About the Department:
The Nagpur University laid the foundation of the Post-Graduate Department of Zoology in the year 1963 to impart higher education (teaching and research) in the biological sciences. Initially, the Department was started in the premises of the Laximinaryan Institute of Technology and after a period of six years, it was shifted to its own building in the Mahatma Jyotiba Phule University Educational Campus in the year 1969.The existing building has 1551.74 Sq.m. built up area in the Mahatma Jyotiba Phule University Educational Campus.
The Department made rapid progress under the dynamic leadership of the former heads; Prof. Dr. S.M.H. Khatib (1965-71), Prof. Dr.V.K.Thakare (1971-85), Prof.P.D. Prasad Rao ( 1985-88;89-2000), Prof. D.B.Tembhare (2001-04), and versatile former staff; Dr.D.K.Belsare (1964-74), Dr.S.A.Suryawanshi (1968-84), Dr.D.K.Dabhade (1977-83), Dr.S.K.Raina (1974-90) and Dr.D.R.Patil(1968-98).
Since its inception, the Post Graduate Department of Zoology is conducting a two- years degree course in the Master of Science (M.Sc.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree course of research. The Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) one-year degree course was conducted from 1982-94.
Every year 37 students each are admitted to the M.Sc. part I and part II. In M.Sc. part II, the students offer one of the four specializations: Fish and Fisheries, Entomology, Mammalian Reproductive Physiology and Animal Physiology.
Till date, 93 research scholars have been awarded Ph.D. from the Department, out of which about 65 were devoted to the field of Comparative Endocrinology. Most of the scholars were awarded fellowships from the UGC,CSIR, ICAR, Mah. State Science and Tech. Cell, Teacher fellowship from the UGC and Research Associateships of UGC, ICMR and DST. One scholar was awarded D.Sc. degree by the university.
Various basic and applied research projects on Fish neurobiology, endocrinology, reproduction and fish breeding were carried out under the projects received from UGC, DST and Govt. of Maharastra. The thrust areas such as insect physiology, insect endocrinology, insect pest control, insect tissue culture, sericulture and apiculture in Entomology under the schemes of UGC, DST, and CSIR, Science and Technology Cell, Govt. of Maharastra State, US Aid (PL-480) and IDRC, Canada were completed and are currently going on. The Animal Physiology division has conducted research on hormonal control of carbohydrate, lipid and hydrominerals metabolism in some species of reptiles, birds and mammals. Similarly, the division of Mammalian Reproductive Physiology has carried out valuable work on sex cycle, fertility, contraception and reproductive endocrinology in mammals and birds. The teachers and scholars have published more than 400 research papers in national and international journals, review articles and chapters in various monographs. The staff members have also published books, research bulletins and symposia proceedings.
In recognition of academic excellence, the Department has instituted Dr. S.M.H. Khatib gold medal for M.Sc. Final examination topper and Dr.V.K.Thakare gold medal for M.Sc Final Entomology topper.
· Courses – Master of Science (M.Sc.) Degree in Zoology.
· Specialization – 1. Fish and Fisheries
2. Entomology
3. Mammalian Reproductive Physiology
4. Animal Physiology
· Intake Capacity - 37
Teaching Faculty:
M.Sc., Ph.D.
Professor and Head
M.Sc., Ph.D.
Professor (CAS)
M.Sc., Ph.D.
Professor (CAS)
M.Sc., Ph.D., B.Ed.
Reader (Des.)
M.Sc. Ph.D.
Reader (Des.)
Facilities Available in the Department
A) Laboratories :- Total laboratories 10
1. M.Sc. I
2. M.Sc. II
For Specialization –
3. Fish and Fisheries
4. Entomology
5. Mammalian Reproductive physiology
6. Animal Physiology
7. Research laboratory
8. Tissue Culture laboratory
9. Immunocytochemical laboratory and
10 Biotechnology laboratory
The laboratory for M.Sc. I Students contain all necessary instruments and equipments to carry out Theory and Practicals as per the syllabus. Well equipped five (5) laboratories for M.Sc. II students, four (4) for specialization practicals , one (1) for common practical, one common research laboratory with maximum research facilities, a highly sophisticated tissue culture laboratory for special research purposes, one immunocytochemical laboratory to carry out recent techniques of research, so also, instrument room with all the necessary sophisticated instruments required for the research work as well as for M.Sc. students are available in the Department.
· B) Library:
The departmental library is having specious room and consists of about 3500 books on different disciplines on Zoology. The books are available on weekly renewal basis to the students and the staff. Books and journals especially in thrust areas have been purchased and catalogued separately for use. The library is equipped with reading facilities for 50 students at a time. Apart from this, a central library is available in the campus premises also.
· C) Museum:
The museum is well stocked with various specimen belonging to all the animal phyla which are used for teaching Invertebrate and Vertebrates divisions which are included in the syllabi. The skeletons of different vertebrate animals including human are also kept to know the internal arrangement of bones in the body. Some rare animal specimen and important insects as well as insect pest life cycles and various types of placentae from different mammals are well preserved in the museum.
· D) Animal House:
A small animal house is available behind the departmental building. Number of aquaria to keep various types of living fishes and other aquatic animals, insect rearing room, cages for experimental mammals etc. are provided in the Department for the M.Sc. students and research scholars.
· Syllabus ( 2 Year Master Degree Course in Zoology)
As per UGC model curriculum, the Ist and IInd year M.Sc have four theory papers of 80 marks each and two practicals ( one practical is divided into two sections i.e. section A & section B) of 80 marks each. 20 marks are allotted to seminar conducted during the academic session each year.
· Syllabus of M.Sc. Part I Zoology
· Theory Papers :
Paper I: Animal Structure and Function.
Paper II: General Physiology and Endocrinology.
Paper III: Molecular Biology and Biotechnology.
Paper IV: Gamete and Developmental Biology.
Practical :
Practical I:
Section A: Animal Structure and Function.
Section B: General Physiology and Endocrinology.
Practical II:
Section A: Molecular Biology and Biotechnology.
Section B: Gamete and Developmental Biology.
· Syllabus of M.Sc. Part II Zoology
· Theory Papers :
Paper I: Parasitology and Immunology.
Paper II: Biotechniques, Quantitative Biology and Ethology.
Paper III and IV : Special groups as follows,
a) Fish and Fisheries
b) Entomology
c) Mammalian Reproductive Physiology
d) Animal Physiology.
· Practical :
Practical I:
Section A: Parasitology and Immunology.
Section B: Biotechniques, Quantitative Biology and Ethology.
Practical II: Special groups:
Section A and Section B:
a) Fish and Fisheries
b) Entomology
c) Mammalian Reproductive Physiology.
d) Animal Physiology
Admission Procedure:
Total intake capacity- 37 students each year.
Eligibility: For admission to the M.Sc. part I course:
· Candidate who have passed the B.Sc. examination with Zoology as one of the subjects of the Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj, Nagpur University or an examination recognized as equivalent thereto, are eligible for admission to the M.Sc. part I course, provided they have secured an aggregate of not less than 45% marks at the B.Sc. examination.
Eligibility: For admission to the M.Sc. part II course:
· Candidate must have passed the Part I examination in Zoology of the Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj, Nagpur University or an examination recognized as equivalent thereto.
At the M.Sc. Part II level in Zoology, Specializations offered are:
a) Fish and Fisheries
b) Entomology
c) Mammalian Reproductive Physiology
d) Animal Physiology.
General Procedure for Admission:
Application forms for admission together with a copy of the prospects for M.Sc. I and M.Sc. II courses are obtained from the office of the Zoology Department on payment of Rs. 10/- by cash/Demand Draft/I.P.O. in favor of the Head, Department of Zoology, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur. If required by post, please send self addressed stamped envelope of Rs. 20/- with requisition.
Application for admission to the M.Sc. I and II courses should be submitted to the Head, Department of Zoology, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur, on or before the last date prescribed with the admission form accompanied by a non refundable Application fee of Rs. 25/- payable to the Head, Department of Zoology, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur, by D.D. or cash and true copies of college or Institution Certificates signed by the principal of the college or Institution last attended, testifying to the applicant having passed the qualifying examination prescribed for admission to the courses concerned. True copies of the mark list and attempt Certificate and self addressed envelope should invariably be attached to the application form.
Departmental Activities/Seminar/ Symposia during 2006-2007.
Workshop on Sickle Cell Disease
One day workshop on Sickle Cell Disease was organized in the Department of Zoology, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur on October 6th 2006.
Dr.Mrs.A.V. Shrikhande, Project Director, Regional Haemoglobinopathy Detection and Management Center and Head, Department of Pathology, Indira Gandhi Medical College, Nagpur had given the detailed information about Sickle Cell Disease. She discussed all aspects of the disease as follows,
Fear of Sickling in general Community in Maharastra State
Occurrence of Sickle Cell Disease in various Communities in Maharastra state
Types of Sickling in RBCs (Red Blood Corpuscles)
Detection of Sickling in RBCs of human blood.
Methods of detection of Sickling in RBCs
Preventative measures of disease
Role of Social organization for public awareness about this disease
During this workshop, screening of blood samples of the staff and students in the Zoology Department was carried out to know the Sickling pattern, if any, among them.
Blood samples of three students were found Sickling positive and they were advised to take further investigations.
Invitees, staff and students of the Departments were present on this occasion.
Workshop on Methods of Bee Management Technology
One day workshop on Methods of Bee Management Technology was organized in the Department of Zoology, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur on November 27th, 2006.
Dr. N.K. Subhedar, Prof., Deptt. of Pharmaceutical Sciences, RTM Nagpur University, presided over the function and Shri. S.B Gawai, Finance Officer, a alumni of the Deptt. RTM Nagpur University was the guest of honor. On this occasion, Dr. Gopal Paliwal delivered a lecture on the bee keeping practices and a slide show was organized in the Departmental Lecture Hall. This workshop was organized in two sessions.
Session-I Oral Presentation on the bee keeping practices.
Session-II Practical Demonstration on Methods of Bee Management Technology. In the practical session, Dr Gopal Paliwal and his team demonstrated the bee keeping practically along with all the gadgets that they have brought with them. Students also practiced the techniques themselves. They satisfactorily answered all queries during this session.
In this workshop about 125 Post Graduate students of Zoology from different colleges of RTM Nagpur University participated.
As per the circular No./GA/06/S/ 1094 , dated 06.11.2006, P.G. Department of Zoology, R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur, celebrated 14th November 2006 as “National Biotechnology Day”.
On this occasion, a lecture and slide show was organized in the Departmental Lecture Hall. Dr. Rahul Chowdhary, a Wildlife Scientist and a Wildlife filmmaker who is presently working at Palamo Tiger Reserve, Bethla, Dist.-Daltengaunge, Jharkhand, delivered a talk on “Wildlife Conservation in India and South Africa”. Excellent films were screened which were filmed by him in various National Parks of India and South Africa, including Tadoba and Nagzira National Park in Vidarbha. He frequently appealed to the audience to work hard for the conservation of Nature and wildlife. He also elaborated on the life of tribals in the forest areas and various laws existing to protect the forests and wildlife.
Staff, students of the Department and students of other P.G. Departments from the university campus also attended the function.

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