Rtmnu Syllabus for 5th sem Aeronautical Engineering RTMNU SYLLABUS :- BE 5 TH SEMESTER ( IT) ENGINEERING | BE 5th semester IT syllabus of rtmnu
Digital communications: introduction, digital radio, digital amplitude modulation, frequency shift keying,phase shift keying, quadrature amplitude modulation, Bandwidth efficiency, carrier recovery, Clock Recovery
Unit 2:
Probability random variables & stochastic, processes, review of probability theory random variables, probability density & distribution function, random. Processes, periodic processes, stationary. Processes, auto correlation cross correlation applications to signal analysis
Unit 3:
Data communication: history & data communications circuits, data communication, error control, syncronization, data communications, hardware. Data ommunication protocols and networkconfiguration: open system interconnection, synchronous protocol.
Unit 4:
Digital transmission: PCM, differential pulse code modulation, pulse transmission, signal power in binary digital signals. Multiplexing: time division inultiplethg, T1digital carrier system. CCITT time-division. Multiplexed carrier system.
Unit 5:
Shannon limit for information theory, channel. Capacity &discrete & continuous channels, Error controls coding, Hamming distance, linear block codes, CRC. Convolution codes.
1.Advanced Electronic Communication System by Wayne Tomasi
2.Communication System Analog, Digital by R.P.Singh, S.D.Sapre.
3.Modern Digital '& Analog Communication System by B.P Lathi
4.Digital Communication by Simon Haykin
PRACTLCALS based on above syllabus.
Linear waveshaping RC, RL and RLC circuits, High pass, low pass circuits response to step, ramp and exponential input, compensated attenuator
Clipping and clamping circuits: Diode clippers, Zener diode, Clipper
Compensation for temp changes in diodes, Clamping operation with and without source and diode resistance, Clamping circuits theorem effect of diode characteristics.
Unit 3:
Basic Operational Amplifier circuits: -Differential amplifier stages current source, biasing, level shifting techniques, common mode & differential mode gains and impedance of differential stage, overload protection circuits, frequency response and compensation.
Comparator, sample & hold circuit: -basic concept of multivibrators using transistor. Design of bistable, monostable, astable multivibrator using OP Amplifier.
Unit 5:
Characteristics of ideal & nonideal operational amplifiers. Error in measurement of different parameters integrator & differentiator instrumentation amplifier, bridge amplifier, introduction to 555,565 & 723lCs
1. Microelectronics Jacob Millam, Mcgraw Hill Book.
2. Operational Amplifier And Applications By R. Gaikwad.
3. Op.Amp. Design And Appliction By Tobey, Gramme And Huel Soman,Mcgraw Hill, Kogakushe
4. Operational Amplifier By Roy & Chowdhary.
5. Pulse, Digital & Switching Waveform By Millman And Taub.
PRACTLCALS based on above syllabus.
Unit 1: -
Introduction: object oriented development, object oriented terms, object module, object & classes links and associations, generalization and inheritance, grouping constructs, a sample object module, Advance object
modeling; Aggregation, abstract classes, multiple inheritance, metadata, candidate keys, constraints.
Unit 2:
Dynamic modeling events & states, nested state diagrams, concurrency advance dynamic modeling concepts, a sample dynamic module, relation of objects & dynamic modules, functional models, data flow diagram, specifying operations, constraints, a sample functional module.
Unit 3:
Design methodology, overview of analysis, problem statement, ATM network, object modeling, various phases, dynamic modeling, various phases, adding operations, refining the object model, system design, overview, sub system, allocating subsystems, management of data stores, choosing software control,
implementation, handling boundary conditions, trade offs.
Object design, overview, designing algorithms, design Optimization, Optimization of control adjustment of inheritance, design of association, object representation, physical packaging, documenting, design decisions.
Comparison of methodo1ogies, information modeling notations, implementation programming languages, data base systems, object oriented style, reusability, extensibility, robustness.
1. Object Oriented Modeling and Design by James Rumbaugh, Michale Biaha, William Premerlani,
Frederick Eddy, William Lorerson, PHP, 1997
PRACTLCALS based on above syllabus
Unit 1: -
Introduction: object oriented development, object oriented terms, object module, object & classes links and associations, generalization and inheritance, grouping constructs, a sample object module, Advance object
modeling; Aggregation, abstract classes, multiple inheritance, metadata, candidate keys, constraints.
Unit 2:
Dynamic modeling events & states, nested state diagrams, concurrency advance dynamic modeling concepts, a sample dynamic module, relation of objects & dynamic modules, functional models, data flow diagram, specifying operations, constraints, a sample functional module.
Unit 3:
Design methodology, overview of analysis, problem statement, ATM network, object modeling, various phases, dynamic modeling, various phases, adding operations, refining the object model, system design, overview, sub system, allocating subsystems, management of data stores, choosing software control,
implementation, handling boundary conditions, trade offs.
Object design, overview, designing algorithms, design Optimization, Optimization of control adjustment of inheritance, design of association, object representation, physical packaging, documenting, design decisions.
Comparison of methodo1ogies, information modeling notations, implementation programming languages, data base systems, object oriented style, reusability, extensibility, robustness.
1. Object Oriented Modeling and Design by James Rumbaugh, Michale Biaha, William Premerlani, Frederick Eddy, William Lorerson, PHP, 1997
PRACTLCALS based on above syllabus
Unit 1:
Geometry and line generation: points, lines, planes, pixels and frame buffers, types of display devices, DDA and bresenham's line algorithms, bresenham's algorithm for circle generation, algorithm for ellipse generation, aliasing and antialiasing.
Unit 2:
Graphics primitives: display files, algorithms for polygon generation, polygon filling algorithms, NDC (normalized device co-ordinates), pattern filling, 2D transformations: scaling, rotation, translation, rotation about arbitrary points reflections, zooming.
Unit 3:
Segment tables: operations on segments, data structures for segments and display files, windowing and clipping: window, viewport, viewing transformations, clipping, line and polygon clipping.
3D graphics: 3D primitives, projections, parallel, perspective, isometric, viewing transformations, hidden surfaces and line removal, painter's algorithm, Z -buffers, warnocks algorithm.
Unit 5:
Curves and surfaces: sweeping method of interpolation, Raster graphics architecture: simple raster-display systems, display processor system, standard graphics pipeline.
1. Procedural elements for computer graphics by David F. rogers, McGraw Hill
2. Computer graphics principle and practice by Foley, Vandam,Feiner& Huges-Addison Wesley.
3. Principles of interactive computer graphics by Newman & Sproul.
4. Mathematical elements for computer graphics by David F. rogers & Adams
Unit 1:
Concept of management and administration, management process, management as a profession, task and responsibilities for a professional manager and managerial skill required for a professional manager, modern approach.
Unit 2:
Function of management: outline and significance of planning, decision-making, directing, motivating, coordination, communication, time management.
Unit 3:
Financial management: financial statement, ratio analysis, budgets, organization and working of Indian capital market.
Unit 4:
Meaning, nature and scope of HRM: human resource planning, procurement and development of human resources (HR), organizational behavior, organizational change and development, quality of working life, management of stream, conflict, counseling.
Unit 5:
Materials management: meaning, nature and scope of materials management, inventory control-E.O.Q. and ABC analysis, store keeping and purchasing, outline of ISO 9000 & ISO 14000. Marketing management: nature and scope of marketing management, marketing concepts, market research, market segmentation,
consumer behavior & advertisement.
1. Principles of Management by Kuntooz, O'Donnell.
2. Principles of Management by P.C. Tripathi & P.N. Reddy,TMH Pub.
3. Financial Management by Chandra.
4. Human Resource Development Management by A.M. Sheikh.
5. Integrated Material Management by A.K. Mitra.
6. Marketing Management by Philipkatker,Ramaswami.
Unit 1:Digital communications: introduction, digital radio, digital amplitude modulation, frequency shift keying,phase shift keying, quadrature amplitude modulation, Bandwidth efficiency, carrier recovery, Clock Recovery
Unit 2:
Probability random variables & stochastic, processes, review of probability theory random variables, probability density & distribution function, random. Processes, periodic processes, stationary. Processes, auto correlation cross correlation applications to signal analysis
Unit 3:
Data communication: history & data communications circuits, data communication, error control, syncronization, data communications, hardware. Data ommunication protocols and networkconfiguration: open system interconnection, synchronous protocol.
Unit 4:
Digital transmission: PCM, differential pulse code modulation, pulse transmission, signal power in binary digital signals. Multiplexing: time division inultiplethg, T1digital carrier system. CCITT time-division. Multiplexed carrier system.
Unit 5:
Shannon limit for information theory, channel. Capacity &discrete & continuous channels, Error controls coding, Hamming distance, linear block codes, CRC. Convolution codes.
1.Advanced Electronic Communication System by Wayne Tomasi
2.Communication System Analog, Digital by R.P.Singh, S.D.Sapre.
3.Modern Digital '& Analog Communication System by B.P Lathi
4.Digital Communication by Simon Haykin
PRACTLCALS based on above syllabus.
Linear waveshaping RC, RL and RLC circuits, High pass, low pass circuits response to step, ramp and exponential input, compensated attenuator
Clipping and clamping circuits: Diode clippers, Zener diode, Clipper
Compensation for temp changes in diodes, Clamping operation with and without source and diode resistance, Clamping circuits theorem effect of diode characteristics.
Unit 3:
Basic Operational Amplifier circuits: -Differential amplifier stages current source, biasing, level shifting techniques, common mode & differential mode gains and impedance of differential stage, overload protection circuits, frequency response and compensation.
Comparator, sample & hold circuit: -basic concept of multivibrators using transistor. Design of bistable, monostable, astable multivibrator using OP Amplifier.
Unit 5:
Characteristics of ideal & nonideal operational amplifiers. Error in measurement of different parameters integrator & differentiator instrumentation amplifier, bridge amplifier, introduction to 555,565 & 723lCs
1. Microelectronics Jacob Millam, Mcgraw Hill Book.
2. Operational Amplifier And Applications By R. Gaikwad.
3. Op.Amp. Design And Appliction By Tobey, Gramme And Huel Soman,Mcgraw Hill, Kogakushe
4. Operational Amplifier By Roy & Chowdhary.
5. Pulse, Digital & Switching Waveform By Millman And Taub.
PRACTLCALS based on above syllabus.
Unit 1: -
Introduction: object oriented development, object oriented terms, object module, object & classes links and associations, generalization and inheritance, grouping constructs, a sample object module, Advance object
modeling; Aggregation, abstract classes, multiple inheritance, metadata, candidate keys, constraints.
Unit 2:
Dynamic modeling events & states, nested state diagrams, concurrency advance dynamic modeling concepts, a sample dynamic module, relation of objects & dynamic modules, functional models, data flow diagram, specifying operations, constraints, a sample functional module.
Unit 3:
Design methodology, overview of analysis, problem statement, ATM network, object modeling, various phases, dynamic modeling, various phases, adding operations, refining the object model, system design, overview, sub system, allocating subsystems, management of data stores, choosing software control,
implementation, handling boundary conditions, trade offs.
Object design, overview, designing algorithms, design Optimization, Optimization of control adjustment of inheritance, design of association, object representation, physical packaging, documenting, design decisions.
Comparison of methodo1ogies, information modeling notations, implementation programming languages, data base systems, object oriented style, reusability, extensibility, robustness.
1. Object Oriented Modeling and Design by James Rumbaugh, Michale Biaha, William Premerlani,
Frederick Eddy, William Lorerson, PHP, 1997
PRACTLCALS based on above syllabus
Unit 1: -
Introduction: object oriented development, object oriented terms, object module, object & classes links and associations, generalization and inheritance, grouping constructs, a sample object module, Advance object
modeling; Aggregation, abstract classes, multiple inheritance, metadata, candidate keys, constraints.
Unit 2:
Dynamic modeling events & states, nested state diagrams, concurrency advance dynamic modeling concepts, a sample dynamic module, relation of objects & dynamic modules, functional models, data flow diagram, specifying operations, constraints, a sample functional module.
Unit 3:
Design methodology, overview of analysis, problem statement, ATM network, object modeling, various phases, dynamic modeling, various phases, adding operations, refining the object model, system design, overview, sub system, allocating subsystems, management of data stores, choosing software control,
implementation, handling boundary conditions, trade offs.
Object design, overview, designing algorithms, design Optimization, Optimization of control adjustment of inheritance, design of association, object representation, physical packaging, documenting, design decisions.
Comparison of methodo1ogies, information modeling notations, implementation programming languages, data base systems, object oriented style, reusability, extensibility, robustness.
1. Object Oriented Modeling and Design by James Rumbaugh, Michale Biaha, William Premerlani, Frederick Eddy, William Lorerson, PHP, 1997
PRACTLCALS based on above syllabus
5IT-33 Computer Graphics
Unit 1:
Geometry and line generation: points, lines, planes, pixels and frame buffers, types of display devices, DDA and bresenham's line algorithms, bresenham's algorithm for circle generation, algorithm for ellipse generation, aliasing and antialiasing.
Unit 2:
Graphics primitives: display files, algorithms for polygon generation, polygon filling algorithms, NDC (normalized device co-ordinates), pattern filling, 2D transformations: scaling, rotation, translation, rotation about arbitrary points reflections, zooming.
Unit 3:
Segment tables: operations on segments, data structures for segments and display files, windowing and clipping: window, viewport, viewing transformations, clipping, line and polygon clipping.
3D graphics: 3D primitives, projections, parallel, perspective, isometric, viewing transformations, hidden surfaces and line removal, painter's algorithm, Z -buffers, warnocks algorithm.
Unit 5:
Curves and surfaces: sweeping method of interpolation, Raster graphics architecture: simple raster-display systems, display processor system, standard graphics pipeline.
1. Procedural elements for computer graphics by David F. rogers, McGraw Hill
2. Computer graphics principle and practice by Foley, Vandam,Feiner& Huges-Addison Wesley.
3. Principles of interactive computer graphics by Newman & Sproul.
4. Mathematical elements for computer graphics by David F. rogers & Adams
5IT-34 Principles of management
Unit 1:
Concept of management and administration, management process, management as a profession, task and responsibilities for a professional manager and managerial skill required for a professional manager, modern approach.
Unit 2:
Function of management: outline and significance of planning, decision-making, directing, motivating, coordination, communication, time management.
Unit 3:
Financial management: financial statement, ratio analysis, budgets, organization and working of Indian capital market.
Unit 4:
Meaning, nature and scope of HRM: human resource planning, procurement and development of human resources (HR), organizational behavior, organizational change and development, quality of working life, management of stream, conflict, counseling.
Unit 5:
Materials management: meaning, nature and scope of materials management, inventory control-E.O.Q. and ABC analysis, store keeping and purchasing, outline of ISO 9000 & ISO 14000. Marketing management: nature and scope of marketing management, marketing concepts, market research, market segmentation,
consumer behavior & advertisement.
Reference books for BE 5th semester IT
1. Principles of Management by Kuntooz, O'Donnell.
2. Principles of Management by P.C. Tripathi & P.N. Reddy,TMH Pub.
3. Financial Management by Chandra.
4. Human Resource Development Management by A.M. Sheikh.
5. Integrated Material Management by A.K. Mitra.
6. Marketing Management by Philipkatker,Ramaswami.

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