Nagpur University officials have 'deliberately' failed to clear the bills of Justice GG Loney panel, which probed the sensational roster scam, the biggest scandal after the infamous fake degree and revaluation in 'Kohchade' scam. Sources claim that officials indicted by the panel are responsible for the delay in sanctioning the bills.
TOI had reported on August 31 how NU's failure to clear bills had led to a delay in the probe.
However, on Monday, retired high court judge Loney, who recently submitted his report to vice chancellor Vilas Sapkal, confirmed that the bills were still pending, but refused to comment further.
TOI was the first to report on the roster scam on March 19, 2009, exposing how NU failed to verify its roster, resulting in illegal appointments being made for over four years. Subsequently, the government stopped all recruitment in NU. The newspaper had also reported how the roster was fudged by officials for their own benefit. Justice Loney had on Friday confirmed severe 'irregularities' in NU roster.
The Loney panel appointed by former VC SN Pathan to probe the irregularities in the NU roster took over an year to complete the probe. Assistant commissioner in Nagpur divisional commissioner's office Sujata Gandhe and deputy registrar with backward class cell in Mumbai University A Kadam were other members of the panel. It was actually meant to probe the scam within three months, but it suffered a setback when Gandhe resigned citing official reasons.
The apathy in the NU finance and accounts department regarding clearing bills of lodging, boarding and travelling expenses led to further delays. Despite many requests by the panel to Pathan, and later to officiating VC BV Gopala Reddy, the accounts department failed to clear many bills, a senior NU official revealed.
Justice Loney called up NU officials from his Amravati residence on Monday also, asking them to clear the bills pending since July last year, since the panel had completed its job now. Even Sapkal was informed about this issue and reportedly expressed concern over the same.
Though the VC could not be contacted, NU officials claimed that those nailed by the Loney panel for committing irregularities in the roster were apparently behind the bills not being cleared. "Those persons wanted to delay the probe as long as possible, to delay the imminent," he said.
TOI on Saturday reported how the state general administration department (GAD) team too had acknowledged that the roster had been tampered with, and there were discrepancies in the number of posts and actual recruitment, thus resulting in crores of loss to the exchequer in terms of salaries. Over 500 NU appointments, including those of heads of departments, deans, teachers and assistant registrars made after 2004 would stand cancelled if the roster was properly implemented.

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