BSNL invites applications for the Recruitment of Junior Telecom Officers (Telecom) -JTO 2009, Junior Telecom Officers(Civil) and Junior Telecom Officers(Electrical). Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. [BSNL] will recruit about 3945 [subject to variation depending on the availability of vacancies] Junior Telecom. Officers (JTOs) through a competitive examination to be held on 21st June 2009 (Sunday) on All India basis.
Jobs Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd. [BSNL] will recruit about 3945 [subject to variation depending on the availability of vacancies].
Last date for receipt of application forms 06.04.2009
Date of Examination 21.06.2009 .
1. Scale of Pay
The post of J.T.O. is in the IDA pay-scale of Rs. 9850-250-14600.
(The pay scale is likely to be revised upwards)
Educational Qualifications for JTO 2009:
Applicant must possess as on 31.12.2009, Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Technology or equivalent Engineering degree in any of the following disciplines from a recognized engineering college/university:
i. Telecommunication,
ii. Electronics,
iii. Radio,
iv. Computer,
v. Electrical.
vi. Information Technology
Candidates appearing in the final year degree examination may also apply provided they possess the required educational qualification by 31.12.2009.
How to apply:
The envelope containing application form should be marked “Application for J.T.Os(Telecom) Examination-2008” OR “Application for J.T.Os (Civil) Examination-2008” OR “Application for J.T.Os(Electrical) Examination-2008”, as the case may be, in bold letters on top of the envelope.
An examination fee of Rs.750/-(Rupees Seven Hundred and fifty only) is payable in the form of demand draft drawn in favour of Senior Accounts Officer/Accounts Officer payable at the respective stations. No Fee payable by SC/ST/PH
Last date for JTO 2009
Application forms complete in every respect must reach on or before 06.04.2009.
Get complete details with application form in Word Format | PDF Format
Nature of JTO 2009 Question Paper
For JTOs(Telecom)
Section-I : Engineering stream : 50 questions
Section-II : Engineering stream : 50 questions
Section-III : General Ability Test : 20 questions
For JTOs(Electrical)
Section-I : Electrical Engineering stream : 50 questions
Section-II : Electrical Engineering stream: 50 questions
Section-III : General Awareness : 20 questions
For JTOs (Civil)
Section-I : Civil Engineering stream : 50 questions
Section-II : Civil Engineering stream : 50 questions
Section-III : General Ability Test : 20 questions
The Question Paper will be fully objective type with multiple options as answers to each question. The standard of paper in engineering subjects will be that of Engineering Examination of an Indian University.
However, there would be no separate time fixed for attempting the separate sections. Detailed syllabus for JTOs(Telecom), JTOs(Civil) and JTOs(Electrical) appear at Annexures ‘B’ , ‘C’ and ‘D’ respectively.
Application for Junior Telecom Officers Examination-2008
Complete details with application form available on BSNL website at the following page:
BSNL JTO Recruitment 2009, BSNL Junior Telecom Officers Exam 2008
related: BSNL - Recruitment notifications and JTO results 2009 on bsnl, bsnl jto 2009, jto 2009.

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