too have mysteriously managed to give the dodge to local intelligence sleuths who are wanting to check their credentials. They have been missing since the last week or so.
Though the sleuths are divided on their opinion on the whereabouts of the foreigners, the missing persons have certainly triggered a debate in the intelligence circles especially as it has happened very close to the winter session of the state legislature beginning on Tuesday.
The two, whose names are not known to the sleuths though it's claimed they are Britons, were part of a small religious group that was heading to a sensitive location in the city. The cops has been keeping a close tab on the group but the two managed to slip away. It's not certain whether there were 13 or only 11 in the group.
Alert after the recent Headley episode left them red-faced, the intelligence sleuths in India are now more vigilant about the presence of foreigners. Pakistani-born US national Headley, who had been recently netted by FBI for his alleged involvement in plotting the 26/11, was in Mumbai for a recce of the targeted spots. "With the heightened security against possible terror operatives visiting Indian cities to select targets, foreign nationals are being closely scrutinized," a top source in the intelligence wing told TOI. "In fact, there are several foreigners in the city whose whereabouts we are trying to ascertain."
The foreigners were part of a close-knit group in which there were nationals from other countries too. All of them had apparently come from Delhi. According the sources, a person from Mumbai and Gujarat too had come with the group. "There were more than 10 persons in the group but the two mysteriously went missing within a day after we stared following them," said sources.
The foreigners, who were heard conversing fluently in Arabic and also English, came under the cops' vigil after being spotted smoking at a pan kiosk. It's here that the cops managed to capture the two on their cell phones.
Later the foreigners were also found moving around on the bike of a local. Intelligence sleuths managed to trace the registration number of the bike and questioned the owner who confirmed the identity of the two foreigners after seeing the clip. The owner claimed that the foreigners merely wanted to take a test ride on his trendy bike.
The special branch stepped in and questioned the religious group which denied that the two foreigners were with them. The intelligence wing and the special branch are hoping to find the answers at the earliest.

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