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NAGPUR UNIVERSITY :- Engineering & Technology

Faculty of Engineering & Technology
Sr.No Names of Courses Eligibility Duration Full Time/ Part Time Exam.
Nomen- clature
Approving Authority

Bachelor of Engineering in –
i) Electronics Engg.
ii) Electronics and Telecommunication Engg.
iii) Instrumentation Engg.
iv) Power Electronics Engg.
v) Industrial Electronics Engg.
vi) Electronics Design Tech.
vii) Electrical (E and P) Engg.
viii) Mechanical Engg.
ix) Metallurgical Engg.
x) Mining Engg.
xi) Civil Engg.
xii) Structural Engg.
xiii)Production Engg.
xiv) Industrial Engg.
xv) Computer Tech.
xvi)Computer Science
xvii)Computer Engg.
xviii) Information Tech.
xix) Mining Engg.
xx) Power Engg.

12th Std.
(10 + 2)
(8 Sem Full Time Twice B.E. AICTE & State Govt
2 B. E. Part Time in –
i) Electronics Engg.
ii) Electrical (E&P) Engg.
iii) Mechanical Engg.
iv) Civil Engg.
v) Computer Technology
Diploma in Engineering in respective branch 4years
(8 Sem)
Part Time Twice B.E. AICTE & State Govt.
3 Bachelor of Engineering
(Fire Engineering)
B. Sc. Ist year with Physics, Chemistry, Maths. IInd & IIIrd year with either Physics or Chemistry or Maths as one of the compulsory
compulsory subject
3 ½ Years

(7 Sem)

Full Time Twice B.E. (Fire Engg.) AICTE & State Govt
4 B. Tech. (Chemical Engg.) 12th Std.
(10 + 2)
(8 Sem)
Full Time Twice B.Tech AICTE &
5 B. Tech. (Chemical Tech.) in
i) Petroleum Refinery &
Petro-Chemical Tech.,
ii) Food Tech.,
iii) Oil Tech.,
iv) Pulp & Paper Tech.,
v) Plastic & Polymer Tech.,
vi) Surface coating Tech
12th Std.
(10 + 2)
(8 Sem)
Full Time Twice B.Tech AICTE & State Govt
6 Bachelor of Architecture 12th Std.
(10 + 2)
5 (Yrs.)
10 Sem
Full Time Twice B.Tech C.O.A.
7 B.Arch (Interior Design) 12th Std.
(10 + 2)
5 (Yrs.)
10 Sem
Full Time Twice B.Arch. C.O.A.
8 M. Tech. :-
i) Chemical Engg.,
ii) Oil Tech.,
iii) Petrochemical Tech.,
iv) Food Tech.,
v) Paints Tech.,
vi) Pulp & paper Tech., vii) Bio-Tech. Engg.
B.Tech. or
B. E. Degree in respective branches
2 (yrs.)
4 Sem
Full Time Twice B.Arch. AICTE
9 Master of Technology in
i) Environmental Engg.,
ii) Structural Engg.,
iii) Production Engg.,
iv) Electronics engg.,
v) Energy Mgt. system
vi) Mechanical Engg.
vii) Heat Power Engg.
viii) VLSI Design
x) Computer Science
xi) Industrial Engineering
xii) Integrated Power
xiii) Master of Design
(Industrial Design)
B.Tech. or
B. E. Degree in respective branches
4 Sem Full Time Twice M.Tech. A.I.C.T.E.
10 M.Tech. :- in
i) Geo-Technology,
ii) Production,
iii) Electronics,
iv) Structural Engg
B.Tech. or
B. E. Degree in respective branches
4 Sem Full Time Twice M.Tech. A.I.C.T.E.


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