Swine flu safety tips
Swine flu safety tips for India are no different from rest of the world. Swain flue or swaine flue, virus has spread to all major cities in India and has already claimed many lives. World Health Organization (WHO) has declared swine flew or swain flu as a Global Pandemic (also called Mahamari in Hindi).
Here is a quick guide for you about what Safety Tips you can take to save yourself with h1n1 virus
Swine flu safety tips
* Stay home if you’re sick, avoid contact with people
* Avoid close contact with people who are sick
* Keep up with health information in your own community and safeguard yourself
* Wash your hands often (5-10 times a day) and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
* Wash hands if you feel you have come in contact with a suspect of swine flu
* Avoid going to malls, theatres or places where there are lot of people till the spread settles down
* Cover your mouth or nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing and throw the tissue in waste
* Use N 95 mask if you are going in high risk area
* Get a regular seasonal flu vaccination. It might not help against this specific strain, but it won’t hurt.
h1n1 definition / swine meaning
Swine flu is influenza A H1N1 virus. It is just another type of flu virus, just like that causes our typical seasonal flu symptoms. The big difference is that the current swine influenza A (H1N1) virus has components of pig and bird influenza viruses in it, so that humans don’t have any immunity to it. That is what made it more likely that it would become a pandemic virus (have the ability to cause a global outbreak) because it could easily spread from person-to-person.

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