Semester –IV
Paper 1: Specialisation – I: Paper- IV
Paper 2: Specialisation – I: Paper- V
Paper 3: Specialisation – I: Paper- VI
Paper 4: Specialisation – II: Paper- IV
Paper 5: Specialisation – II: Paper- V
Paper 6: Specialisation –II: Paper- VI
Project Work (From the Specialisation Subjects offered)
Guidelines for Project Work
Every student will be assigned a project at the end of the Third Semester and it will be pursued by
him/her under the supervision of an internal supervisor The objective of the Project Course is to help the
student develop his/her ability to apply multi-disciplinary concepts, tools and techniques to solve
organizational problems and/or to evolve new/innovative theoretical frame work.
Type of Project
The Project may take any one of the following forms:
i) Comprehensive case study (covering single organization/multifunctional area problem, formulation,
analysis and recommendations)
ii) Inter-organisational study aimed at inter-organisational comparison/ validation of theory/survey of
management services.
Evolution of any new conceptual / theoretical framework.
Field study (Empirical study).
Software analysis, Design and solutions for organisational achievement ( Applicable to IT)
Selection of Project Topic:
o Project topic has to be selected with respect to the programme of study and area elected by the
o Title of the project should clearly specify the objective and scope of the study. It should be specific
and neither too vague nor centralistic. The topics should be designed meticulously. It can be designed
like “Employee Welfare Measures” – A case study of XYZ Ltd.
o Project selection has to be made in consultation with the supervisor who will act as a Project guide for
the student.
Scope of Work
The student is expected to carry out following activities in the project:
Prepare a synopsis and get it approved by the supervisor as assigned by the respective Institutes.
Undertake a detailed literature survey on the subject matter.
Make relevant data collection/observation.
Consult experts of the field.
Visit related organizations/institutions/industries.
Compile data in proper format.
Make proper conclusion/recommendations.
Prepare a Project Report.
The volume of the project-report should be ranging from 80-120 pages.
Obtain approval of Project Report by project guide
Submit four copies hard copies and one soft copy of the Project Report at the Institute, which shall
forward it to the University.
Submission of the Project Report shall be prior to the date of the commencement of the Examinations
for the Fourth Semester.
The date of the submission of the project report will be communicated to the Institutes by the
General Format of the Report
The project report should preferably be written in the following format:
Executive Summary
Introduction to topic
Research Methodology
Analysis and Findings of the study
Conclusions and Recommendations of the study
Appendices – to include questionnaire, if any
Examination and Evaluation
Project is to be treated as a paper of study of the Fourth semester comprising of 200 marks. The external
assessment shall be done on the basis of the project report and Viva Voce. The student shall be required
to make a Presentation & appear for a Viva Voce to the External Supervisor who would be appointed by
the University.
The Project shall be evaluated by an External faculty for 200 marks and of which 100 marks will be
allocated to the Written Report Content and Presentation and 100 marks for Presentation, Viva Voce and
Open Defense.
The evaluation shall be made by the examiner on the following criteria:
For Written Report:
Relevance of topic and the study undertaken
Theoretical depth and support
Quality of work undertaken
Preparation of Project Report
For Presentation, Open Defense and Viva Voce:
Overall Personality And Presentation Skills
Open Defense & Viva-Voce

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