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LIT director predicts 'sad' new year

The worsening condition of Nagpur University's once-prestigious Laxminarayan Institute of Technology (LIT) comes straight from the horse's mouth. In a New Year message to teachers, officiating director Suresh Gholse admitted that the institute, established as per D Laxminarayan's will, is going through a very difficult period since last 4-5 years due to inadequate staff.

A copy of Gholse's message, in possession of TOI, clearly states that the institute's infrastructure is way off the mark. Gholse also mentions the acute shortage of chemicals which is affecting the undergraduate practicals.

Moreover, the project work of undergraduate and postgraduate students is severely hampered. "The research work is not satisfactory," he remarked. He also revealed that research students had to purchase chemicals while adding that this year, teaching was drastically affected due to the ongoing renovation work.

Gholse sympathised with the overburdened teachers who had to restrict their research due to acute shortage of chemicals. He stated that under the circumstances, he is unable to encourage research in terms of ME or PhD for at least a year. He also called on teachers to encourage ME/PhD registrations.

Gholse, who took over from full-time director Rajiv Mankar last year, admitted that almost 50% of the teaching is done by retired faculty and contributory teachers. He announced that it will take at least a year for LIT to run smoothly.

Gholse however refused to take calls despite repeated attempts.


* Institute going through a tough time

* Acute chemical shortage

* Building & laboratories not maintained

* Research work not satisfactory

* Classroom teaching affected

* Students purchasing chemicals

* Teaching affected due to renovation work

* Read & contributory teachers doing work

* No ME/PhD research work for one year

* LIT will take at least one year to run smoothly

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