
19 Nevjabai Hitkarni Mahavidyalay, Brahmpuri Shri N.S. Kokode B.Sc. :- English Compulsory, Marathi Compulsory , Computer Sic., Micro Biology, Bio Chemestry, Physics, Zoology 120
M.Sc. :- Physics & Zoology 80
B.COM I :- Compulsory English, Compulsory Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics B.Com II :-Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Financial Accounts, Monitory Economics, Office Management and Administration, Business Mathematics and Statistics, Managemment Account. B.Com III :- Auditing Mercantileand Indian Law, Economics Planning and Development in India, Financial Account, Taxation, 120
M.Com I :- Ortganisational Behaviour, Copst Accounting, Management Accounting, Sales Advertising and Marketing Research. M.ComII :-Financial Management, Advanced Cost Accounting, Advanced Management, Accounting, Public Finance.
M.A. :- Geography, Home Economics, Political Sci., Economics, 80
B.Lib 40
B.A. :- Compulsory Marathi, Compulsory English, Economics, Politcal Sci., Sociology, History, Geography, Home Economics, Music, Gandhi & Thought, Ambedkar Thought, Com. Hindi, Com. Urdu, Hindi Litt., Urdu Litt., 120
20 Sharad Pawar Atrs & Commerce College, Gadchandur Shri H.S. Dhangawale B.A. :- English, Marathi, Sociology, Marathi Litt., Political Sci., History, Economics 120
21 Arts Commerce & Science College, Tukum Shri S.B. Mohitkar B.A. :- English, Marathi, Hindi, Political Sci., Sociology, Economics, History, Geography, Home Economics 120
M.A. :- Marathi, Political Sci., History, Home Economics, Sociology, 80
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment 120
P.G.D.C.C.A. 60
B.C.A. 60
M.C.M. 60
D.B.M. 60
M. Com 80
B.Sc. :- English, Marathi, Hindi, Sup. English, Botany, Zoology, Maths, Chemestry, Physics, Computer Sci., Envornmental Sci., Electronics, 120
M.Sc. :- Maths, Computer Sci., Envornmental Sci., 80
B.C.S. 60
C. Lib 60
22 Rashtrapita mahatma Gandhi Mahavidyalay, Savali Dr. A. Chandramouli B.A. :- Compulsary English, Compulsary Marathi, Political Sci., History, Sociology, Marathi Litt., Home Economics, Economics, (Additional section 120
23 Bhagwan Shree Chakradhar swami College of Physical Education, Talodhi Balapur Arumbha Roy B.P.E. 100
B.P.Ed. 50
24 Dr. Ambedkar College of Arts Commerce & Science, Chandrapur Shri R. Dahegoankar B.A. :- English, Marathi, Political Sci., Pali, English Litt., Marathi Litt., Pali Litt., Sociology, Economics, History, Geography, 120
M.A. :- English, Histroy, Sociology, Political Sci., Economics, Marathi, 80
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment 120
B.SC. :- English, Marathi, Sup. English, Hindi, Computer Sci., Electronics, Botany, Zoology, Physics, Maths, Chemestry 120
25 Janta Mahavidyalay Chandrapur Shri Subhash Jivtode B.A. :- English, Marathi, Hindi, Economics, Political Sci., History, Geography, Home Economics, English Litt., Marathi Litt., Hindi Litt., 120
M.A. :- Economics, English 80
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment 120
M.Com 80
B.Sc. :- English, Marathi, Hindi, Sup. English, Physics, Chemestry, Maths, Botany, Zoology, Microw Biology, Electronics, Indian Fish & Fisher, Computer Sic., Bio Chemestry, Bio Technology, Sericulture 120
M.Sc. :- Computer Sci., Microw Biology, Chemestry, Physics, Botany, Zoology, Maths 80
26 Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Mahavidyalay, Brahmpuri Shri S.R. Ramteke B.A. :- Compulsory Marathi, Compulsory English, Marathi Litt., Political Sci., Economics, History, Com. Pali, English Litt., Sociology. 120
B.A. :- Indian Music, Communicative English, Ambedkar Thought 120
M.A. :- English, Marathi, History, Sociology, Pali Prakrutik, English Teaching 80
P.G.D.C.C.A. 60
M. Lib 30
C. Lib 30
27 Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Mahavidyalay, Ballarpur NA B.A. :- English, Marathi, Hindi, Marathi Litt., English Litt., Sociology, History, Military Sci., Political Sci., Economics, Home Economics, 120
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment 120
M.A. :- Marathi, Economics, Sociology 80
28 Sardar patel Mahavidyalay, Chandrapur Dr. V.S. Ainchwar B.A. :- Compulsary English, Marathi Compulsary, Hindi Compulsary, English Litt, Marathi Litt, Hindi Litt, Economics, History, Sociology, Political Science, Geography, Home-Economics,Social Work( For B.Sw Part I,II and Final) Optional Sub. Music, Military Sci., Fashion Desinger. 120
M.A. :- Sociology, Political Sci., Economics, History, Home Economics, Geography, Marathi Litt., Hindi Litt., English Litt., 80
M.A. :- Catrography, Anthropology & Tribal Devlopment 80
B.M.C. 40
M.M.C. 40
Diploma In Video programming 40
C. Lib 40
B. Lib. 40
M. Lib 40
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Accounts And Statistucs, Economics, Business Administration and Business Management, Banking, Marketing, Taxation, Management of Human Resources, Cost Accounting, Management Accounts, Mercantile Law/Auditing, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment 120
B.B.A. 60
M. Com 80
D.I.R.P.M. 40
D.M.M. 40
D.B.M. 40
M.B.A. 40
M.C.M. 40
M.C.A. 40
P.G.D.C.S.& A. 40
M. phill Commerce 40
B.Sc. :- Compulsory English, Compulsory Marathi, Compulsory Hindi, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Maths, Computer Sci., Comp. Hindi, MicroBiology, Biochemestry, Biotechnology, 120
B.Sc. Information Technology 120
B.C.A. 40
M.Sc. :- Physics, Chemestry, Mathametics, Microbiology, Computer Sci., Zoology, Envirnmental Sci., Biotechnology. 80
Home Sci. :- Applied Electronics, Fashion Desinge, Interior Desinge, Textile, Printing & Technology, Master in Fashion Desinge 80
29 Rashtriya Sharirik Shikshan Mahavidyalay, Visapura Mrs. Kanchan Jaiswal B.P.E. 100
B.P.Ed. 50
30 Shantaram Potdukhe National Academy For Legal Studies & Research Chandrapur Mrs. Anjali Hastak L.L.B. 3 Years, L.L.B 5 Years, LL.M Part Iand Final, MHRDE Part I and Final, P.G Diploma in Himan Rights and Duties Education, P.G Diploma in Consumer Laws, P.G. Diploma in Cyber Laws, M.L.S. PartI and Final. 100,100
L.L.M. 80
31 Government College of Engineering, Chandrapur Dr. P.S. Adavani B.E. :- Electronics, Instrumentation, Mechanical, Computer Sci.& Engineering. 60
32 Arts & Commerce College, Bhisi Shri Vasant Sonawne B.A. :- English, Marathi, Hustory, Political Sci., ,Sociology, Economics, Marathi Litt. 120
33 Lokmanya Mahavidyalay, Warora Shri B.R. Pande B.A. :- English, Marathi, Marathi Litt., English Litt., Political Sci., Sociology, Economics, History, Home Economics, Sanskrit, Music 120
34 Shikshan Maharshi Shri Haribhau Jivtode College of Science & Management Studies, Chandrapur Mrs. Sunita S. Jivtode B.A. :- English, Marathi, Marathi Litt., English Litt., Political Sci., Sociology, Economics, History, Home Economics, Sanskrit, Music 120
B.F.A. 60
B.Sc.:- Computer Sci., IT, Electronics, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Biochemestry, 120
B.C.S. 60
B.C.A. 60
B.B.A. 60
M.C.M. 60
M.I.R.P.M. 60
P.G.D.C.C.A. 60
M.Sc. 80
35 Chintamani Mahavidyalay, Pombhurna, Chandrapur Shri Swapnil Dontulwar B.A. :- Marathi, English, Marathi Litt, Enhlish Litt., Sociology, History, Economics, political Sci., 120
36 Shri Govindprabhu Arts & Commerce College, Talodhi Balapur Shri Umesh T. Gedam B.A. :- English, Marathi, History, Political Sci., Economics, Sociology, Home Economics, Marathi Litt. 120
37 Yadavrao Poshettiwar Mahavidyalay, Talodhi Balapur Shir Upendra Chitmalwar B.A. :- English, Marathi, Marathi Litt., History, English Litt., Political Sci., Sociology, Home Economics, Economics 120
38 Rajiv Gandhi Mahavidyalay Chandrapur Shri Juber Ahmad B.A. :- English, Marathi, Hindi, Political Sci., Sociology, History, Economics, Marathi Litt., English Litt., Hindi Litt. 120
B.Sc. :- English, Marathi, Hindi, Physics, Chemetry, Zoology, Botany, Microbiology, Computer Sci., Maths, Sup. English, 120
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment 120
39 Shri Niketan College of Education, Nagbhid Shri S.A. Gandhe B.Ed. 100
40 Bhagwan Shree Krishana College Of Education, Talodhi Balapur Shri Umesh T. Gedam B.Ed. 100
41 Adv. Yadavrao Dhote Mahavidyalay, Rajoora NA Home Sci :- Bachlor of Fashion Desinge, Cosmatic Technology, 30,30
42 Late. Narayan Uekey College of Physical Education, Chimoor Shri S. M. Parchake B.P.E. 100
B.P.Ed. 50
43 Govindrao Warjurkar Mahavidyalay, Nagbhid Dr. V.R. Bhandarkar B.A. :- Home Economics, Geography, Marathi, Sociology, Hindi, English, 120
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment 120
M.A. :- Marathi, Sociology, 80
44 Athavale College of Social Work, Chimur NA B.S.W. 60
M.S.W. 60
M. Phill (Social Work) 30
45 Narayan Patil Wasade, College of Physical Education Chandrapur NA B.P.E. 100
B.P.Ed. 50
46 Karmaveer Mahavidyalay, Mul Shri S. G. Wasade B.A. :- English, Marathi, History, Geography, Political Sci., Economics, Marathi Litt., English Litt., Sociology, Communicative English, 120
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment 120
M.A. :- History, Economics, 80
47 Khemaji naik College of Education, Gadchandur Mrs. Vidya Bagade B.Ed. 100
48 Chintamani Mahavidyalay, Ghuggus NA B.A. :- Marathi, English, Marathi Litt., English Litt., Sociology, Political Sci., History, Economics 120
49 Rashtra Sant Tukdoji Mahavidyalaya, Chimur Shri R.V. Anthony B.A. :- Compulsory Marathi, Compulsory English, Marathi Litt., Political Sci.,History, Com. Pali, English Litt., Sociology. 120
B.COM Compulsory English, Compulsory Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment 120
M.A. :- Marathi Litt., Sociology, 80
50 Shri Dnyanesh Mahavidyalay, Nawargoan Shri Chakradhar Nikhade B.A. :- English, Marathi, History, Economics, Sociology, Political Sci., Marathi Litt. 120
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment 120
B.Sc. :- Compulsory English, Compulsory Marathi, Physics, Chemestry, Mathamatics, Botany, Zoology, 120
51 Vidarbha Atrs Commerce & Science College, Jeevati NA B.A. :- English, Marathi, Political Sci., Sociology, History, Marathi Litt., 120
B.Sc. :- Botany, Zoology, Chemestry, Physics, English, Marathi 120
B.COM Compulsory English, Marathi, Hindi, Supplementary English, Financial Accounts - I, Basics of Computer and Staticstical Techniques, Principles of Business Manamement, Business Economics, I Business Finance -I, I Human Resource Developement -I, I Marketing Manamement-I, I MIS and Information technology-I, I Entrepreneurial Development-I, VOC :- (I) Principles & practice of Insurence, (II) Office Managment & Scretrarial Practice, (III) Tax Procedure & Practice, (IV) Computer Application, (V) Advertising Sales Promotion & Sales Managment 120
52 Vidarbha College of Physical Education, Gadchandur Shri Sheikh Rauf Sheikh Chaman B.P.E. 100
B.P.Ed. 50
53 Rashtra Sant Tukdoji Maharaj College of Physical Education, Warora Shri K.S. Vaidya B.P.E. 100
B.P.Ed. 50
54 Bhaurao patil College of Physical Education Rajura NA B.P.E. 100
B.P.Ed. 50
55 Purushottam Bai Chhagala, Homeopathic Medical College, Chandrapur Dr. S.Y. Sakharkar B.H.M.S. 60
56 Chandrapur College of Physical Education Chandrapur B.P.E 100
B.P.Ed. 50
57 Shri Sai Shikshan Mahavidyalaya,Nagpur Road,Chandrapur B.Ed.
58 Mahatma Gandhi College of Science,Gadchandur B.Sc :-English, Marathi, Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Bio-technoology, Microbiology.
59 Lokshahi Shikshan M. V, Nagbhid B.Ed.
60 Chintamani B. Ed College, Ballarpur B.Ed.
61 Sant Kuriyakose elias Chawara B.Ed College,Ballarpur B.Ed.
62 Mahakali Shikshan Sanstha Chandrapur.Sadguru Shivyogi MaharajShikshan M.v. Gadchandur B.Ed.

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