The Cabinet Committee on Infrastructure today approved the project for the development of four laning of 45.43 kms. long Nagpur - Wainganga Bridge section on National Highway-6 in Maharashtra under NHDP Phase III on Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Transfer (DBFOT) basis in BOT (Toll) mode of delivery.
The total project cost is estimated at Rs. 586.54 crore under DBFOT pattern. The concession period is 18 years including construction period of 30 months. The project is covered in the Districts of Nagpur and Bhandara in Maharashtra.
The main object of the project is to expedite the improvement of infrastructure in the state of Maharashtra. This project runs between Raipur and Nagpur and will reduce the time and cost of travel for commercial and other traffic plying between Raipur and Nagpur and provide road safety to the road users. It will also increase the employment potential for the local labourers.
Background :
The Cabinet has approved four/ six laning of 4000 Km of National Highways under NHDP Phase III-A on BOT basis in its meeting held in March.,2005. Subsequent approvals for additional stretches were granted in May, 2006, Oct.,2006 and April, 2007 for up-gradation under NHDP Phase III-A and III-B. The total length approved under NHDP Phase III-A and Phase III-B are 4815 Km and 7294 Km, respectively and, therefore, as such, the total length approved under NHDP Phase III(Phase III-A + III-B) is 12109 Km. The sub-project of Nagpur - Wainganga Bridge section is one of the approved stretches under the NHDP Phase III.
The total project cost is estimated at Rs. 586.54 crore under DBFOT pattern. The concession period is 18 years including construction period of 30 months. The project is covered in the Districts of Nagpur and Bhandara in Maharashtra.
The main object of the project is to expedite the improvement of infrastructure in the state of Maharashtra. This project runs between Raipur and Nagpur and will reduce the time and cost of travel for commercial and other traffic plying between Raipur and Nagpur and provide road safety to the road users. It will also increase the employment potential for the local labourers.
Background :
The Cabinet has approved four/ six laning of 4000 Km of National Highways under NHDP Phase III-A on BOT basis in its meeting held in March.,2005. Subsequent approvals for additional stretches were granted in May, 2006, Oct.,2006 and April, 2007 for up-gradation under NHDP Phase III-A and III-B. The total length approved under NHDP Phase III-A and Phase III-B are 4815 Km and 7294 Km, respectively and, therefore, as such, the total length approved under NHDP Phase III(Phase III-A + III-B) is 12109 Km. The sub-project of Nagpur - Wainganga Bridge section is one of the approved stretches under the NHDP Phase III.

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