This Ganesha, PoP idols may pollute lakes
Recently, environmentalists whole heartedly thanked the Nagpur Municipal Corporation for taking an environment-friendly decision by
banning entry of Ganesha idols made of plaster of Paris (PoP) in the city this year. However, municipal commissioner Aseem Gupta has now, following a recommendation by mayor Maya Iwnate, issued orders to relax the ban for this year at least.
Sources at NMC said, “Mayor Maya Iwnate had written a letter to municipal commissioner Aseem Gupta asking him to lift the ban on entry of PoP Ganesha idols for this year. The letter asked the civic chief to enforce the ban from next year. Accordingly, the civic chief issued directions to allow entry of PoP Ganesha idols into the city this year on Monday.”
A senior NMC official said on condition of anonymity, “Most of the PoP Ganesha idols are brought from Amravati, Arvi, Wardha and Pune. Earlier, we had decided to check the entry of such idols at NMC octroi posts. However, it “The letter issued by the Mayor says that businessmen have already placed their orders for PoP idols and it was too late to ban their entry. She has said that NMC can enforce the ban with full strength from next year,” the official added. Prof Vijay Ghuge of Nisarg Vidnyan Sanstha said, “NMC had taken the decision to ban entry of POP idols after NMC teams visited Futala and Gandhisagar lakes to review the situation after Ganesh immersion last year.
seems that the people involved in manufacturing and trade of PoP idols have pressurized the Mayor to take a decision that is harmful to the environment.”
Recently, environmentalists whole heartedly thanked the Nagpur Municipal Corporation for taking an environment-friendly decision by
banning entry of Ganesha idols made of plaster of Paris (PoP) in the city this year. However, municipal commissioner Aseem Gupta has now, following a recommendation by mayor Maya Iwnate, issued orders to relax the ban for this year at least.
Sources at NMC said, “Mayor Maya Iwnate had written a letter to municipal commissioner Aseem Gupta asking him to lift the ban on entry of PoP Ganesha idols for this year. The letter asked the civic chief to enforce the ban from next year. Accordingly, the civic chief issued directions to allow entry of PoP Ganesha idols into the city this year on Monday.”
A senior NMC official said on condition of anonymity, “Most of the PoP Ganesha idols are brought from Amravati, Arvi, Wardha and Pune. Earlier, we had decided to check the entry of such idols at NMC octroi posts. However, it “The letter issued by the Mayor says that businessmen have already placed their orders for PoP idols and it was too late to ban their entry. She has said that NMC can enforce the ban with full strength from next year,” the official added. Prof Vijay Ghuge of Nisarg Vidnyan Sanstha said, “NMC had taken the decision to ban entry of POP idols after NMC teams visited Futala and Gandhisagar lakes to review the situation after Ganesh immersion last year.
seems that the people involved in manufacturing and trade of PoP idols have pressurized the Mayor to take a decision that is harmful to the environment.”

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