Nagpur Metro - Nagpur Metro & IIT Bombay ropes for smooth ride : Banking on the experience of IIT Bombay, Nagpur Metro along with the premier Institute for consultancy on an advanced project management system.
Nagpur Metro is in the process of acquiring the digital platform that uses 5 d building information management (BIM) tools to integrate the parts of the whole project, even before the on-site execution begins.
The main goal is to stick to timelines, focus on cost and maintain timely execution as well as regular checks and balances, Sumant Deulkar, Joint General Manager of Metro, said today in Nagpur.
This is a first for the country where such an advanced management tool will be used for the implementation of the project.
"A German team visited Nagpur Metro recently, which has expressed interest in offering technical information on this 5 D BIM system. Similar discussions were held with the us and other consultants rather ... L & T Infotech has also showed interest in offering such IT platform to Nagpur Metro, "said Mr. Deulkar.
Managing Director Brijesh Dixit recently visited IIT-B to thrash out details.
The consultancy includes review bid document, assessment of potential service providers, assistance in the assessment of tenders and course of negotiations and termination of the contract the digital platform to offer, added Mr Deulkar.

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