is not. When posed a question by TOI, the Jugnauth flatly denied it being a tax haven, questioning as to from where one gets such information about his country. He is in the city for a two-day visit as a part of his private trip to the country.
On his tour, he said he keeps coming to India on friendly visits and likes to go to new places each time. He was on a similar visit in the years 2007 too when he visited Amritsar.
Though both the countries have extensive trade relations he was not here on a marketing trip, he said. However, he added that as a policy framed in the year 2003, Mauritian government is open for foreign citizens buying property in their country. "It is open for all not especially for Indians as such, though it may be noted, an Indian actor, brought property in our country," he said. Though Jugnauth could not remember the name exactly "he was some Farukh", he said as other prompted Shahrukh Khan, but he was not sure still.

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