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Sharp decline in traffic violations cases

Registration of traffic violation cases has witnessed a sharp decline recently. Interestingly, it is not because vehicle users have
started obeying traffic rules and regulations, but it is due to the ensuing state assembly elections on October 13. Sources said that most cops are busy manning the traffic for politicians engaged in election campaigning by conducting rallies or election meetings.

A senior police official attached to the traffic police told TOI that the department was anyway facing a shortage of manpower, and now many cops are engaged in election duty. "Since the names of candidates were finalised, half of the 350 cops in the department have been deployed for election duties, including manning of political rallies in busy and congested areas," said the police official.

He, however, said that since the opening of two new traffic zones, there had been a steep rise in number of persons booked for traffic violation cases. In fact, every day around 1,000 persons used to land in police net for violating traffic norms, he said. Signal jumping was the most common crime committed by vehicle users. "Be it rush hour or any other hour, it is not uncommon to find two-wheelers and even four-wheelers jumping signals. Since August, registration of cases has shot up," he admitted.

The police officials said that as the election date is fast approaching registration of traffic violation cases has started declining. On October 6, only 883 traffic violation cases were registered. Statistics from the traffic department (south zone), which earlier used to register maximum cases, also show a sharp decline in violations. Most cops from this division are busy in manning the convoys of political bigwigs, union ministers and the chief minister.

On October 6, the traffic cops here penalised only 145 persons for not abiding by the traffic norms. On the same day, Indora zone recorded 112 traffic violations, west zone recorded 147, MIDC 179, North 172 and East zone recorded 128.

Interestingly, the city cops have also relaxed their campaign against drunk and drive cases. Earlier, the cops used to book at least 100 persons daily across the city for driving under the influence of liquor. However, on October 6, the cops caught just 27 persons for mixing alcohol with driving.

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