Tony Blair refused to express regret for overthrowing Saddam Hussein and told the Chilcot inquiry he would take the decision to invade Iraq again even knowing the dictator had no weapons of mass destruction.
During six tense hours in front of the inquiry into the war, the former prime minister also used his testimony repeatedly to urge world leaders to take military action against Iran, which he described as more dangerous than Iraq had been under Saddam.His confident delivery was interrupted only once by the audience, which included the relatives of British troops killed in Iraq, when he was asked to reflect on the fate of those who had died during the conflict.
But he did not stumble as he was asked whether he had any regrets over the war, saying: “Responsibility, but not a regret for removing Saddam Hussein. I believe he was a monster, that he threatened not just the region but the world.
“And in the circumstances that we faced then, but I think even if you look back now, it was better to deal with this threat, to remove him from office.”
In defiant and assured testimony, the former prime minister was clear that the Iraqi dictator had to be “got rid of” the moment the 9/11 attacks on the United States took place.
He made explicit that Britain was prepared from the outset to go to war without the support of the United Nations, but denied entering into a secret pact with President George W Bush to take military action a year before the 2003 invasion.
“This isn’t about a lie or a conspiracy or a deceit or a deception. It’s a decision,” he said.
“The decision I took – and frankly would take again – was if there was any possibility that he could develop weapons of mass destruction we should stop him. That was my view then and that is my view now. This is a profoundly wicked, I would say almost psychopathic, man.”
Mr Blair went on to deny deceiving Parliament and the public over the intelligence reports of WMD used to justify the war, saying: “I did believe it. And I did believe it frankly beyond doubt.”
Insisting that UN weapons inspections would have failed to find WMD, even if they had been given more time, he defended the decision to circumvent the Security Council and go to war without a specific mandate.
Muffled shouts from the protesters outside the building could be heard occasionally as Mr Blair spoke, and some relatives wept as he came to the end of his evidence.
Mr Blair told the hearing he considered the September 11 2001 atrocities to be an attack on Britain as well as the United States, changing his assessment of the risk from Saddam, and making “regime change” in Iraq virtually inevitable.
He said the fundamentalist terrorist attacks showed him that rogue states, including Iraq, could not be allowed to continue to defy the rest of the world, or potentially develop weapons of mass destruction.
Pushed on claims by Sir Christopher Meyer, the former British ambassador to the US, that a deal to invade Iraq was “signed in blood” between President Bush and Mr Blair at one-to-one talks at the Texas ranch in Crawford, he admitted that he told the American leader that Britain “would be with him”.
But, he added: “I don’t think Christopher Meyer was ever at the critical meeting. The position was not a covert position, it was an open position. The primary consideration for me was to send an absolutely powerful, clear and unremitting message that, after September 11, if you were a regime engaged in WMD, you had to stop.”
Mr Blair denied that he had deceived the country or Parliament about the reasons for going to war, or over Iraq’s ability to launch WMD. He defended his assertion in the notorious dossier of September 2002, which made the case for war, that the intelligence services had established “beyond doubt” that Saddam had WMD. “I did believe it and I did believe it was beyond doubt,” he said. “It was hard to come to any other conclusion than that this person is continuing WMD programmes.”
In one of his few expressions of regret, Mr Blair conceded that the claim that incorrect reports which suggested that Saddam could launch attacks on British targets at 45 minutes’ notice should have been put right.
He said: “It would have been better to have corrected it in the light of the significance it later took on.”
There were murmurs from the audience as Mr Blair brushed off a question about an interview he gave last year with Fern Britton, a daytime television presenter, in which he suggested that had he known that Saddam did not have WMD, he would have sought other grounds for invading. He smiled and said: “Even with all my experience in dealing with interviews, it still indicates that I have got something to learn about it.
“Obviously, all I was saying was you cannot describe the nature of the threat in the same way if we knew then what we know now. It was in no sense a change of position.”
The inquiry was told that Mr Blair had always wanted to act within the parameters of the UN but was aware from the start that this was unlikely to succeed.
He told how President Bush had agreed to his request to seek a Security Council resolution, which became 1441, and later battled to secure a second explicit mandate to go to war. “A second resolution was obviously going to make life a lot easier, politically and in every respect,” he said. In the month before the invasion, the negotiations to secure a second resolution failed because the French and Russians shifted position, he added.
An impassioned Mr Blair told the hearing: “Sometimes what is important is not to ask the March 2003 question, but to ask the 2010 question. Supposing we had backed off this military action, supposing we had left Saddam and his sons who were going to follow him in charge of Iraq – he had used chemical weapons, caused the death of over a million people.”
Mr Blair insisted that it was reasonable to argue that attacking Iraq was justified in international law, and denied putting pressure on Lord Goldsmith, then the attorney general, to endorse his view.
He said that if Lord Goldsmith had not given his approval, Britain would not have taken part in the attack.
“Anyone who knows Peter Goldsmith knows he would not have expressed that view unless he thought and believed it,” he said.
The former prime minister used his appearance to issue a clarion call to world leaders to take action against Iran. “My judgment – and it may be other people don’t take this view, and that’s for the leaders of today to make their judgment – is we don’t take any risks with this issue,” he said.
“My fear was – and I would say I hold this fear stronger today than I did back then as a result of what Iran particularly today is doing – my fear is that states that are highly repressive or failed, the danger of a WMD link is that they become porous, they construct all sorts of different alliances with people.
“When I look at the way that Iran today links up with terror groups ... I would say that a large part of the destabilisation in the Middle East at the present time comes from Iran.”
An “immense” amount of planning for dealing with post-war Iraq took place, but Britain failed to anticipate the disintegration of the state and the violence that followed, Mr Blair admitted.
“If we knew then what we know now, we would have done things differently. But for what we thought we were going to have, we had planned adequately,” he said.
Tony Blair's key quotes
- "This isn’t about a lie or a conspiracy or a deceit or a deception. It’s a decision. I had to take the decision. I believed, and in the end the Cabinet believed - so did Parliament incidentally - that we were right not to run that risk."
- "The decision I took - and frankly would take again - was if there was any possibility that he could develop weapons of mass destruction we should stop him. That was my view then and that is my view now."
- "This is a profoundly wicked, I would say almost psychopathic, man [Saddam Hussein]. We were obviously worried that after him his two sons seemed to be as bad, if not worse."
- "The point about those acts in New York is that, had they been able to kill more people than the 3,000, they would have. My view was you can't take risks with this issue."
- "Supposing we had backed off this military action, supposing we had left Saddam and his sons who were going to follow him in charge of Iraq - he had used chemical weapons, caused the death of over a million people.”
- On his claim in the dossier that Iraq possessed WMD: "What I said in the foreword was that I believed I was beyond doubt. I did believe it and I did believe that it was beyond doubt."

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