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nagpur :- A surgical route to diabetes cure

Obesity and diabetes mostly go hand in hand in a majority of cases. Thus treating obesity can be expected to cure diabetes but not vice-versa. Taking advantage of this, doctors in an emerging branch of medicine, bariatric or metabolic surgery have begun to take a surgical route to treat diabetes using two different types of procedures in some metros.

Following their footsteps, a city doctor too claims to have cured diabetes in 22 of 100 obese patients (with 27 to 32.5 body mass index or BMI) in last two and half years. He now plans to test these procedures on non-obese diabetic patients (with 27-32 BMI) as part of clinical trials. Dr Ahsan Badar, a bariatric surgeon who introduced bariatric surgery in city for reducing obesity two years back, is now using the procedure for treating diabetes. He is using both the conventional procedure called laparascopic sleeve gastrectomy which does not involve surgery and the other a combination of first and surgery. In the first, a major portion of the stomach pouch is stapled reducing its size to just 200 ml. The other is sleeve procedure and the duodenal switch, which involves surgical by-passing of a portion of duodenum, jejunum and ileum portions of the digestive system.

"For the first time, the duodenal switch procedure was performed on a patient in city at Dr Mahesh Fulwani`s hospital in Dhantoli about a month and half back. The 55-year-old hypertensive Nigerian woman was on 60 units of insulin per day. She was off insulin in seven days," Dr Badar told TOI. He will be presenting the case in a forthcoming clinical meeting. He claims that these procedures can bring patients on insulin off it and those on other medications for controlling blood sugar off them. It also cures diabetes high blood pressure in 60% patients and minimizes cholesterol levels in 95% patients thus reducing the incidence of heart attacks.

Dr Badar said that of the 22 persons whose diabetes was cured, 11 were cured using conventional stapling procedure while ten were cured using the gastric by-pass procedure and one through duodenal switch technique. "I believe that patients have the right to opt for surgery as a cure for diabetes. Except for sleeve procedures, the others have certain side effects like obstruction in absorption of calcium and vitamins by body which need to be taken care of by giving drugs," he said.

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